Monday, February 14, 2011

The Meaning of Valentine's Day

The day has finally arrived: Happy Valentine's Day!

Having children, Valentine's Day has a much different meaning than it did in the past for me. Of course I love my husband and know that it would be nice to spend time with him and exchange gifts... but there's just more than that now.

When I look at Big Sister E and Little Sister B I know that Valentine's Day isn't just about flowers and chocolate and jewelry (although those are nice) or any gift at all, really. I'm not stressing out about finding a coupon so that I can buy just the right poetry book or cookbook to turn this evening into something fancy or scouring the stores for candles or perfume to bring on the romance.

In fact, I don't have to look for coupon codes for a good deal on Valentine's Day at all because everything that I could want to show how much I love my family is right here.

Because they are the everything.

My husband not only puts up with my ups and my downs and has to deal with my craziness, but he is a wonderfully devoted father - something that is easily apparent with just how much our girls adore him.

And those girls, they are the center of it all. Sure, there are days that are harder than others, but at the end of it all, no matter how I'm feeling, they know that I'm a sucker for their laughter.

So today, February 14th, there might be romance and there might be gifts and there might be whatever else traditionally comes with this holiday...

But there's definitely love.

What about you? Do you have plans to celebrate Valentine's Day?


Liz Mays said... 1

I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day, to tell you the truth. I like to treat my kids to some fun goodies, but I don't need anything myself.

As long as I can plop on the couch tonight and watch The Bachelor, I'll be happy. ;)

Anonymous said... 2

We love Valentine's Day. I gave the kids their small gift and tons of hugs and kisses this morning. Hubby got his card and will get his gift tonight. Nothing major. I am also cooking up a yummy manicotti meal, and brownies(I know I shouldn't) lol. Happy Valentine's Day!

Midnite Skys said... 3

I get to work... I have no one in my live right now so I have NO plans...... I kinda hate Vday......

MIG said... 4

You are such a sweet mom!

We already went out to dinner on Saturday. Not as much because it was around Valentine's but more because we'll take any excuse to have a date night. We only get date night about once a month so...

I believe holidays like this are more about the kids anyway. As long as they have fun it's good.