If there is one thing that is held sacred around here, it is the bedtime story.
Both Big Sister E and Little Sister B are huge fans of being wrapped up in their pajamas, beloved blanket and stuffed animal in hand, and listening to my husband or I read them just about any book within reach. I can't blame them, really. There's just something so comforting about listening to tall tales or melodic rhyming or just gazing at the pictures in so many of our favorites.
So what could make that more fun? How about joining hundreds of thousands of other families by taking part in the fourth year of the largest annual bedtime story event, America's Biggest Bedtime Story? And we're not talking just for kids, this is something that the whole house is going to want to snuggle up for as this year it stars the one and only Justin Bieber.

Setting out to change that, BOOK IT!, the reading incentive program sponsored by Pizza Hut, teams up with a celebrity reader each year and invites

Last year more than 200,000 people joined the webcast, setting a new record for the event. So this year Pizza Hut is challenging classrooms and families across America to join the 2011 event and if total attendance surpasses last year’s attendance record, then BOOK IT! will donate $25,000 to the Pencils of Promise charity (a global movement that partners with local communities to build schools in the developing world).
Pretty great, right? Just pull up your favorite teddy bear, turn on the computer and let your kids listen to one of the biggest superstars around read his favorite childhood story, The Cat in the Hat. I have to admit that up until now I haven't really understood the Justin Bieber craze, but he has moved up quite a few notches in my book for being a part of this great cause as well as having good taste in kids' books!

The webcast will be available online until 11:59 pm CST on February 18 and will feature Justin reading as well as activities, a chance to win prizes and tips on how to raise a reader. When else are your kids going to have a chance to have a book read to them by a Grammy-nominated pop singing sensation?
And, if that's not all, thanks to the generosity of Pizza Hut one family will have the opportunity to really be ready to take part in America's Biggest Bedtime Story because...
One lucky person will win a PJ Pizza Party Pack including a $10 Pizza Hut gift card, a copy of The Cat in the Hat and Justin Bieber 3D Purple Sunglasses (perfect for his new movie)!

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1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow BOOK IT! on Twitter and/or Like it on Facebook.
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48-HR GIVEAWAY! WIN a PJ Pizza Party Pack ($10 Pizza Hut GC, The Cat in the Hat, 3D Glasses)! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/gsMv9B #giveaway
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on February 9th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 24 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to BOOK IT! for providing a PJ Pizza Party Pack for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 375 Newer› Newest»yes, we have a bedtime story ritual. Actually twice - since the kids are different age and go to bed at different times
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We read every night right now we sit by the fire, and snuggle. Our favorite book right now is I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll. It is an adorable book.
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Each night we read scriptures, pray, give hugs and I read my boys a bed time story while they cuddle in the crook of my arms.
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I think my boys would enjoy listening to Bieber read it...though they nor I really know who Bieber is (insert sheepish grin...)
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We definately have a night time tradition / ritual of reading books at bedtime. I'm a mom or a 6 1/2 month old and I knew that I wanted to instill that even at such a young age. At about 4 months she actually would settle down a bit during our evening story time. We read about 5 books a night - quiet books read in a whisper voice while she snuggles with her lovey. Lights are low, t.v. is off and all is good is in the house with us and our books!
Would my kiddo like to listen to Justin Beiber - eh maybe. Mostly she only listens to mom!
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We read stories every night too. The kids love it and I think it's great family bonding time for all of us :)
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Yes, we have rituals. We watch one show and read one book.
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We love reading stories before bed too! My little one is just a little too young to have Bieber fever although they'd probably enjoy listening to the story.
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we don;t read together anymore, the kids do it on their own before bed. They would like to hear Justin I think.
Our bedtime tradition is we get baths, brush teeth and read a book. And yes I know my daughter would love to hear Justin B. read Cat and the Hat.
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our bedtime tradition includes bath, pjs, bedtime snack and 3 books - each boy gets to choose a book for mommy or daddy to read and prayers. i don't think my boys would really care if it justin bieber reading The Cat in the Hat but my niece would LOVE it
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we love stories at bedtime and we're also HUGE beiber fans so this prize pack would be great!
Thanks for letting us know about this webcast, I think my boys will really enjoy it :)
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Read books every night fo years
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When my daughter was growing up, we would have bath time than storytime before going to sleep.
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They would enjoy anyone reading the story, but they don't really know Bieber yet. The kids get to pick the book they want to read every night.
I'm a library media specialist, so we're definitely readers in my house. My kiddos are too young to read on their own so if I'm busy with the baby and can't read to my 5 year old occasionally, I'll set him up with an online story book - he loves it!!
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We usually do a bath, then milk and a story!
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We read stories every night. We all enjoy it. I think my little one will enjoy The Cat in the Hat.
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werad stories if we have time, drink milk, eat vitamins, brush our teeth. i'm not sure if they know who bieber is but would like to hear a story from him.
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I like to read to kids before they go to bed, I'm a 26yr old college grad without kids--but I still babysit atleast once a week for some client I used to have. I still love reading to kids and playing with them. I would give this book set to one of the families I work with. m.danielson5@yahoo.com
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We get a bath, then climb into mommy/daddy's bed and read books while we snuggle. Then we head to the kids bedroom and say a prayer after they climb into bed and say goodnight. I'm not sure if my daughter would enjoy listening to Justin Bieber in particular since she doesn't know who he is (she's only 3). But she likes the cat in the hat - we read that currently.
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My granddaughter is 8 and she still likes to be read to at bedtime. She loves Justin Bieber and would like to hear him read anything!
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We snuggle on the couch right before bedtime and read. I am sure they would love to hear Justin Bieber read to them.
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When my daughters were young, I always read to them at bedtime. As they got older, they liked to read to themselves before going to bed. I think my daughter would enjoy listening to Justin Bieber read The Cat in the Hat.
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My son reads to my daughter at bedtime (he's 7 and she's 3) and they both love that. I think my daughter would love to hear Justin Beiber read the book!
melissamcnicol {AT} yahoo {DOT} com
We read AND sing. And no...they don't like Justin Bieber.
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My kids do their homework right up until bedtime because we're so busy. We would love to hear Justin Beiber read the book.
Books are a big part of our kids bedtime. We read all the time in our house.
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My husband did the bedtime reading in our home after I got all 5 ready for bed.
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We always read Goodnight Moon, and I think that A Cat in the Hat by Justin Bieber would be a hit.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
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We don't read so much anymore...my daughter reads independently. She would LOVE to hear anything read by JB. She is his biggest fan!
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The kids have started reading to themselves.
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We always read a book before bed we buy at least 2 new books a month and we also go to the library. I think my kids would like hearing JB read the Cat in The hat!
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