Right after this brownie, the diet will start.
Okay, right after this cookie, the diet will start.
Well... tomorrow. Tomorrow the diet will start.
And then tomorrow rolls around and... it does. I get my determination all wound up and do a great job of not snacking or finishing the uneaten food off of my kids' plates or eating even more of those cookies. And I'm proud of myself.
But then the next day comes. And I find myself standing there staring into the refrigerator thinking Who am I kidding? I'm going fail at this at some point, so why drag it out? and piling my plate high with a huge portion of pretty much anything.
Is there any wonder that I'm just not happy with what I see when I look in the mirror (or at the numbers on the scale)? The combination of the extra pounds and the disappointment in myself just makes me want to stay in my sweat pants and, ironically, drown it away with more brownies. Clearly when I'm left to my own devices I just can't do it; the weight from having two kids just isn't coming off.
Well, 2011 is going to be different. There's no time like today, there's no time like right now. I'm not going to waste another year looking at the clothes hanging in my closet that no longer fit, I'm going to make it this time. Because now? Now I've got a huge support system and a program that is pretty much made just for me: Nutrisystem.

Where I have always struggled is in the portions and in the discipline. Clearly Nutrisystem has taken care of the portions, but in offering options like blueberry pancakes, cheese tortellini, flatbread pizza and chocolate cake, this isn't like a typical diet where I've felt compelled to cheat because everything I've loved has been removed from my plate. With three meals, two snacks and a dessert each day, I'm not going to starve, I'm going to enjoy eating while still losing weight!
It's what I've decided to call The Nutrisystem Difference. Because for me, this program is going to make all the difference.

A big box of frozen foods and an even bigger box of shelf-stable foods have arrived and are ready and waiting for today: Day 1. The first day of the program and the first day of this journey that I'm more than ready to take. Combine the fact that pretty much all I have to do is add in some fresh fruits and vegetables with the huge community of Nutrisystem members and staff out there that are ready to help or answer questions at the drop of a hat, and I can't wait to begin.
This is an opportunity that I'm forever grateful for so, without further ado, here's to a new year and a new me, thanks to Nutrisystem.
As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.
We are so happy to have you as a part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program but more importantly as part of our Nutrisystem family! We are here for you every step of the way!
Hooray You ! Here's to a great 1st week and a great 2011!
:) Meredith @ Nutrisystem
I have wanted to do Nutrisystem for years! Just can't bring myself to pay the money when I can make nice healthy meals at home. I've done well in my year of weight loss and am proud. You can do this, and I'm looking forward to your journey. We just purchased Just Dance 2 for the Wii and my body is aching so much. I may just be fit by the time May rolls around:)
Best of luck to you on your new diet/eating plan! Wishing you the best on your journey!
I too have resolutions of a better ME this year (healthy eating, exercise & taking care of ME!) I will be sharing my journey on my blog as well!
Come vist MOm to 2 Posh Lil Divas -follow my 2011 journey to a better ME & all our daily antics at:
It's great you found a program that you're excited about! I'm wishing you lots of luck although I know you won't need it. You're a very strong woman and I'm positive you'll reach your goal! :)
Hey congratulations on starting. I'm on the plan now blogging about it for 7 weeks & I have lost ten pounds! I love the desserts!
I'm so excited for you and I know you're going to do amazing!
YEAH! This is so exciting! You'll love it. Most of the foods are amazing! I dont feel like I am on a diet at all! I have lost 18 ppounds in 2 months. My goal is 50 pounds. I am thrilled you are joining the NSNation team!
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