Even though October 31st has passed, that doesn't mean that all opportunities for wearing costumes are over. Considering how much fun my girls have in their Halloween costumes, it's not a surprise that they enjoy finding times to dress up the rest of the year as well.
And, with the joy that they already are feeling for the upcoming holidays, why not combine the two and bring a little extra fun to Christmas this year with Star Costumes?

Around here there's no show, but that doesn't mean that my girls don't put on an act most days of the week. So what better way for them to add a little holiday twist to the season than with the Complete Elf Set Kids Costume?

Completing the look with two-tone elf shoes (with the jingle bell accents, of course), a metallic cord belt and a cute elf hat, putting the entire outfit on does take a minute or two... but the completed look is totally worth it.

I appreciated that even though the costume itself isn't very thick, both the hat and the shoes have an extra layer to make them more durable - the shoes even have a sturdy vinyl bottom so that they will hold up to the wear and tear of being worn. Plus, the addition of the metallic edging throughout the outfit really does give it a little something extra to make it shine. Not to mention those cute bells and the classic elf pompoms on the shoes - it all comes together to make a great look!

Thanks to the generosity of Star Costumes, one person will also have the opportunity to select their favorite Christmas costume (or just be prepared for fun pretend play or next Halloween) because...
One lucky person will win a $30 gift certificate to Star Costumes!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Star Costumes on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you leave the following message on their wall: Costumes aren't just for Halloween! I entered to win a $30 gift certificate to Star Costumes at Thanks, Mail Carrier! http://bit.ly/ftUePw
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
#WIN a $30 gift card to @StarCostumes for everything from dress-up to Christmas costumes! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/ftUePw #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Star Costumes. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on December 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Star Costumes for providing a Complete Elf Set Kids Costume for me to review as well as a $30 gift certificate for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Cat In The Hat Costume Child
My little ones love to dress up n would look super cute in it.
I would get the Airship Pirate Adult Costume.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I would love the Delux Mario kids costume!
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I like the Biker Dog outfit.
Stopping by from Thirsty Thursday Hop. New follower.
I would get the S.W.A.T. Team Kids Costume.
I love the Pink Pixie Costume Child
My 4-year-old would love the ruby princess costume!
shimonakatz (at) gmail (dot) com
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My son would love the cuddly cow costume. He's very much into cows right now. :-) (alidear at hotmail dot com)
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i might get the Gangster Kids Costume
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entered Umi shoes giveaway
I think I'd get the police officer costume for my boys. Thanks!
johnthegirl at hotmail dot com
Deluxe Luigi Kids Costume
Dark Pixie Costume
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I would get my 6 month old the infant bunting angel costume.
I follow star costumes on twitter @dawn408
My son would flip for his favorite character with the Delux Mario kids costume!
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I love the Suzie Q costume, I think it'd be adorable to save for a costume party or next Halloween!
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I'd choose the Blue Pixie Fairy Costume Child for Liz.
I would love to get the Petal Pink Princess Toddler Costume for my niece.
ljatwood at gmail dot com
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I have THAT elf costume for my son to wear at Christmas!!!! It is just too darned cute isn't it. Better than a suit - and more suitable (ha ha) if you know my son! Since he has the elf already I would probably go for the Uncle Sam Child Costume. He would NEVER want to take that off!!
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I'd get the Big Eat Me Banana Adult Costume
Reg. $30.95
Sale Price: $20.00
flophasit at yahoo dot com
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I have to have the Harley Davison costume for my grandson!
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I like the ruby queen child costume
ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com
daily tweet 12/6
ljatwood at gmail dot com
I would purchase a gingerbread costume for my toddler son.
I would purchase a gingerbread costume for my toddler son.
My ds would love the airforce pilot costume.
shanna dot carlton at gmail dot com
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I like the Native American Princess Costume Adult
daily tweet 12/8
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I'd get Dark Pixie Costume
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Entered Wind and weather chair swings
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ceis8009 at yahoo dot com
entered Hayneedle give-away
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I really like the 2-in-1 Witch / Renaissance Princess Adult Costume. Thanks.
entered Dinosaur Train giveaway
ceis8009 at yahoo dot com
My favorite Christmas costume is the Deluxe Angel Kids Costume.
footejennifer at hotmail.com
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Entered Hayneedle giveaway.
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Entered Amazon/Bestcovery.com giveaway.
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Entered Bissell giveaway.
footejennifer at hotmail.com
Entered Dinosaur Train giveaway.
Entered Cheerios Spoonfuls giveaway.
We would definitely buy a Santa costume!!! (love the elves too!)
I follow!
daily tweet 12/13
ljatwood at gmail dot com
i love the cuddly cow costume
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
daily tweet 12/14
ljatwood at gmail dot com
I would get the Classic Batman Kids Costume.
I follow you on GFC(LindaG) entry #1
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daily tweet 12/15
ljatwood at gmail dot com
I would love to get their kids superman costume for my youngest son who is HUGE into superheros lately. Thanks for the chance :)
The Air force pilot costume.
I love the Toy Soldier Adult Costume.
Following Star Costumes on Twitter (@hle123).
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Hoa Le
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