Maybe you've also heard of the celebrations (often called "parties") that people hold in honor of the Super Bowl? And that there is quite often a large amount of food there?
The week was going pretty well, actually, and I was proud of myself for how well I had been doing... and then it seemed like even by the time Christina Aguilera was messing up the words to the national anthem, I was attached at the hip with the taco dip.
However, I knew to trust that one evening of splurging a bit hopefully wouldn't derail my plans of passing the 10 pound mark with Nutrisystem too much and this morning found...

Week 1: -3 lbs
Week 2: -3 lbs
Week 3: -1 lbs
Week 4: -1.4 lbs
Week 5: -1 lbs
Week 6: -0.8 lbs
Total loss: 10.2 lbs
Double digits, people! 10 pounds in six weeks! Living in Wisconsin, I'm excited about the Packers winning, of course, but this is great news, too! It's not quite my own Super Bowl, as I've got a while to go until I hit my actual goal, but I'd say it's a mini championship for sure.
And speaking of great things, Nutrisystem really is making it easier for everyone to join and lose weight right now as well. With their Rollback Sales Event, you and your family and friends can join Nutrisystem in 2011 at 2003's prices - what a value!

As BMI is an effective way to estimate healthy body weight and one of the most widely used diagnostic tools to help identify health and weight problems, the Nutrisystem BMI app can really come in handy for a lot of people. Calculate BMI in seconds to check if someone is underweight or overweight, generate a basic diet plan to help improve and maintain that number, save and track BMI data while providing reminders to check it regularly and more.

Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit with Heather at Living on Love and Cents, Sara at "Deal"icious Mom, Heather at Our Kids Mom, Melissa at Sippy Cup Mom and Brett at Mama Loves Her Bargains and cheer them on as well!
As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.
WooHoo, way to go! You are doing so well!
Way to go!! I wonder what color NutriBear you'll get? Congrats, mama!!
Double digits is right! You're doing great at keeping it going. :)
Way to go Xenia! Congratulations on those double digits!
WOW -- So proud of you!!!
Can you believe she messed up, my mouth dropped. Anyways, congratulations on the double digits, that is awesome!
Congrats on 10lbs and your first bear! :)
Way to go!!
Way to go ! New follower of your blog from follow me chickadee.
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