Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Threadless Graphic T-Shirt Designs {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Breanne!}

Oftentimes when my family is at the mall and I'm browsing the racks of clothing, I find that they all start to look the same. I love the trendy tops and the stylish slacks, but let's admit it, I'm a jeans and t-shirt type of girl... assuming I get out of my sweatpants, of course.

So when it comes to t-shirts, I like to find ones that are unique and fashionable. If they're what I'm wearing out and about, then I don't want to pull just any grungy old one out of my drawer to throw on. I want to show off something fashionable or funny or can make the people I come in contact with break into a smile or think for a minute, is that too much to ask?

Definitely not when you're visiting Threadless, that's for sure.

With hundreds of designs for tee shirts, hoodies, onesies, wall art and more, you'll never find a boring item at because they have been designed by real artists from around the world. By featuring an amazing community of talented members, Threadless selects and prints new designs every year and even pays cash to those who submit the winning picks.

What does that mean for Threadless customers? Well, just that there are new, innovative designs popping up all the time and that due to low reprinting costs, you can pick up new favorites at unbeatable prices and never have to walk around wearing a boring t-shirt again.

Which is precisely what I'm happy about when I pull out my Cookie Loves Milk t-shirt and enjoy the reactions that I get from kids and adults alike.

Since I like my shirts long and a little loose, I ordered from a Guys' Tee in this adorable design and am glad that I did. The cotton is so soft and comfortable and the fit is great, even after being washed and dried multiple times. The combination of the silver background (also available in a variety of colors on t-shirts, hoodies, a onesie and kids' shirts) and the crisp, bright colors of the milk and cookies design is eye-catching but not over-the-top.

What could make this great shirt even better? A coupon, of course! And the best place to find Threadless coupon codes is none other than right on

Having been introduced to back in October, I already knew that this online marketplace offers a huge selection and the lowest prices possible from all of their stores, but great promos like Threadless discount codes? Is there anything that this site doesn't do?

The next time you're searching for deals from a variety of merchants, you'll want to head over to 3tailer's Coupon Codes page to compare prices, find coupons and discover promo codes - because who doesn't want to save a little extra when they're shopping? That might bring just as much of a smile as a great t-shirt design from Threadless!

And, thanks to the generosity of, one person will get to bring laughter to the child in their life with an adorable and unique shirt as well, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of shirt from Threadless Kids!

To enter to win: Visit Threadless and/or Threadless Kids and tell me which of their fun designs is your favorite.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow 3tailer on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN your choice of Threadless Kids t-shirt - quality, unique & fun designs for kids! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on December 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, as I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to and Threadless for providing a Cookie Loves Milk t-shirt for me to review as well as a shirt of choice from Threadless Kids for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 324   Newer›   Newest»
Randi said... 1

The So Far, This Is the Oldest I Have Ever Been kids tee too funny. I'd like it for my baby girl. Thanks!
mommy saves at yahoo dot com

Joyful Noise said... 2

I LOVE the It's a Polar Bear Blinking in a Blizzard...perfect for the Minnesota winters! Thanks for the chance to win...

dan_jody at

Anonymous said... 3

I love the "Know Your Dinosaurs" tshirt!,girls/style,shirt


Anonymous said... 4

Following 3tailer on twitter with @Ash_Creations


Anonymous said... 5

Tweeted this giveaway:!/Ash_Creations/status/7672579422683136


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Anonymous said... 11

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Anonymous said... 12

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Anonymous said... 13

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Tara V. said... 16

I like the Rainbow Pasta t-shirt

Tara V. said... 17

Tara V. said... 18

subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email

Tara V. said... 19

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Serena said... 20

I love the "I'm Like a Bird!" T-shirt

Serena said... 21

Like on FB

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 22

My fav. design is Food Pyramid. in 12Y.


Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 23

1. I'm an email subscriber.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 24

2. I'm an email subscriber.

jules p said... 25

I would love the Moustardche! t-shirt!

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 26

I entered #2 giveaway

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 27

I entered #3 giveaway

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 28

I entered #8 giveaway

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 29

I entered #12 giveaway

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 30

I entered #19 giveaway

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 31

I am a google friend

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 32

I am a google friend

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 33

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail carrier

imisstx at comcast dot net

jules p said... 34

I subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier

imisstx at comcast dot net

Meredith said... 35

Alphabet zoo kids tee would be my choice!

Angie Bailey said... 36

I'd like the Big Hoax shirt for my son.

Angie Bailey said... 37

Follow and tweeted.

lag123 said... 38

I like the Space Race design. Gson would love it. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said... 39

I like 3tailer on FB: Lisa Holmes Garrett.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said... 40

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lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said... 41

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lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said... 42

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lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said... 43

I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on FB: Lisa Holmes Garrett.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Anonymous said... 44

I love the mmmh.. Delicious infant tee in size 3-6 months

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 45

1. current gfc follower as "sswpss"

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 46

2. current gfc follower as "sswpss"

sswpss at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said... 47

I have spend literally hours on their website and my absolute favorite is Zombie at Tiffany's!
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said... 48

gf follower(christine page)
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said... 49

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trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said... 50

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trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

Michelle said... 51

I love love love the Dandy Lions design!!! So much that I just ordered one in my size:). Couldn't pass up the sale!
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 52

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mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 53

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mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 54

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mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 55

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mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 56

entered Little Tikes
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 57

entered Hearth Song
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Michelle said... 58

entered RCA
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 59

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Michelle said... 60

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Michelle said... 61

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Michelle said... 62

entered ERGObaby
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Michelle said... 63

entered Epson
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 64

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mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 65

entered Alphabet Photography
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 66

entered CSN Stores
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 67

entered Gifted Imaginations
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 68

entered Brugo
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 69

entered Hayneedle
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 70

entered Aeromax
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 71

entered Wild Creations
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 72

entered A Closet of Her Own
mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 73

mleveque at gmail dot com

Michelle said... 74

entered Tillamock Cheese
mleveque at gmail dot com

Nicole C. said... 75

I like the Dandy Lions shirt.


Nicole C. said... 76

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Nicole C. said... 77

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Nicole C. said... 78

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Nicole C. said... 79

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~Jan said... 80

i like the birdie tree design
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said... 81

gfc follower 1
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said... 82

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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said... 83

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jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

~Jan said... 84

fb follower 2
jan_ackerson at yahoo dot com

wigget said... 85

my favorite is the Dandy Lions

wigget said... 86

subscriber 2

Alison said... 87

I like the I'm ready now! kids tshirt. (alidear at hotmail dot com)

Alison said... 88

I've entered most of your holiday giveaways.(alidear at hotmail dot com)

Alison said... 89

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Alison said... 90

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Alison said... 91

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Alison said... 92

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Anonymous said... 93

I like the Funkalicious and Running Rhino shirts.

Anonymous said... 94

Entered Brugo giveaway

Anonymous said... 95

Entered Build a Bear giveaway

Anonymous said... 96

GFC follower #1

Anonymous said... 97

GFC follower #2

Anonymous said... 98

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Anonymous said... 99

Email #2

Mrs. No-No said... 100

i like the so far this is the oldest i have ever been tee on the 4th page of their website. cute and funny.
mspomona97 at

Mrs. No-No said... 101

i follow you via GFC

mspomona97 at

Mrs. No-No said... 102

#2 i follow via gfc

mspomona97 at

Mrs. No-No said... 103

i entered your hayneedle giveaway

mspomona97 at

E. Diane said... 104

"HAIKUS are easy" and "Shakespeare hates your emo poems" ROFL!
Those are too funny!
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 105

GFC follow #1
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 106

GFC #2
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 107

like on facebook (diane macauley)
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 108

like on facebook #2 (diane macauley)
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 109

I entered the gummy lump giveaway
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 110

entered the tillamook giveaway
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 111

entered the maxi cosi giveaway
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said... 112



Bethany C. said... 113

I'd love the tee that says So Far this is the Oldest I've Ever Been for my daughter!


Bethany C. said... 114

like 3tailer on fb bethany cardone


Bethany C. said... 115

follow 3tailer on twitter bcardoo79


Bethany C. said... 116

entered rody horse


Bethany C. said... 117

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Bethany C. said... 118

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Bethany C. said... 119

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Bethany C. said... 120

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Bethany C. said... 121

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Bethany C. said... 122

entered a closet of her own


Bethany C. said... 123

entered summer infant monitor


Bethany C. said... 124

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annies home said... 131

love the beard of cloud

annies home said... 132

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annies home said... 133

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annies home said... 134

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annies home said... 135

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annies home said... 136

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annies home said... 138

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annies home said... 139

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annies home said... 140

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annies home said... 141


annies home said... 142


AutumH said... 143

I adore their Take Me To Tokyo tee for kids.


AutumH said... 144

Follow 3Tailer on twitter-@AutumH


AutumH said... 145

Follow you on twitter-@AutumH


AutumH said... 146

Follow you through GFC via twitter-AutumH


Anonymous said... 147

i like the big hoax T

AutumH said... 148

Daily tweet-


Maude Lynn said... 149

My daughter likes Mister Mitten's Big Adventure!

Yours Truly said... 150

I like the Sports! t-shirt.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Yours Truly said... 151

I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

AutumH said... 152

Daily tweet-


Anonymous said... 153

I like the toast tee! kimbarsness(at)yahoo(dot)com

.:karen:. said... 154

I can't decide though with another on the way, it would probably end up being a onesie. ;)

In the kids tees I like: Playin' in the Sprinkler, Fail, Polar Bear in a Blizzard.

In the onesies I like: Partly Cloudy, 99 Luftballoons, and A Birth Day.

Thanks for the chance. I love Threadless stuff.

blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 155

followed 3tailer on twitter (lilmamak77)

blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 156

Entering your Rody giveaway.

blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 157

follow you on twitter and tweeted:!/LilMamaK77/status/9629112293392384

blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 158

Already follow via GFC #1.

blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 159

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blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 160

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blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 161

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blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 162

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blondredhead at mac dot com

.:karen:. said... 163

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blondredhead at mac dot com

Jus and Kat said... 164

My favorite is the So Far, This Is the Oldest I Have Ever Been tee.

AutumH said... 165

Daily tweet-


.:karen:. said... 166

entering your EatSmart scale giveaway.

Ruth said... 167

I love their woodchuck design!

Ruth said... 168

like 3tailer on facebook

Ruth said... 169

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Ruth said... 170

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Ruth said... 171

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Ruth said... 172

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Ruth said... 173

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Ruth said... 174

Your button is on my blog:

Ruth said... 175

Your button is on my blog:


.:karen:. said... 176

daily tweet:!/LilMamaK77/status/10166319274008576

blondredhead at mac dot com

shannon thompson said... 177

Mister Mittens' Big Adventure

this shirt is awsome..

shannon thompson said... 178

entered your gift basket giveaway...

shannon thompson said... 179

Liked 3tailer, llc on facebook tehdoll

shannon thompson said... 180

Liked 3tailer, llc on facebook tehdoll

.:karen:. said... 181


blondredhead at mac dot com

Unknown said... 182

My son would love the Space Race

aSpoonfulOsugar said... 183

I love the long sleeve cheshire cat...too cute.

aSpoonfulOsugar said... 184

rss #1

aSpoonfulOsugar said... 185

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aSpoonfulOsugar said... 186

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aSpoonfulOsugar said... 187

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aSpoonfulOsugar said... 188

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aSpoonfulOsugar said... 189

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.:karen:. said... 190

daily tweet:!/LilMamaK77/status/10809877781811200

blondredhead at mac dot com

Megan Earley said... 191

I like the Plaidapus shirt
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 192

entered Gummy Lump
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 193

entered Summer Infant
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 194

entered A Closet of her Own
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 195

entered MilliLee Designs
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 196

entered Alphabet Photography
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 197

entered ATG
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 198

entered CSN
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 199

entered Gifted Imaginations
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan Earley said... 200

entered Hayneedle
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

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