Over the years, my taste in movies has changed. I have always been a big fan of comedies, but where I once might have rushed out to see the latest action cliffhanger or romantic adventure, now I find myself sizing up a film to see just how much my kids might enjoy it.
Sure, it has increased the number of animated movies I see by threefold, but it's worth it. Whether the whole family gets cozy on the couch with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn or we make it an outing and head to the theater to grab snacks there and catch the latest release, it's entertainment that never goes out of style.
The common theme? The popcorn. It's just not nearly as fun to watch a movie without it! And this year, just in time to honor the biggest celebration of movies around - the Academy Awards - we have found a way to host our own award-winning soirée right at home thanks to the experts at The Popcorn Factory.

Or what about making some hilarious lasting memories by appointing someone as the "paparazzi" to snap photos as your guests arrive? Continue the laughs by inviting your guests to play fashion police and, all in fun, choose the best and worst dressed guests! I'm not actually sure which category we would have a harder time picking around here...

Or, take part by acting as the Academy - let your guests pick their own

But no party is complete without the right decorations! And that's where The Popcorn Factory really shines, as they have an amazing (and delicious) collection of movie night snacks that would make perfect centerpieces for an Oscar Party, whether big or small.
How about grabbing some attention with an "Awards Night party pack" starring the Movie Night Scoop Box? It's not only festive but filled with a selection of mouth-watering goodies for everyone to enjoy!

Ready to celebrate the Academy Awards in style? Enter the coupon code MOVIE at The Popcorn Factory and receive $10 off of your purchase of $50 or more (until March 31, 2011)! And, thanks to the generosity of The Popcorn Factory, one person will be even more ready to see the latest flick of their choosing with a tasty treat in hand, because...
One lucky person will win a $25 gift certificate to The Popcorn Factory!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you Like the The Popcorn Factory on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a $25 gift card to The Popcorn Factory - delicious popcorn and gourmet snacks! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/hUx4lz #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and The Popcorn Factory. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on March 18th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to The Popcorn Factory for providing a Gold Stars & Swirls Popcorn for me as well as a $25 gift certificate for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 822 Newer› Newest»Stopping in from Thirsty Thursday. I am a new follower here via GFC.
Wakela's World
I would love to be entered for the Popcorn Pals 7-Way Popcorn. That looks really yummy.
I'd like 3-1/2 Gallon Popcorn Pals Pick-A-Fill
email subscriber
I'd love the sampler!
I would get the snack attack deluxe snack assortment.
I am a email subscriber.
I am a email subscriber.2
I am a gfc follower.
gfc follower.
I like the popcorn bowl and snacks
I like the popcorn factory on fb
i'd have to pick the Awards Night Snack Box...so i could enjoy a bit of everything!
i like the popcorn factory on FB - jayedee halpin dewitt
i follow you on twitter @ntiveheart and i tweeted!
i follow via gfc ntiveheart@gmail.com
luv to try their snack attack assortment. Sounds yummy!
like TPF on fb as susan wiener
entered the $100 target gc from Tanga.
entered the $20 chili's gc giveaway.
entered the $50 ss jewelry gallery gc
entered the $25 OS gc
entered the RS curling Iron.
twitter follower of yours as sherri2345 on twitter.
tweeted your message on twitter as sherri2345 here http://twitter.com/#!/sherri2345/status/40851690420703232
gfc follower as swiener1 #1
gfc follower as swiener1 #2
RSS feed subscriber 1
email subscriber 2
fb fan as susan wiener
I like the Popcorn Bowl and Snacks!
I like Popcorn Factory on FB as Elaine Lund
I follow on Twitter as elund323
I follow with Yahoo Feed
Entry #1
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Entry #2
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Entry #1
I subscribe via email
Entry #2
I follow on FB as Elaine Lund
entry #1
I follow on FB as Elaine Lund
entry #2
Curling up with a movie and a bowl of popcorn sounds pretty good right now. I'd love to win the Popcorn Pals Popcorn & Snack Tins
LKARambo at comcast dot net
"like" Popcorn Factory on FB
Kathy Cheeseman Rambousek
LKARambo at comcast dot net
subscirbe w/Google Reader
LKARambo at comcast dot net
subscribe w/Google Reader #2
LKARambo at comcast dot net
email subscirber
LKARambo at comcast dot net
email subscriber #2
LKARambo at comcast dot net
Twitter follower and twee
LKARambo at comcast dot net
tweeted your message on twitter as sherri2345 http://twitter.com/#!/sherri2345/status/40851690420
I'd go with the popcorn pals tins with snacks for $24.99 sounds delicious. I love movies & popcorn so I'd love to win! barb g. directorylanesuperstore(at)gmail.com
I receive your email newsletter. barb g.
I WOULD LIKE THE Snack Attack Deluxe Snack Assortment
They all look great! But I would probably pick 18 Pack Popcorn Sampler.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/marieimy/status/40916916059111424
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm following on twitter (marieimy)
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC follower.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe to the RSS feed.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Also entered the Turbie Twist giveaway.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
I also entered the Target $100 gift card giveaway.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Also entered the Happy Me Skincare giveaway.
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
New follower, stop by my blog http://sewchicblogdesign.blogspot.com/ and my email is designbyloree@gmail.com!
I would love the Popcorn Bowl & Snacks.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
Ooh, yummy and what a smart treat. My kids are crazy about popcorn.
The Movie Night Scoop Box looks like a lot of fun!
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC: abfantom entry #1
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC: abfantom entry #2
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I'm an email subscriber entry #1
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I'm an email subscriber entry #2
abfantom at yahoo dot com
i might get the Awards Night Snack Box
subscriber 2
entered Build-A-Bear Workshop giveaway
entered The Bag Holder giveaway
entered Dinosaur Train Make A Match giveaway
entered The Popcorn Factory giveaway
entered PJ Greetings giveaway
entered Big G and Hot Wheels giveaway
entered Hallmark's Recordable Storybook giveaway
entered Pear Tree Greetings giveaway
entered Comfy Sacks giveaway
entered Chili's giveaway
entered Tanga giveaway
I like to enjoy the 18 Pack Popcorn Sampler with my favorite movie.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/computerfan/status/40984448426053632
I like the snack attack deluxe snack assortment.
3-1/2 Gallon Popcorn Pals Pick-A-Fill
Id love to try Popcorn Pals 7-Way Popcorn Tin with my favorite film :)
I like The Popcorn Factory on facebook- Jake Bray
I follow you on twitter and tweeted
I follow you on GFC
I subscribe to your rss feed
I subscribe to your email
I like you on facebook- Jake Bray
I entered the Big G & Hot Wheels Super Fan Family Prize Pack Giveaway
I entered the Gummy Lump Art Supplies prize pack giveaway
I entered the Chilis Restaurant $20 Gift Card Giveaway
I entered the $100 Target gift card from Tanga giveaway
I entered The Popcorn Factory $25 gift card giveaway for the 3/4 ending
I would like to get the snack attack deluxe snack assortment
I follow you publicly with Google Friend Connect
I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on Facebook
I Like the The Popcorn Factory on Facebook
I entered $100 Target gift card from Tanga giveaway
Movie Night Scoop Box Four Pack!
misteedawnw at aol dot com
Liked you on fb #1 (Mistee Dawnw)
misteedawnw at aol dot com
Liked you on fb #2 (Mistee Dawnw)
misteedawnw at aol dot com
Liked the Popcorn Factory on fb
misteedawnw at aol dot com
movie night scoop box
cheese popcorn would be choice number 1. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
GF follower #1. THanks
GFC follower #2. Thanks
GFC follower #1. THanks
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Forgot email earlier
i would choose 18 Pack Popcorn Sampler
Popcorn Pals 7-Way Popcorn would be the best for us! We all like variety here!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Like the Popcorn Factory on Facebook.
I would like 2-Gallon Popcorn Pals Pick-A-Fill
Following you GFC.
follow you GFC. #2
following you on twitter.
my twitter name is @sweepingme
following you on facebook.
following on facebook #2
There are 5 of us so I would choose the Snack Attack Deluxe Snack Assortment.
like Popcorn Factory on FB
I like Popcorn Bowl & Snacks.
I would love to try the 18 Pack Popcorn Sampler.
I am a fan on Facebook #1.
I am a fan on Facebook #2.
I would pick the Popcorn Bowl & Snacks. I just have to have my red licorice and carmel corn.
sflickinger at rocketmail dot com
entered NOVICA giveaway
popcorn bowl and snacks crystletellerday@yahoo.com
Hello I'm your newest follower from Frugal Fridays. Looking forward to sharing info with you!
Cecelia @ moneysavvymama.blogspot.com
Movie Night Scoop Box Four Pack!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
GFC follower
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
entered jenlinn giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
entered sterling silver giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
entered chili's giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
entered timmy time give away
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
entered tanga giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I like the 18 Pack Popcorn Sampler
pkildow at gmail dot com
The Snack Attack Deluxe Snack Assortment looks so yum. Thanks.
The snack attack deluxe snack assortment would be my choice
I'd like the Snack Attack Deluxe Snack assortment. a little bit of everything!
iridia718 at gmail dot com
The 18 pack popcorn sampler would be fun to try!
GFC follower
GFC follower
Entered the Chili's giveaway.
Entered the Tanga Target giveaway.
Entered the Bag Holder Outback Steakhouse giveaway.
Snack Attack Deluxe Snack Assortment, yum!
I entered the Target giftcard giveaway
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/computerfan/status/41340696489099264
Movie Night Scoop Box Four Pack for me
I'd enjoy the Popcorn Pals 7-Way Popcorn.
I'm a google follower
I'm an email subscriber
I would love to try the 18 pack popcorn sampler
carolwegs at gmail dot com
i subscribe via email #1
carolwegs at gmail dot com
i subscribe via email #2
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I entered Turbie Twist giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I entered Blushing Dove Boutique giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I entered Lila Rose Flex Clip giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com
I entered Timmy Time DVD giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com
Love the Movie Night Scoop set! Thanks.
Like Popcorn Factory on FB. Thanks
Entered Hallmark Recordable contest. Thanks.
I like the Snack Attack Deluxe Snack Assortment.
lvw8toj [at] tempalias [dot] com
Like the The Popcorn Factory on Facebook (gala ya)
LKARambo at comcast dot net
I have not re-oredered for awhile but I am just abourt ready too...It is so goood!
I'd like to have the
Popcorn Bowl & Snacks.
I follow on GFC (1)
I follow on GFC (2)
entered Hallmark
entered Big G
entered Guidecraft
entered Gummy Lump
entered Chili's
entered Tanga
TODAY I WOULD LIKE THE 3-1/2 Gallon Popcorn Pals Pick-A-Fill
Popcorn Bowl & Snacks would be my choice.
Popcorn Pals Popcorn & Snack Tins rengold69@yahoo.com
Like the The Popcorn Factory on Facebook. rengold69@yahoo.com
i follow you on gfc rengold69@yahoo.com
I like the awards night snack box.
I entered the Tanga/Target giveaway.
I entered the turbie twist giveaway.
I entered the chili'c giveaway.
I follow you on twitter as humanecats and tweeted giveaway.
I follow on GFC as Ericka T. 2
We would like the Awards Night Snack Box.
I love the Popcorn Factory!
I came back for more entries since I'll be off the meal plan after next month popcorn would be great! barb g. directorylanesuperstore(at)gmail.com Oh yeah,I'm a new gfc follower.
I'm a facebook fan of your blog. barb g. I love my mail carrier!
It seems I'm already a twitter fan of yours too as dlsblogs. barb g.
Popcorn pals 7 way
gfc 1
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