And I know to a lot of people who live here, the changing of the seasons is beautiful. Sure, the arrival of the spring can be gorgeous and the leaves changing colors in the fall is a sight to behold and enjoy...

That's all. 3°.
As much as I love our house and neighborhood and city... The idea of packing up and moving to a warmer climate sure sounds nice right about now. It wouldn't be that hard, right? Maybe have one of those portable storage companies come and drop off room-size containers to fill up? Or, even better, just make a call and have movers show up at my door ready to do it all for me.
That would get our possessions moved, which would be good. But what about our lives? My husband has a job that works him too hard, but it's still a great job. Big Sister E adores her preschool and we just signed her up to attend 4K there next year... and Little Sister B will finally be able to attend a day or two as well so she doesn't have to just watch in longing when her sister gets dropped off.
Really though, those could be replaced eventually. The things that couldn't? The amazing family and friends that we have right here or nearby, the people who fulfill our lives in the way that the extra sunshine or lack of snow couldn't. So, I guess until we manage to talk everyone we know and love into packing up and moving with us, we'll just put on an extra layer of clothing and make it through one more cold winter.
Besides, some of us apparently aren't all that disappointed about that...

What about you? Do you like where you live or would you ever consider moving for different weather?
When my husband was alive, he used to say he was going to tie the snow on the top of the car and drive until someone asked him what it was, there he would stay. I was born & grew up in Iowa, but I now live in Florida. My two youngest sons had to move to warmer climate for health reasons. Weather shouldn't be life threatening on an everyday basis.
BRRRRRRRR!!!!! 3, OMG!! That is COLD!!! I am completely happy with the weather where I live! I get to wear shorts and flip-flops year round! I live in Hawaii!
I grew up in Colorado though, so I know what cold weather is like... No thanks.
Yes, I used to live in Michigan, no thank you! I am still cold in CA.
3 DEGREES? That is insane! I am in AZ=- and it was 78 degrees and sunny today. Lived here all my life- snow and I dont get along!
Well considering I live in Florida. I think I will stick with my warm weather and admire your fun sun pitchers in my tank top and flip flops.
But seriously friends and family are extremely important and any move away from them should be weighed with the importance.
Without them it just isn't the same.
My husband and I often dream of moving to Tampa. Sure we would miss our family and friends but we both do not like the snow or cold. Even Hayden cries at the snow!
Yes, got to love the Midwest! I am your neighbor (state-wise) in Illinois! Every year I wonder why I still live here (I am not a cold weather person) but yet every year here I am! It makes it especially hard once you have children and if you do live close to family - I love having the children close to their family. :-)
Stay warm!!! We are already ~ -12 wind chills.
As much as I'm not a fan of the snow and cold (currently -11 but "feels like" -24) I couldn't leave my family. My husband always says he wants to leave here someday but right now we've decided it's too important for our son to grow up knowing the little bit of family we are close to.
I couldn't move anywhere else unless my family moved, too. Well, my husband's family would have to move, too, I suppose.
BTW, I'm here from Friendly Friday!
:) Michelle
Forgot to say that I would love a follow back on GFC and Twitter! :)
We moved to FL when we were teenagers, before kids. It was a nice change, but NY is and will always be called home for us. We headed back when Gav was almost 2, as my family and his are all here. They would have missed them growing up, and I can't see doing that to them. I think my kids deserve to be around family while they are growing up:) Plus hubby has a great paying job here.
I have lived in Florida my whole life, granted I have traveled to 48 of the 50 states and have been to 12 countries over seas and Canada and Mexico and the Islands. While traveling I always think of moving to a different state and I could not do it. The grass is always greener on the other side. We went to Montana this past August and fell in love with it. The problem is that out friends who live there are now "stuck" inside their home from the weather. Where I am able to get out and go where I want 365 days of the year. Come summer though I am wishing for somewhere else to live while their Summer is beautiful. :) See grass greener during Summer in Montana, grass greener during Winter in Florida. LOL
The snow is wonderful here in New York, and I wouldn't change the fact that we live up north where we can watch the seasons change. That said, I am SO excited to go to the tropics next week, and also very happy that my mom lives in Florida and I can visit.
Because freezing temperatures get old. Very, very quickly.
~Random Utterances~
I live in Michigan and its' 5 degrees in my town right now. It's -3 with the windchill. I would definitely be up for warmer weather right now! Though I do admit I still get excited in November (or October sometimes) when the first snow comes down. But, once new years eve passes, I'm always ready to kiss it goodbye. Unfortunately we usually have snow here until Mid March. Last year it snowed on Ryans birthday, march 28th. By that time of year I'm beyond sick of it! lol.
I am with you i would love to move to a warmer place. i live in Minnesota and right now it is -8 and i don't know the wind chill. i am trying to stay indoors today.I am so tired of the winter. it seems it is super cold or snowing everyday.
I am now following you from the friday follow
Ok, I just moved down here to NC where there is no snow. I thought I'd be pretty down with that. Turns out I miss the snow. Go figure.
I'm from Iowa. It was actually -21degrees this morning. I wish I could be a snow bird. Lake Havasu AZ in the winter and Iowa in the summer
I was born and raised in Florida. Too hot! My husband is from Wisconsin. Too cold! We lived in SW Virginia when my husband was in the Air Force and loved it! We moved back to FL when he got out. We thought we'd stay but we just couldn't take it. FL has 2 seasons, summer and spring. Hardly any fall colors and long HOT humid summers. We decided we wanted to head north. We settled in NE Tennessee and it is perfect! All four seasons and just enough snow. Just as we get tired of one season, the next begins. Not as cold as WI and not as hot and humid as FL. And the fall colors in the mountains are breathtaking! We love it here and are here to stay!
Well when the streets get ice covered and you have to drive back and forth on them, well those are the days I wish we lived in Florida.
Otherwise I don't really dislike winter.
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We just moved back from a desert country, and chose a snowy cold one to settle into. So far, not so bad, though I'm not thrilled with having to drive in snow so often! And the dog is still adjusting to the snow -- it's often higher than him!
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