I have friends who, no matter what day and what time you drop by their house, it will be spotlessly clean and comfortable. And as much as I would like to think that my house looks like that at times, it never lasts and we always seem to fall into the Company Is Coming, Hurry Up And Clean category. Why is that?
Is it the way that my kids walk through a room and all of a sudden there is a trail of dirty socks, cracker crumbs, discarded toys and scraps of paper left in their wake? Or is it purely my lack of motivation in following along after them to encourage neatness or just do it myself?
Everything from the newest or greenest cleaning supplies to fancy or cheap vacuum cleaners hasn't seemed to make any difference, I'm still looking around and seeing mess. I think it's time to make a change.
Create a schedule? Devote certain days and times to cleaning? Make it a priority?
Nah. I'm thinking I just need to work on this a little more...

What about you? Do you manage to keep your home clean longer than the 20 minutes that I do? And even though I'm joking about having my kids do all of the cleaning around here, are there certain jobs around the house that yours like to help with?
I have to fight my kids to use the vacuum, mop or broom which is fantastic that they want to help and do a fairly good job of it, but if I'm in a hurry it gets a little stressful.
ReplyDeleteMy kids are total slackers when it comes to helping, they would sleep on beds without sheets if I let them. I have to bribe them and yell and threaten them to help me clean and keep it clean. Even with chore charts and stuff. It's definitely NOT easy!
ReplyDeleteI was gung-ho this morning that I was going to get ALL the laundry done, empty the dishwasher, vaccuum, wash the kitchen floor, change the bed sheets etc. It's now 1:05 pm and I'm right here cuz my gung-ho up and gung-left. The bed is half made, the dishwasher is half empty and the laundry is not even half done. I think I'll just watch a good movie or read my book instead. Tomorrow is another day...
ReplyDeleteThe only time my kids really liked doing chores was when there were really young. Once they understand the concept of work doesn't equal fun, then it was sluggish movement and belly aching.
ReplyDeleteWith that being said, do enlist your tiny helpers to do pint size jobs. For instance, give them their own undies and socks to put away or ask them to help you to carry towels so you can put them in the linen closet.
Untidy floors are just a normal part of living with children unless you can get them to eat off the floor. Oh wait that's what a pet is for, right?
My last kiddo in the nest is a teenager and there isn't a chore he really LOVES to do, but he's a good sport and gives me assistance when I ask and ask and ask. Nah, I don't have to ask normally more than once. I'm thankful for the help I get. Enjoy your wee ones while you!
~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
I think you should enlist ;) your children's help. Why not start early when they want to help? My son loves sweeping, vacuuming, folding laundry and making the bed...he's not yet 2 so he needs help :) but soon he should be able to help more efficiently. I remember as a child I loved to help UNTIL I became so proficient that my parents wouldn't do it with me anymore, so instead of a fun activity with Mom or Dad, it became a chore...not sure what to do about that...
ReplyDeleteI dread having company over. My house is always a mess, no matter what I do or don't do. I have a two year old and a 50 year old, and between the two of them, my house is a disaster area. Crumbs are my worst enemy. They are everywhere. Dust bunnies attack me from all sides. Sippy cups and little bowls and the bottles of syrup which are my daughter's "babies" (really; she loves them) are all over. There are books on the stairs, the living room floor, the couch and chairs, the kitchen floor, kitchen table, in the pantry. There are toys in the living room all over the place. I feel something is accomplished if I have a clean bathroom and clean kitchen to cook in. After that...well just don't drop by without calling!
ReplyDeleteCleaning has never, and I mean NEVER been my strong suit. It's insane panic if someone is coming over for a visit. I would rather be doing other stuff than cleaning is my whole issue. You are definitely not the only one. I have been working on keeping my dishes regularly rotating thru the sink, dishwasher, and cupboards. =)
I hate cleaning. I am so not good at keeping the house clean so it gets really bad. :-o
ReplyDeleteHayden loves to sweep so I let him do that. Heath always says I can't wait until he's old enough to do yard work,haha!
I used to be so good at keeping the house in order. However as Abby gets older, her messes get bigger! The house is constantly a disaster!