Even though holiday decorations started showing up in stores months ago, there are a few things that really symbolize the true beginning of the season for me. The constant Christmas music on the radio, the decorative lights beginning to appear on houses in the neighborhood and seeing cars driving down the highway with a tree strapped to the top are just a few.
But, when walking in the mall, I always know that the season is growing near when Build-A-Bear Workshop begins to display their increasingly adorable holiday collection of furry friends.

"Hi, my name's Clarice. I think you're cute," she would say, only to be following by his response of, "I'm cute! I'm cute! She said I'm cuuuuute!" which would make Big Sister E turn and look at me in laughter and surprise. From that initial meeting and entertainment, the girls and their reindeer have been friends ever since.
For kids, Build-A-Bear Workshop also has

Plus, to take the fun with you on the go, the Build-A-Bear app for the iPhone, iTouch and iPad will bring you special offers and info on the latest furry friends while giving you (or your child) access to Build-A-Bearville whenever and wherever you are. Best of all, it's free!

Thanks to the generosity of Build-A-Bear Workshop, one person will have the opportunity to pick their favorite soft character online or in-store, because...
One lucky person will win a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear
Workshop (in-store or online)!
Workshop (in-store or online)!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you head over to A Mom's Balancing Act and enter to win a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop over there as well!
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you sign up for the Build-A-Bear Workshop email newsletter, follow them on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Build-A-Bear Workshop is perfect for the holidays! I just entered to win a $25 gift card at Thanks, Mail Carrier! http://bit.ly/f4vVKS
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the Holiday Gift Guide giveaways (Checking Our List giveaways ONLY) running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
Checking Our List 21: #WIN a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop! Kids ♥ @buildabear! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/f4vVKS #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you have our Checking Our List {Holiday Gift Guide 2010} button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Build-A-Bear Workshop. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on December 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Build-A-Bear Workshop for providing Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and Clarice for me to review as well as a $25 gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 926 Newer› Newest»I follow via google friend connect #1
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I follow via google friend connect #2
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email #1
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email #2
jackievillano at gmail dot com
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/8762877263482880
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/8894032356839425
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
I love the Darth Vader
follow you on facebook entry 1
follow you on facebook entry 2
subscribed to build a bear newsletter
follow build a bear on facebook: carolyn gonzalez
follow build a bear on twitter: carogonza
i would get another endless hug bear my oldest 2 already have their own my baby girl feels left out
Today's tweet
My son would die if he had Darth Vader Dimples Teddy!
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/9114497327300608
I'm loving Bumble right now!
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/9240607406956544
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
I like the Husky.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I entered the giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
Today's tweet
Visited the BaB website. We'd definitely add a Bumble to our collection this year, should we win.
readingtoknow (at) gmail (dot) com
Also entered the contest over at A Mom's Balancing Act for my extra entry.
readingtoknow (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Hello Kitty.
Follow GFC #1
Follow GFC #2
I like the 17-inch shaggy pup.
racheldawn24 at yahoo dot com
I like Up to Snow Good Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster. We have so many of these furry friends, and Build A Bear is great about coming out with new items! kimbarsness(at)yahoo(dot)com
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/9481374570389504
i like the panda bear!
entered moms balancing act giveaway
like build a bear on fb- Jennifer kimberly
posted message to build a bear
posted to blog
entry 1
posted to blog
entry 2
posted to blog
entry 3
Today's tweet
Bumble the Abominable Snowmonster is my favorite character!
I follow Build a Bear on Twitter as Qtpies7.
I'm a build a bear fan on FB as Lisa Pederson
I commented: http://www.facebook.com/Buildabear/posts/162823130425392
I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway.
I entered the Epson picturemate giveaway,
follow you and tweeted: http://twitter.com/Qtpies7/status/9610843784216576
I subscribe on bloglines. 1
I subscribe on bloglines. 2
I'm an email subscriber. 1
I'm an email subscriber. 2
I'm a FB fan, Lisa P. 1
I'm a FB fan, Lisa P. 2
Your cute button is on my blog, right colomn. www.qtpies7.com #2
I posted your Checking Our List button on my blog, right column. www.qtpies7.com #2
My favorite is Bumble the Abominable Snowman.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
follow Build a Bear on twitter @5memb
monster6236 at gmail dot com
follow and tweet http://twitter.com/5memb/status/9648052088340480
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the Epson giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the ATG Giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the CSN giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the Hayneedle giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/9689903105318913
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
I like the happy hugs teddy
entered epson picturemate
entered my pillow pets
entered atg stores
entered wind and weather chair swing
entered maxi cosi
entered hayneedle
11/30 tweet
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/9845655614791680
My favorite is the "Brown Sugar Puppy".
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/9970810903068672
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
Today's tweet
I like the 17 in. Tropical Hello Kitty.
Sleepytime Velvety Teddy
12/1 tweet
Entered Epson
Entered Melissa & Doug / Gummy Lump
Entered Summer Infant Monitor
Entered: Magic Cabin
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/10209002029842432
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/10345807530168320
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
entered Umi shoes giveaway
I love Panda Bear
tomokofive AT gmail DOT com
Today's tweet
12/2 tweet
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/10539769490571264
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/10691108610772992
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
I love Bumble the abdomible snowman.
entered at A Mom's Balancing Act
subscribe to B-A-B email newsletter
fb fan of Build a Bear
left message on Build a Bear fb wall
samantha @ yeldarb.com
google friend #1
google friend #2
rss #1
rss #2
email #2
samantha @yeldarb.com
fb fan #1
fb fan #2
entered holiday giveaway #20
entered holiday giveaway #19
entered holiday giveaway #14
entered holiday giveaway #13
entered holiday giveaway #10
I absolutely did not know they had Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster®. He is my all time favorite!
I follow build a bear on twitter @manthas24
Follow TMC on Twitter @manthas24
Tweet http://twitter.com/manthas24/status/10772841226043392
1 Follow TMC with GFC
2 Follow TMC with GFC
1 Like TMC on FB
2 Like TMC on FB
1 Subscribe to TMC Feed via google reader
2 Subscribe to TMC Feed via google reader
I entered for the Umi
I entered for the Blablas Basic Bunny
I entered for the Gourmet Gift Basket
I entered for the Crafty Kids
I entered for the Eat Smart
I entered for the Rody Horse
I entered for the Aeromax
I entered for the Hayneedle
I entered for the Brugo Mug
I entered for the Maxi Cosi
I entered for the Gifted Imaginations
I entered for the CSN
I entered for the Tillamook
entered for the Wind & Weather
I entered for the ATG
I entered for the Eco Cupcake
I entered for the MilliLee
I entered for the My Pillow Pets
I entered for the A closet of her own
I entered for the Alphabet Photography
I entered for the Slim & Secure
I entered for the Mellissa & Doug
I entered for the Epson
I entered for the Ergo Baby
Entered the Alphabet Photography giveaway
12/3 tweet http://twitter.com/Just_Coupons/status/10851968159326208
Today's tweet http://twitter.com/#!/rsj2000mrs/status/10868333364649984
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/10919554255425536
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/11061362960637953
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
Today's tweet
entered checking our list #24
entered checking our list #25
we love rudolph best! Jenprincess88 at yahoo dot com
google reader
reader 2
gfc 2
ent @ moms balancing
fb fan 2
ent maxi cosi
ent magic cabin
ent crafty kids
ent gourmet baskets
ent UMI
ent curious chef
entered Curious Chef giveaway
i love the marble monkey
i signed up for the build a bear newsletter
i follow build a bear on twitter (@jlloyd9105)
i like build a bear on facebook (jenny lloyd)
i wrote on build a bear's facebook wall (jenny lloyd)
i wrote on build a bear's facebook wall (jenny lloyd)
i entered checking our list csn gift certificate
i entered checking our list gifted imagination
i entered checking our list maxi-cosi stroller
i entered checking our list brugo mug giveaway
i entered checking our list rody giveaway
i follow you on twitter (@jlloyd9105)
tweet - https://twitter.com/jlloyd9105/status/11171522521595904
12/4 tweet
1-google friend connect follower
2-google friend connect follower
1-email subscriber
2-email subscriber
1-facebook fan (jenny lloyd)
2-facebook fan (jenny lloyd)
button 2
button 3
checking our list button 1
checking our list button 3
I like Frosty the Snowman.
I entered the giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act.
I like BAB on FB.
tweet http://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/11278166937047041
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/atticgirl76/status/11418979776077824
donnyandshelly aty ahoo dot com
I like the Abominable Snowman.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Entered the Build-A-Bear giveaway at Mom's Balancing Act.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
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