Monday, December 20, 2010

Social Network Shopping with {$100 Amazon Gift Certificate Giveaway}

JoeShopping logo{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Spamgirl!}

Before I had kids, I never wanted to do any shopping by myself. Everything from grocery shopping to strolling through the mall to running to the drugstore was just so much more enjoyable if I could talk my husband into coming along with me.

Now that I have children? Even a trip out to pick up a pack of diapers by myself is a luxury. Fortunately, with so many options for online shopping these days, even if I can't find a way to leave the house on my own, I can still order just what I need right from my computer at any time of day.

But... then who do I ask for an opinion? Plus, online shopping often ends up taking more time than I want to spend as well. Even though I'm not driving around looking for a parking space or standing in a long line of crabby shoppers, I find that I don't want to make a purchase without doing a lot of research to make sure I've found the best choice at the lowest price. Is there anyone out there that doesn't want to save money when they shop?

However, now it's easy to find the cheapest options and best deals and have them all laid out clearly thanks to the innovative social shopping site!

Not just another e-commerce site or deal website, is a social shopping website that combines comparison shopping with social networking. They're not pushing to sell you anything (which is a nice change), their goal is to connect shoppers with... other shoppers. Instead of just one consumer searching the web to find a bargain, wouldn't it be better if there were hundreds who could share what they had found with each other so everyone could benefit?

Registering for an account on is fast, easy and, most importantly, free. Within minutes I had my profile set up and began browsing through all of the possibilities that they have to offer - only to find that there were so many great options!

First there was the ability to comparison shop like no other site offers. With hundreds of thousands of items listed from stores all across the internet, searching for an item is easy no matter if you are looking for something in particular or just want to browse. Once you find something to click on, the results include a photo, a thorough description and a list of stores where it is sold, as well as the prices at each one.

Not only can you click to purchase and be able to do so directly from the store itself (no worries about where exactly your money is going), but you can see if there are any coupons or deals or if other members of the JoeShopping community have reviewed or rated that item - making it easy to read just what they liked or didn't like about it. I don't know about you, but I like reviews that are written by real people who think and shop the same way that I do.

As a certain someone that I know has been asking for Toy Story sheets for Christmas, I was able to quickly browse for "Toy Story bedding" and find everything from coordinating pieces to blankets to toddler beds to full sets in a whole range of prices right there on JoeShopping. Now I just need to decide how much of Big Sister E's room that I want covered in Buzz Lightyear and Woody!

But in-depth comparison shopping is far from being the only unique aspect of JoeShopping. With the social media aspect involved, you can connect with other users on just about any topic - ask a question about shopping, talk about a purchase, even just chat about your day. Everyone is eager to help or just lend an ear and you don't have to feel like you're making an uninformed purchase without getting other worthwhile opinions.

I have been amazed at just how friendly everyone in the community has been; within a few hours of joining I had multiple friend requests and comments about the cute picture I uploaded for my profile (one of me with Big Sister E when she was a baby). And all of the forum categories make it simple to find a specific place or topic to post or read about.

So... why join? Well, along with the benefits of saving money (there are even online coupon codes and printable grocery coupons) and making some great online friendships and connections, just about everything you do on JoeShopping earns you JoePoints. Update your profile or shopping status, make new friends, submit a product review, write on a message board, add a video... it all adds up and those points can be redeemed for entries into the monthly JoePoints Sweepstakes for a total of $1,000 worth of prizes!

Not enough? Right now there is an even bigger reason to head over to JoeShopping: the $5,000 Refer-A-Friend Contest. Through email, a blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc, you can refer your friends over to join and will earn points for not only how many register but how much they actually use the site. At the end of the contest period (coming up soon - December 31st!) the person with the most points will win $3,000 and 20 runners up will each win $100. Not bad for hanging out talking about shopping!

With so many great features already and many more in the planning stages, visiting JoeShopping is like going virtual shopping with a group of friends. Get feedback, ask which toy is better than the other or just read about positive and negative experiences that people have had so that you can make your own online shopping even better. It's a fun social network all about shopping, how can you go wrong?

In fact, thanks to their generosity, one person is going to be an even bigger fan of JoeShopping soon, because...

One lucky person will win a $100 Amazon gift card from!

To enter to win: Visit and tell me one of the Hot Deals that you found there that caught your eye.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow JoeShopping on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Let's shop! I want to WIN a $100 Amazon gift card from @JoeShopping! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you register on JoeShopping and do something there (add me, ThanksMailCarrier, as a friend, upload a photo, write a shopping status, etc.)
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on January 14th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

A big thank you to for providing a $100 Amazon gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Misty said...

button on my blog #2

Misty said...

button #3

Unknown said...

I found Kids' Bed Tent $10 w/ 97 Cent Shipping @ ! They only had bear and hippo left BUT already ordered. LOL!

Unknown said...

I follow joes shopping on twitter @manthas24

Unknown said...

I like joes shopping on fb manthas24

Unknown said...

Follow TMC on Twitter @manthas24 and tweeted

Unknown said...

1 Follow TMC with GFC – manthas24

Unknown said...

2 Follow TMC with GFC – manthas24

Unknown said...

1 Like TMC on FB – manthas24

Unknown said...

2 Like TMC on FB – manthas24

Unknown said...

1 Subscribe to TMC Feed via google reader

Unknown said...

2 Subscribe to TMC Feed via google reader

Unknown said...

I entered for the Curious George

Unknown said...

I entered for the Melissa & Doug 1

Unknown said...

I entered for the Britax

Unknown said...

I entered for the dB Logic

Unknown said...

I entered for the CSN

Unknown said...

I entered for the Keurig 1

Unknown said...

I entered for the Build a Bear

Unknown said...

I entered for the Collections

Unknown said...

I entered for the Inspired

Unknown said...

I entered for the Hearts for Hearts

Unknown said...

I entered for the Zooper

Unknown said...

I entered for the Superstructs

Unknown said...

I entered for the Cheerios B&N

Unknown said...

I entered for the MoBeam

Unknown said...

I entered for the GiftZip Amazon 12

Unknown said...

I entered for the Kix Pack

Unknown said...

I entered for the Cuispro

Unknown said...

I entered for the Carson Dellosa

Unknown said...

I entered for the Jeep Twin-Sport

Unknown said...

I entered for the Bissell

Unknown said...

I entered for the Dinosaur Train

Unknown said...

I entered for the Amazon

Unknown said...

I entered for the1-800 Flowers

Unknown said...

I entered for the Personal Creations

Unknown said...

I entered for the Café Press

Unknown said...

I entered for the Curious Chef

Unknown said...

I entered for the Random Line Gift Basket

Unknown said...

I entered for the Smart quotes canvas

Unknown said...

I entered for the Umi

Unknown said...

I entered for the Blablas Basic Bunny

Unknown said...

I entered for the Gourmet Gift Basket

Unknown said...

I entered for the Crafty Kids

Pip444 said...!/3lilacs/status/17914995597643776

Sugar Dipes said...

The Fisher Price Kid Tough Video Camera for only $19.99!! That is an incredible deal!! Better than eBay!

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...

Like Joeshopping on FB (Sarah P N)

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...

Follow Joeshopping on twitter (nuetzels312)

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...

entered curious george giveaway

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...


sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...

facebook fan #1 (Sarah P N)

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...

facebook fan #2

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Sugar Dipes said...

email subscriber #2

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

Courtney B said...


Courtney B said...

i entered the railroad giveaway

Sarah said...

Kids' Bed Tent $10 w/ 97 Cent Shipping @ sounds like a great deal!

Sarah said...

I get your emails! 1

Sarah said...

I get your emails! 2

hale2005 said...

The Canon SD980 PowerShot 12.1 Megapixel Digital Camera $116.97 looks like a great deal.


hale2005 said...

Following Joeshopping on twitter.



hale2005 said...

I have tweeted.


hale2005 said...

I have added you as a friend on joe shopping.


entry #1


hale2005 said...

I have added you as a friend on joe shopping.


entry #2


hale2005 said...

I have added you as a friend on joe shopping.


entry #3


hale2005 said...

Following on GFC.


entry #1


hale2005 said...

Following on GFC.


entry #2


redfuzzycow said...


Adrienne said...

I just got a new Tivo Premiere for $299 by price comparing on JoeShopping!

Anonymous said...


Adrienne said...

I just got a brand new Tivo Premiere for $299 on Newegg after price comparing with Joeshopping!

cw said...

entered rothschild

cw said...

entered collections etc

cw said...

entered h4h

Sarah said...

I'm in the cafepress giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the randomline giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the curious chefs giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the 800 giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the giant puzzle giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the dinosaur train giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the kix giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the hearts for hearts giveaway!

Sarah said...

I'm in the melissa and doug giveaway!

CherylS22 said...

The deal for the KitchenAid 4-1/2-Quart Stand Mixer $144.80 at caught my eye.

Thanks for the giveaway......
Happy Holidays!
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

FB fan of
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

GFC follower
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

GFC follower
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

RSS feed subscriber (Google Reader)
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

RSS feed subscriber (Google Reader)
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

E-mail subscriber
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

E-mail subscriber
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

FB fan of Thanks, Mail Carrier
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

FB fan of Thanks, Mail Carrier
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the Gourmet Gift Baskets giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the GiftZip giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the CSN Stores giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the 1-800-Flowers Brands giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the Personal Creations giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I entered the Cheerios giveaway
megalon22 at yahoo dot com

Dee said...

Love the K'nex Thrill Rides. My boys are big fans.

Dee said...

Liked Joe Shopping on FB. (Deirdre Kute Gatti)

Aimee said...

tweet 2/23


Kimberley Meier said...

I thought this deal was pretty hot: Canon SD980 PowerShot 12.1 Megapixel Digital Camera $116.97.

Kim Meier

Kimberley Meier said...

Like JoeShopping on Facebook!

Kim Meier

Kimberley Meier said...

I'm a Mailcarrier fan on facebook #1!

Kim Meier

Kimberley Meier said...

I'm a Mailcarrier fan on Facebook #2!

Kim Meier

Kimberley Meier said...

I follow via GFC #1!

Kim Meier

Kimberley Meier said...

I follow via GFC #2!

Kim Meier

tv watcher said...

daily tweet

misskallie2000 said...

Daily tweet

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Spamgirl said...


I tweeted:!/antispamgirl/statuses/18056585825746944 . Thank you!

cw said...

entered Superstructs

cw said...

entered 1-800 flowers

Ames said...


Andrea Kruse said...

andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

~dab said...


lace said...

The Peg Perego Sdraietta Melodia Bouncer Seat for $149.

Cari said...

I found a Guidecraft Block Cart for $67.20!


Cari said...

Following Joeshopping on Twitter @ThisLittleFam


Cari said...

I like JoeShopping on Twitter @ThisLittleFam


Cari said...

I entered the Bissell giveaway.


Cari said...

I entered the CSN giveaway.


Cari said...

I'm following you on Twitter @ThisLittleFam and I tweeted.!/ThisLittleFam/status/18210980139896832


Cari said...

GFC Follower - Cari S.

carissa.sutton(at) #2

Cari said...

email subscriber

carissa.sutton(at) #1

Cari said...

I like you on FB - Cari S.

carissa.sutton(at) #1

Cari said...

I like you on FB - Cari S.

carissa.sutton(at) #2

Cari said...

I have your button!

carissa.sutton(at) #1

Cari said...

I have your button!

carissa.sutton(at) #2

Unknown said...

calvert0 at telus dot net

Pip444 said...!/3lilacs/status/18277931465838592

Sugar Dipes said...!/nuetzels312/status/18291181234429952

sugardipes1 at aol dot com

stowelljg said...

I’ve been looking for a nice carrying case for my laptop and the Wenger SwissGear WA-7654-14F00 Legacy Laptop Case looks great! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

stowelljg said...

I'm follow JoeShopping on Twitter (@stowelljg).

stowelljg said...

I've entered the nümi Key giveaway.

stowelljg said...

I've entered the CSN Stores giveaway.

stowelljg said...

I follow Thanks, Mail Carrier on Twitter (@stowelljg).

stowelljg said...


stowelljg said...

I follow Thanks, Mail Carrier on GFC (1st entry).

stowelljg said...

I follow Thanks, Mail Carrier on GFC (2nd entry).

tv watcher said...

daily tweet

Kim said...


Spamgirl said...


I tweeted:!/antispamgirl/statuses/18414984824360960 . Thank you!

Courtney B said...


cw said...

entered Lindt giveaway

Courtney B said...


cw said...

entered Kolcraft giveaway

wigget said...

entered Lindor Truffles giveaway

Barb said...

Fisher Price hot deal kids video camera. barb g. directorylanesuperstore(at)

redfuzzycow said...


Maude Lynn said...

The Wire: The Complete Series for $74.99! said...

Love the Fisher-Price Kid Tough Video Camera

Anonymous said...


misskallie2000 said...

Daily tweet

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Roy F. said...

The Canon SD980 PowerShot 12.1 Megapixel Digital Camera $116.97 hot deal caught my eye

Roy F. said...

GFC follower. Entry 1

Roy F. said...

GFC follower . Entry 2

~dab said...

Anonymous said...

I saw K'NEX Thrill Rides Sonic Blizzard Coaster $29.99 - my son loves these right now.

Anonymous said...

I entered the Melissa and Doug giveaway.

Anonymous said...
I saw MEN OBSESSION by Calvin Klein $59.

Anonymous said...

Also entered the Keurig Apple Cider giveaway.

Pip444 said...!/3lilacs/status/18634640663257088

Unknown said...

calvert0 at telus dot net

redfuzzycow said...


Spamgirl said...


I tweeted:!/antispamgirl/statuses/18685853442252801 . Thank you!

Joseph Prusik said...

Best Hot Deal: KitchenAid 4-1/2-Quart Stand Mixer $144.80 at

Andrea Kruse said...

andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

engelsigh said...

Monopoly Simpson's Electronic Edition $9.93

stowelljg said...


tv watcher said...

daily tweet

Aimee said...

tweet 12/25


Anonymous said...

i follow and tweet for you and i like on facebook @nickandmattsmom

Unknown said...

I visited and this Hot Deal caught my eye: "The Wire: The Complete Series, $74.99" - awesome!
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

JoeShopping twitter follower @rararomp
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

JoeShopping FB fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your $50 Amazon gift certificate from Gift Zip giveaway.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your $75 CSN gift certificate giveaway.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your Britax Frontier giveaway.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Your twitter follower @rararomp and tweeted:!/rararomp/status/18849425820491776
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 GFC follower Rae T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 GFC follower Rae T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 RSS feed subscriber.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 RSS feed subscriber.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 Email subscriber.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 Email subscriber.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 Your FB fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 Your FB fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 I'm user Auqakuh on JoeShopping and have sent you a friend request.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 I'm user Auqakuh on JoeShopping and have sent you a friend request.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#3 I'm user Auqakuh on JoeShopping and have sent you a friend request.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 Your button here: and in right sidebar.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#3 Your button here: and in right sidebar.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 Blogged with links:
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 Blogged with links:
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#3 Blogged with links:
rararomp at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


misskallie2000 said...

Daily tweet

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

~dab said...

Unknown said...

calvert0 at telus dot net

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