And computers are up well up there on the list of confusing things for me. They come in various sizes and do all sorts of different things (most of which I haven't a clue about) and how in the world they manage to hold all of that information tucked away inside them, well, I'll never know.
Unfortunately, what I do know is that nothing in life is foolproof or safe from malfunction. The stories that I've heard from people who have had their computer crash and have lost priceless documents or photographs just make my stomach turn. What would I do if nearly all the pictures from my daughters' births, holidays, milestones and just happy play times vanished? I'm feeling queasy just thinking about it.
So, imagine my joy when I received an email from Collective Bias telling me to do a little shopping in the Seagate shop at Walmart.com! You want me to find out how easy it is to purchase a Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 500GB Ultra-Portable Hard Drive there? Well, heck! How soon can I get started?

In the end, I do love how incredibly easy the Seagate GoFlex Ultra is to use and, even if I will never understand how in the world the entirety of my laptop is now stored on something that fits in my back pocket, all that matters is that it is. Would I still be extremely frustrated and angry if my computer crashed tomorrow? Well, of course. But heartbroken and crushed beyond belief? No. Not anymore.
For more information and to see all of the great Seagate options available, visit Walmart.com. Or, how would you like the opportunity to win one for yourself? Don't miss the Seagate 12 Drives of Christmas Sweepstakes that is going on now!
From now until December 12, answer the question Why do you need a hard drive for Christmas? on Twitter (with the hashtag #Seagate12) up to three times a day and you'll be entered to win one of their amazing hard drives! Don't miss this opportunity to win safety and peace of mind for you or your loved ones this holiday season thanks to Seagate!
(My online shopping trip was sponsored by Seagate and Walmart.com through Collective Bias but all opinions shared are my own and honest.)
Hi, I'm a new follower - I found you on homegrownfamilies. I have a food blog that is geared towards making healthy and fun kids lunches, and I'm a Blogger.com 'Blog of Note'. I hope you'll follow me back -
Stopping by to say hi from your newest follower!
See now, you should have bought one in red and we could have been twinsies!
I love our Seagates, and I have to say Walmart.com customer service STINKS. I vowed to never shop online again after what happened to me over the summer and to this day I have still never heard back from customer service...this happened in July. Glad you finally got your hard drive...they rock!
I think this is a blogger's dream. Lol! It's devastating to lose anything. Especially those precious photos of our kids.
I bought Ryan a 1TB seagate external hard drive for Christmas. Got an awesome black friday deal on it after waiting in line for 2 hours. Hehe. Hopefully he'll love it!
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