Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Checking Our List #21: Build-A-Bear Workshop Rudolph & Clarice {Review & $25 Gift Certificate Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Busy Working Mama!}

Even though holiday decorations started showing up in stores months ago, there are a few things that really symbolize the true beginning of the season for me. The constant Christmas music on the radio, the decorative lights beginning to appear on houses in the neighborhood and seeing cars driving down the highway with a tree strapped to the top are just a few.

But, when walking in the mall, I always know that the season is growing near when Build-A-Bear Workshop begins to display their increasingly adorable holiday collection of furry friends.

This year, Build-A-Bear Workshop has increased their level of cuteness even more with the Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Collection including a whole line of various fun friends and accessories. And the main stars of the show this year are none other than Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer himself and his love interest, Clarice.
Considering that Big Sister E and Little Sister B had no prior experience with Build-A-Bear Workshop, there was definite excitement in the air when Rudolph and Clarice arrived here recently. From the iconic boxes that double as houses to the soft, plush characters themselves, there were smiles all around as these new Christmas pals were unveiled.

Standing 18" tall, these reindeer aren't just cute and extremely soft, they light up and recite lines from the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer movie. In fact, while Big Sister E and Little Sister B were pressing on the ears of their new friends to make them talk, there were quite a few times that Rudolph and Clarice seemed to actually be interacting with each other.

"Hi, my name's Clarice. I think you're cute," she would say, only to be following by his response of, "I'm cute! I'm cute! She said I'm cuuuuute!" which would make Big Sister E turn and look at me in laughter and surprise. From that initial meeting and entertainment, the girls and their reindeer have been friends ever since.

Although Build-A-Bear Workshop is known for being a wonderful store to visit and create your custom furry buddy, the website is a great place to head to when you need a gift or want to have some fun as well. Shopping by occasion, recipient, great value gifts and so much more allows you to find just the right high quality animal each time... or cute accessories to add to previously purchased ones.

For kids, Build-A-Bear Workshop also has Build-A-Bearville, a safe online environment for kids to personalize a character, interact with other kids around the world, play games and earn points to buy virtual things and more.

Plus, to take the fun with you on the go, the Build-A-Bear app for the iPhone, iTouch and iPad will bring you special offers and info on the latest furry friends while giving you (or your child) access to Build-A-Bearville whenever and wherever you are. Best of all, it's free!

This holiday season, surprise the young (or old) Build-A-Bear Workshop fans in your life with the addition of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Clarice and more pals and accessories that are sure to please. With options to add personalization, sound, a birth certificate and more, there is a new stuffed animal friend to bring home to fit a large or small budget and go perfectly under the tree.

Thanks to the generosity of Build-A-Bear Workshop, one person will have the opportunity to pick their favorite soft character online or in-store, because...

One lucky person will win a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear
Workshop (in-store or online)!

To enter to win: Visit Build-A-Bear Workshop and tell me the name of one of your favorite furry friends.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you head over to A Mom's Balancing Act and enter to win a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop over there as well!
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you sign up for the Build-A-Bear Workshop email newsletter, follow them on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Build-A-Bear Workshop is perfect for the holidays! I just entered to win a $25 gift card at Thanks, Mail Carrier!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the Holiday Gift Guide giveaways (Checking Our List giveaways ONLY) running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Checking Our List 21: #WIN a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop! Kids ♥ @buildabear! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you have our Checking Our List {Holiday Gift Guide 2010} button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Build-A-Bear Workshop. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on December 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Build-A-Bear Workshop for providing Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and Clarice for me to review as well as a $25 gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Jenny said... 1

My daughter just walked by and said, "why are you looking at Build A Bear?" LOL!

She likes the Keroppi Frog.

Renee said... 2

I love the Darth Vader Dimples Teddy, my sister is a Star Wars junkie and I am sure her son will be too. What a great way to get him started early. LOL

CrazyLittleB_tch said... 3

I like the 15in endless hug teddy. Pretty girlie colors and she looks so soft!
I already follow you on twitter, FB and blogger
I have your button on my site

Unknown said... 4

I like the 16 in. cool kitty!

Unknown said... 5

I entered the build a bear giftcard giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act!

Sofia's Ideas said... 6

I love the 17 in. Tropical Hello Kitty!

sofias (dot) ideas (at) gmail (dot) com

Sofia's Ideas said... 7

Already a GFC friend!

sofias (dot) ideas (at) gmail (dot) com

Sofia's Ideas said... 8

Already a GFC friend!

sofias (dot) ideas (at) gmail (dot) com

Sofia's Ideas said... 9

Already subscribe via Google Reader!

sofias (dot) ideas (at) gmail (dot) com

Sofia's Ideas said... 10

Already subscribe via Google Reader!

sofias (dot) ideas (at) gmail (dot) com

Unschooler said... 11

Build-A-Bear Workshop is perfect for the holidays! I just entered to win a $25 gift card at Thanks, Mail Carrier!

The Dreamer said... 12

my son loves the santa husky

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

The Dreamer said... 13


addeviant006 at gmail dot com

The Dreamer said... 14

follow 2

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

Lisa Noel said... 15

14 in. Mr. Baseball is my favorite

Lisa Noel said... 16

head over to A Mom's Balancing Act and enter to win a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop over there as well!

Lisa Noel said... 17

Like them on Facebook

Lisa Noel said... 18

ollow them on Twitter

Lisa Noel said... 19

Lisa Noel said... 20

Google Friend Connect 1

Lisa Noel said... 21

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Lisa Noel said... 22

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Lisa Noel said... 23

subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email 2

Lisa Noel said... 24

become a fan on Facebook.1

Lisa Noel said... 25

become a fan on Facebook.2

wigget said... 26

i like the 16 in. Golden Retriever

wigget said... 27

subscriber 2

wigget said... 28

Signed up for the Build-A-Bear Workshop Email Newsletter

wigget said... 29

Entered the Build-A-Bear Workshop $25 GC Giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act

J.E. said... 30

I would love to have the 17 in. Tropical Hello Kitty for my daughter!


J.E. said... 31

I signed up for the Build-A-Bear Workshop email newsletter.


J.E. said... 32

I follow them on twitter- @jmeelle


J.E. said... 33

I like Buld A Bear on fB- jemme elle


J.E. said... 34

I left the mssg on their fB wall- jemme elle


J.E. said... 35

I entered Checking Our List #1 Little Tikes giveaway.


J.E. said... 36

I entered Checking Our List #3 Camcorder giveaway.


J.E. said... 37

I entered Checking Our List #4 Baking Set giveaway.


J.E. said... 38

I follow you on twitter~!/jmeelle/status/7500976730669056

J.E. said... 39

GFC follower

J.E. said... 40

GFC follower

J.E. said... 41

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J.E. said... 42

I'm an e-mail subscriber

J.E. said... 43

fB fan {jemme elle}

J.E. said... 44

fB fan {jemme elle}

J.E. said... 45

I have your button~

J.E. said... 46

I have your button~

J.E. said... 47

I have your button~

J.E. said... 48

I have your Checking Our List {Holiday Gift Guide 2010} button~

J.E. said... 49

I have your Checking Our List {Holiday Gift Guide 2010} button~

dannyscotland said... 50

This is hard, but I think I like the River Otter.

dannyscotland said... 51

I entered at A Mom's Balancing Act!

dannyscotland said... 52

I liked Build a Bear on Twitter

dannyscotland said... 53

I liked them on facebook

dannyscotland said... 54

I left the comment on their wall, kathy s.

dannyscotland said... 55

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!/dannyscotland/status/7509003399598080

dannyscotland said... 56

I follow on google friend

dannyscotland said... 57

I'm a facebook fan

dannyscotland said... 58

I'm a facebook fan, entry 2

dannyscotland said... 59

Your button is on my blog at daydreaming of cloth diapers dot blogspot dot com

dannyscotland said... 60

Your button is on my blog at daydreaming of cloth diapers dot blogspot dot com, entry 2

dannyscotland said... 61

Your button is on my blog at daydreaming of cloth diapers dot blogspot dot com, entry 3

Christina said... 62

Our favorite is the Endless Hugs Teddy...we are a sucker for pink in this house :)

grahamcrackerbabykisses at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 63

I like the panda.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 64

Follow Build a bear on Twitter; rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Christina said... 65

Entered at A Mom's Balancing Act :)

grahamcrackerbabykisses at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 66

Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 67

Like you on FB: Rebecca Honey Graham

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 68

Like you on FB: Rebecca Honey Graham

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

JC said... 69

I like Santa Bearemy
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said... 70

entered buidl a bear giveaway at A Mom's Balancing Act

JC said... 71

Build-A-Bear Workshop email newsletter subscriber

JC said... 72

follow them on Twitter @tcarolinep

JC said... 73

follow them on FB @tcarolinep JessieKatie s

JC said... 74

commented on their wall@tcarolinep JessieKatie s

JC said... 75

JC said... 76

gfc follower

JC said... 77

rss subscriber

JC said... 78

rss subscriber

JC said... 79

email subscriber

JC said... 80

FB fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie s

JC said... 81

FB fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie s

JC said... 82


JC said... 83


JC said... 84


Just Coupons said... 85

Snow Hugs Teddy is so cute

Just Coupons said... 86

I entered to win the build a bear card at A Mom's Balancing Act

Just Coupons said... 87

I like Build A Bear on facebook (fb name Just Coupons)

Just Coupons said... 88

TMC email subscriber

forever&andalways said... 89

i wouldget a puppy for mybaby boy

Mrs. Kaminski said... 90

Love the Turner owl!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 91

The Holly or Hal Moose are super cute

TheAtticGirl said... 92

I like Holly & Hal Moose

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 93

I follow build a bear on twitter @atticgirl76

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 94

I like build a bear on facebook

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 95

I left the message on their facebook wall

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 96
This comment has been removed by the author.
TheAtticGirl said... 97

I entered your summer infant baby monitor giveaway

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 98

I entered your amazon giveaway

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 99

I follow you on twitter @atticgirl76 and tweeted:

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 100

I follow you on GFC #1

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 101

I follow you on GFC #2

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 102

I'm a fan of thanks mail carrier on facebook #1

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 103

I'm a fan of thanks mail carrier on facebook #2

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 104

I have your regular button on my blog's scrolling sidebar #1

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 105

I have your regular button on my blog's scrolling sidebar #2

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 106

I have your regular button on my blog's scrolling sidebar #3

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 107

I have your holiday button on my blog


donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 108

I have your holiday button on my blog


donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 109

I have your holiday button on my blog


donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

TheAtticGirl said... 110

I entered the build a bear giveaway at a mom's balancing act

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

meeyeehere said... 111

Fabulous Flapper Pawfectly Huggable Bunny
that is my favorite little furry bunny

meeyeehere said... 112

entered balancing act giveaway too

meeyeehere said... 113

I subscribe to the Build a bear newsletter

meeyeehere said... 114

I follow them on twitter@meeyeehere

meeyeehere said... 115

I like them on facebook too

meeyeehere said... 116

gfc follow you

meeyeehere said... 117

gfc 2

meeyeehere said... 118

feed subscribed

meeyeehere said... 119

feed subscriber 2

meeyeehere said... 120

facebook fan

meeyeehere said... 121

FB 2

meeyeehere said... 122
got your regular button up

meeyeehere said... 123

button 2

meeyeehere said... 124


Aleksandra Nearing said... 125

I like the Tropical Hello Kitty. Thanks!

Aleksandra Nearing said... 126

entered on a mom's balancing act

Aleksandra Nearing said... 127

gfc follower

Aleksandra Nearing said... 128

gfc follower

Aleksandra Nearing said... 129

like you on FB - aleksandra n

Aleksandra Nearing said... 130

like you on FB - aleksandra n

Aleksandra Nearing said... 131

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Aleksandra Nearing said... 132

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Aleksandra Nearing said... 133

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Aleksandra Nearing said... 134

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Aleksandra Nearing said... 135

entered checking our list #5

Aleksandra Nearing said... 136

entered checking our list #7

Aleksandra Nearing said... 137

entered checking our list #8

Aleksandra Nearing said... 138

entered checking our list #9

Aleksandra Nearing said... 139

entered checking our list #10

Aleksandra Nearing said... 140

entered checking our list #12

Aleksandra Nearing said... 141

entered checking our list #14

Aleksandra Nearing said... 142

entered checking our list #15

Aleksandra Nearing said... 143

entered checking our list #16

Aleksandra Nearing said... 144

entered checking our list #17

Aleksandra Nearing said... 145

entered checking our list #18

Aleksandra Nearing said... 146

entered checking our list #19

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 147

I entered at a Mom's Balancing Act!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 148

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 149

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 150

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 151

I subscribe to you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 152

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tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 153

I like you on facebook!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 154

I have your button!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 155

I have your button!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said... 156

I have your button!
tonya stutzman filleman

Unknown said... 157

i like the brown sugar puppy



peace bear

Melissa said... 159

we all love the santa husky!

Melissa said... 160

enteredd a moms balancing acts giveaway

Melissa said... 161

signed up for babw newsletter!

Melissa said... 162

twitter follower

*have a PAWsome day!!*

jmajor4870 said... 163

i like the icarly bear

Melissa said... 164

email subscriber

Melissa said... 165

email subscriber

jmajor4870 said... 166

email subscriber

jmajor4870 said... 167

email subscriber #2

jmajor4870 said... 168

entered at a mom balancing act

jmajor4870 said... 169

gfc follower (jmajor4870)

jmajor4870 said... 170

gfc follower #2

Joyful Noise said... 171

I love the Snow Hugs Teddy....thanks for the chance to win...

dan_jody at

Unknown said... 172

My favorite is the 14 in. Brown Sugar Puppy.

Unknown said... 173

Entered to win a $25 gift card to Build-A-Bear Workshop @ A Mom's Balancing Act

Unknown said... 174

Signed up for the Build-A-Bear Workshop Email Newsletter

Unknown said... 175

Follow Build-A-Bear Workshop on Twitter

Unknown said... 176

Like Build-A-Bear Workshop on Facebook

Unknown said... 177
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said... 178

Left a message on Build-A-Bear Workshop on Facebook wall

Unknown said... 179

Follow on twitter and tweet!/Gerisandoval/status/7670749355581440

Unknown said... 180

#1 - Follow Thanks, Mail Carrier via GFC

Unknown said... 181

#2 - Follow Thanks, Mail Carrier via GFC

Unknown said... 182

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Unknown said... 183

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Unknown said... 184

#1 - LIKE Thanks, Mail Carrier on FB

Unknown said... 185

#2 - LIKE Thanks, Mail Carrier on FB

Unknown said... 186

#1 - Subscribe via RSS feed

Unknown said... 187

#2 - Subscribe via RSS feed

Carla said... 188

I love Hal & Holly Moose

TheAtticGirl said... 189

daily tweet:

donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com

Mamushi Love said... 190

I love that they carry Hello Kitty~

Anonymous said... 191

love the snowman!
Entered the Build-A-Bear Workshop $25 GC Giveaway at Thanks, Mail Carrier

Anonymous said... 192

My favorite is the Yorkshire Terrier

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 193

I follow Build-A-Bear Workshop on twitter
twitter name DayLeeDana

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 194

I LIKE Build-A-Bear Workshop on facebook
FB name AlbertDana Arsenault

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 195

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!/DayLeeDana/status/7875865073426432

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 196

#1 Follower GFC

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 197

#2 Follower GFC

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 198

#1 Subscriber by email

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 199

#2 subscriber by email

dmraca at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 200

#1 I LIKE you on facebook
FB name AlbertDana Arsenault

dmraca at gmail dot com

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