Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tillamook Cheese {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Deborah Wellenstein!}

As with everywhere, there are some stereotypes about Wisconsin that aren't necessarily true. Sure, we have cows and yes, we have sports fans that wear those cheesehead hats proudly. But no, we're not all farmers and we don't have beer and cheese with every meal.

Although... okay... cheese is pretty darn good stuff. And, up until recently, my family was getting along just fine eating the standard cheese that we found in the grocery store. Everything from block to shredded to sliced, we tended to buy whatever was on sale and were happy with it.

Then we tried Tillamook. And I wondered first if we were the only people in the U.S. to not have heard of or sampled Tillamook cheeses before and second, how in the world would we go back to regular cheese again?

A 101 year old farmer-owned dairy company in Oregon, Tillamook makes a variety of cheeses, ice cream, yogurt, butter and sour cream that follow their commitment to being the utmost highest in quality. Over the years, they have earned a reputation for consistently producing the best-tasting dairy products and are now nationally recognized for their delicious dairy products.

As not all Tillamook products are available everywhere, they do have an online store and a store locator to help find a retailer near you to purchase their tasty items. For me, I was fortunate that there was one store listed for my area... but not as fortunate that when I arrived there and found the Tillamook section that it wasn't very large.

I was really looking forward to tasting the much-talked-about, award-winning Medium Cheddar 2 lb Baby Loaf as well as many of the sliced and shredded varieties, but was still able to happily walk away with both the Medium and Sharp Cheddar Cheese 8-oz blocks. Yum!

As both Big Sister E and Little Sister B are big fans of cheese, when lunchtime rolled around and we had the opportunity to pull out our Tillamook cheese slicer and give this a taste, we were all pretty excited about it.

I was glad to see that Tillamook cheeses are made from only the highest quality milk from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones - because who wants to feed those to their kids?

Naturally aged over 60 days to develop its rich, creamy, smooth flavor, it wasn't hard to see why Tillamook recently earned the title of World's Best Medium Cheddar at the 2010 World Championship Cheese Contest. The deep, nutty flavor and perfectly creamy texture feels and tastes different than... well, any cheese that didn't just win a World Championship title. It's delicious!

Containing only natural ingredients and nothing artificial, cheese from Tillamook is a great snack or included in a multitude of recipes (their website has a lot of great ones)! Available in a variety of sizes, you not only get the high quality taste and unmatched flavor, but without any use of artificial growth hormones you'll always know that you are feeding your family something safe and healthy.

Have you already tried Tillamook? Are you one of the thousands and thousands who love it? Thanks to their generosity, one person will have the opportunity to enjoy their favorite flavors of this yummy cheese, because...

One lucky person will win a Baby Loaf box containing 3 coupons for free cheese (your choice!), a slicer and a heart-shaped sandwich cutter from Tillamook Cheese!

To enter to win: Visit Tillamook Cheese and tell me something that you learned there or which of their tasty products you would like to try.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Tillamook Cheese on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook (a great place to connect with other cheese fans, trade recipes and find coupons for Tillamook products)!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

#WIN a Tillamook Cheese Baby Loaf box of cheeses, slicer & heart-shaped cutter (ARV $25)! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Tillamook. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on December 10th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Tillamook Cheese for providing a Tillamook Cheese Baby Loaf box for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Tutus N' Trucks said... 1

Im from Oregon and LOVE Tillamook Cheese! They have the Tillamook Cheese Factory down in Tillamook where you can sample or buy the most amazing, fresh, Tillamook products. I really want some Tillamook ice cream right now =)

Tutus N' Trucks said... 2

I like TILLAMOOK CHEESE on facebook.

Tutus N' Trucks said... 3

I entered the guidecraft giveaway!

Tutus N' Trucks said... 4

I entered the ThinkGeek giveaway

Tutus N' Trucks said... 5

I entered the windex/digital frame giveaway

Tutus N' Trucks said... 6

I entered the little tike market giveaway

Tutus N' Trucks said... 7

I entered the audiovox giveaway

Tutus N' Trucks said... 8

I entered your epson giveaway

Tutus N' Trucks said... 9

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Tutus N' Trucks said... 10

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Tutus N' Trucks said... 11

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Tutus N' Trucks said... 12

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Tutus N' Trucks said... 13

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Tutus N' Trucks said... 14

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Tutus N' Trucks said... 15

I added your cute button =)

Tutus N' Trucks said... 16

I added your cute button =)

Tutus N' Trucks said... 17

I added your cute button =)

CrazyLittleB_tch said... 18

I never knew that much about cheese. My kids love cheese and tillamook is one of the better brands there... probably the best. Already follow you on twitter and facebook. your button is on my blog. I follow you on blogger.

Lois S said... 19

Tillamook farmers have certified that their milk is from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones

Lois S said... 20


Jenny said... 21

Their Our Old-fashioned Vanilla ice cream sounds very yummy!

Jenny said... 22

I'm following them on Twitter.

Jenny said... 23

I'm following you on Twitter and tweeted:!/OurNiftyNotebk/status/5116066422325248

Jenny said... 24

Google Friend-1

Jenny said... 25

Google Friend-2

Unknown said... 26

i recently visited the tillamook cheese factory, and sampled what was i believe, pepper and something else, i cant remember for the life of me the name of the cheese. but oh goodness, it was to die for!! i am nine months pregnant and am dying to get that cheese! i cant find it any where! :( but the factory. (too far of a drive)

Unknown said... 27

i like tillamook cheese on facebook!!

Kristen said... 28

I'd like to try their Colby Jack.

Kristen said... 29

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Kristen said... 30

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Kristen said... 31

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Kristen said... 32

entered Citiblocs

Kristen said... 33

entered Little Tikes

Kristen said... 34

entered Hearthsong

Kristen said... 35

entered RCA

Kristen said... 36

entered Kidkraft

Kristen said... 37

entered Xtrema

Kristen said... 38

entered Pillow Pets

Kristen said... 39

entered Gummy Lump

Tracy R said... 40

I didn't know until now that Tillamook doesn't use milk from cows that are treated with artificial growth hormones.

Tracy R said... 41

I follow you on twitter @tracylr233 and I tweeted

Karen said... 42

We love Tillamook! The cheese and the ice cream and the yogurt too. We always buy the medium cheddar but I would like to try their Colby Jack cheese.


they make ice cream

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 44

LOVE tillamook!

Select extra sharp cheddar for me please!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 45

like tillamook on twitter

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 46

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B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 47

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B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 48

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B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 49

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B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 50

gfc follower

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 51

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B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 52

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B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 53

entered ming wang

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 54

entered 1800 flowers

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 55

entered it's thoughtful

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 56

entered el paso

Susan said... 57

LOVE Tillamook Cheese!

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 58

entered little tykes

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 59

entered hearthsong

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 60

entered rca

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 61

entered kidcraft

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 62

entered citiblocs

Susan said... 63

LOVE Tillamook Cheese extra sharp cheddar and the ice cream

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 64

entered ergo doll carrier

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 65

entered epson

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 66

entered melissa/doug

Susan said... 67

follow you on GFC #1

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 68

etnered summer infant monitor

Susan said... 69

follow you on GFC #2

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 70

entered closet of her own

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 71

entered milli lee designs

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 72

entered pillow pets

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 73

entered eco cupcake

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 74

entered atg

Susan said... 75

entered kidkraft bake set

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 76

entered weather swing

Susan said... 77

entered eco cupcake

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said... 78

entered csn

Yours Truly said... 79

The Tillamook Creamery is 101 years old!

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Yours Truly said... 80

I entered the Pillow Pets giveaway.

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Renee said... 81

I knew they made cheese, but I was not aware that they made ice cream too. Yummmmm!!!

debbie said... 82

I would like to try their smoked cheddar.

debbie said... 83

I am a email subscriber.

BowieTip said... 84

I would like to try Tillamook's Smoked Cheddar for the making of Welsh Rarebit. Rarebit is a spread or a sauce made melting cheese in a bath of beer. It's good for breakfast, upon toasted sourdough bread.

john said... 85

Sweet cream butter

melsywsou said... 86

Colby Jack

ashleynichole said... 87

I would love to try the black pepper cheese :)

ashleynichole said... 88

I follow GFC #1

Christine Jensen said... 89

I would like Pepper Jack! yummy

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Christine Jensen said... 90

I follow them on twitter as @stickypritns

kissyjensen at gmail dot ocm

Christine Jensen said... 91

I like tillamook on FB

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

M.S. said... 92

I would love to try their pepperjack.

5webs said... 93

I'd love to try their Special Reserve Extra Sharp Cheddar
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 94

I follow you on GFC(5webs)
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 95

I follow you on GFC(5webs)
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 96

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Alicia Webster

5webs said... 97

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Alicia Webster

Alison said... 98

I so want to get their "baby loaf" onesies for my new nieces. So cute! My mom loves this cheese and served it to us as kids. It brings back fun memories. Thanks! (alidear at hotmail dot com)

Alison said... 99

I like tillamook cheese on fb (alidear at hotmail dot com)

Alison said... 100

I subscribe via email (alidear at hotmail dot com)

Alison said... 101

I subscribe via email (alidear at hotmail dot com)

Heather said... 102

I would love to try the special reserve cheddar cheese. Sounds YUMMY!

Anonymous said... 103

i didn't know they make ice cream

Tina said... 104

I want to try the Pepper Jack

Tina said... 105

follow Tillamook Cheese on Twitter

Tina said... 106

follow you on GFC

Tina said... 107

follow you on GFC

Tina said... 108

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Tina said... 109

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Tina said... 110

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Tina said... 111

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Tina said... 112

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Tina said... 113

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Tina said... 114

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Tamara B. said... 115

I would like to try their Swiss and Special Reserve Extra Sharp Cheddar cheeses.

Tamara B. said... 116

I Like Tillamook Cheese on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Tamara B. said... 117

#1, Follower GFC.

Tamara B. said... 118

#1, Email subscriber.

Tamara B. said... 119

#2, Email subscriber.

Tamara B. said... 120

#2, RSS subscriber.

Tamara B. said... 121

#1, Fan on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Tamara B. said... 122

#2, Fan on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Hope said... 123

I really, really, really want some colby jack cheese.

Lois S said... 124


Hope said... 125

I follow Tillamook Cheese on twitter @jesikalikesfree

Hope said... 126

I like tillimook cheese on facebook.

Hope said... 127

I follow you on twitter and I tweeted about this giveaway.

Hope said... 128

I follow you with gfc. Entry 1.

Hope said... 129

I follow you with gfc. Entry 2.

Hope said... 130

I entered the Reeves Toy Giveaway.

ranya112 said... 131

I'd love to try their chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

iridia718 at gmail dot com

puye said... 132

I learned that Tillamook doesn't use milk from cows that are treated with artificial growth hormones.

puye said... 133

I like Tillamook Cheese on facebook

puye said... 134

I like Thanks, mail carrier on facebook

Jake said... 135

I would like to try the Special Reserve Extra Sharp Cheddar 8oz Loaf

Jake said... 136

I'm a fan of Tilamook on facebook

Bebemiqui said... 137

I'm in love with their Aged White Cheddar cheese.

Unknown said... 138

I WAS going to tell you something I learned (which was quite a bit) but need to point out the Espresso Mocha ICE CREAM - does that look fantastic or what?

Unknown said... 139

I follow tillamook cheese on twitter @manthas24

Unknown said... 140

Follow TMC on Twitter @manthas24 and tweeted

Unknown said... 141

1 Follow TMC with GFC manthas24

Unknown said... 142

2 Follow TMC with GFC manthas24

Unknown said... 143

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Unknown said... 144

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Unknown said... 145

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Unknown said... 146

2 Subscribe to TMC Feed via google reader

madpay said... 147

one of the great cheeses

Deborah Wellenstein said... 148

I learned that Tillamook has a visitor's center where you can see cheesemaking in action.

Deborah Wellenstein said... 149

I like Tillamook on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

Deborah Wellenstein said... 150

I follow you via GFC as dwellenstein. (2)

Deborah Wellenstein said... 151

I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.(1)

Deborah Wellenstein said... 152

I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein. (2)

Deborah Wellenstein said... 153

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Deborah Wellenstein said... 154

I subscribe via Google Reader. (2)

Deborah Wellenstein said... 155

I am an email sub scriber. (dwellenstein at cox dot net)

Deborah Wellenstein said... 156

I am an email subscriber. (dwellenstein at cox dot net) (2)

Unknown said... 157

I entered the Gifted Imaginations

Unknown said... 158

I entered the CSN

Unknown said... 159

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Unknown said... 160

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Unknown said... 161

I entered for the Green Party Goods

Unknown said... 162

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Unknown said... 163

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Unknown said... 164

I entered for the A closet of her own

Unknown said... 165

I entered the Aphabet Photography

Unknown said... 166

I entered the Summer Infant

Unknown said... 167

I entered the Gummy Lump

Unknown said... 168

I entered the Epson

Unknown said... 169

I entered the ErgoBaby

Unknown said... 170

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Unknown said... 171

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Unknown said... 172

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Unknown said... 173

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Unknown said... 174

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Unknown said... 175

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Unknown said... 176

I entered the Hearth Song

Unknown said... 177

I entered the Little Tikes

Unknown said... 178

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Unknown said... 179

I entered for the Wild Creations

Unknown said... 180

I entered for the 1-800 Flowers

Unknown said... 181

I entered for the Glencara

Unknown said... 182

I entered for the Ming Wang

Unknown said... 183

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Unknown said... 184

I entered for the PUR

Unknown said... 185

I entered for the Mr. Potato Head

Unknown said... 186

I entered for the Guidecraft

Unknown said... 187

I entered for the Think Geek GC

Unknown said... 188

I entered for the Reeves Int’

Unknown said... 189

I entered for the SanLori

Anonymous said... 190

I'd love some Oregon Strawberry and Black Cherry ice cream right now from Tilamook Dairy.

Linda said... 191

I would love to try their PepperJack Cheese

E. Diane said... 192

I didn't realize that Tillamook made ice cream as well, the Espresso Mocha sounds fantastic!
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 193

@IJustMakeItUp follows Tillamook
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 194

entered Think Geek
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 195

entered Gummy Lump giveaway
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 196

I entered the KidKraft giveaway
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 197

Entered Wild Creations
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 198

Entered Ming Wang
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

E. Diane said... 199

Entered MaxiCosi
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

llinda29 said... 200

I want Sliced Sharp Cheddar

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