Monday, January 24, 2011

Shopping with Lowe's Coupons

When we moved into our house, I was pretty sure that it was perfect just the way it was. There was plenty of space, extra bedrooms, an open concept that we liked, even a yard big enough for the dog that I was eager to rush out and adopt.

Of course, years later, our family has grown and all of that extra room has somehow disappeared and it seems like the more that I turn around, the more updates I see that could use to be done. More cabinets and a new counter top in the kitchen, doors on my kids' bedrooms that aren't hollow, refinishing or replacing scratched up hardwood from the aforementioned dog...

The list seems to grow longer each year.

Fortunately, my husband and I have been able to accomplish some household tasks on our own or with the help of handy family members, but it always seems like every time we head to the hardware store the costs add up quickly. It definitely pays off to look for coupons at places like Lowe's or take advantage of a good sale at Menard's, but when it comes time to hire someone, the bills that arrive do make me cringe.

Maybe we just need to learn how to do more things ourselves? I'm not foreseeing us putting in the counter top... but I could start small, right? Maybe with some craft or building projects that the kids could help with? Or at least with a small garden... that's something I feel like I could handle. Does a garden count as a home improvement project? Hmm.

How about you? Are you (or a family member) handy enough to complete projects on your own? Do you have a list of things that you'd like to change in your house?

Disclosure: but if any of you are good with tools and want to come over and help remodel, just let me know!)


Anonymous said... 1

Well my entire house needs done lol. You know how handy my hubby is and I cannot wait to get our new counters. He is also tackling refinishing the hardwood floors by himself. It's wonderful having a handy husband!

Anonymous said... 2

Hey there : )
Shopping on-line or in-store? which usually do you prefer? really wondering lol.. i love in-store because i don't really like waiting it to arrive!