When it comes to my hair, I've tried tools up and down the spectrum. I have thick, wavy curls that somewhat do whatever they want unless I find a high enough quality product that can tame it.
Speaking of which, I have to admit that I used to think that haircare items were directly related to their price; the higher the cost the better it must be, right? Isn't that how a lot of things work? But then I discovered something: that's not always the case. I won a $200 fancy schmancy curling iron a while back and can barely stand using it, instead preferring a simple one that I purchased years and years ago.
So, when that one fell apart (literally) a little while back, I knew that the price tag wasn't what was going to point me in the right direction towards a replacement that I would love. Instead, what mattered was choosing a product from a brand known for only the highest quality with a proven track record of success. Too much to ask? Not when Remington is in the picture.

And, most recently, Remington stylists have been helping the stars rock the red carpet with stunning hairstyles that those of us watching at home can do as well. Did you catch the hilarious and gorgeous Tina Fey at the Golden Globe or SAG Awards? She looked amazing thanks to her stylist's talents and his use of Remington products to give her such a classic and chic look!

Having a tangle-free swivel cord makes a huge difference as well, as I can remember past curling irons without the swivel feature and having the cord wrap around and around was just never convenient while I was trying to fix my hair.

If you're looking for a beauty product for a man or woman, Remington has them all. And not only will you find affordable prices and great ideas on their website, their recently revamped Remington Red Chair Ready

How is your hair? Could it use a great styling tool to help make it look even better? Thanks to the generosity of Remington, one person will soon be ready to hit the red carpet themselves because...
One lucky person will win a Remington Style ¾" Curling Iron!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Remington on Twitter, Like them on Facebook and/or Like Remington Red Chair Ready on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a Remington Style Curling Iron, a must-have for long-lasting gorgeous curls! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/hIt42a #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to Thanks, Mail Carrier and Remington. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on February 25th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Remington for providing a Style Curling Iron for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 491 Newer› Newest»luv to try their hairdryer.
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hmmm. I wonder which one would work best for super fine, straight as a board hair. Maybe I'm better off with hot rollers...
I would love the shine therapy flat iron!
I'd like to have the Smooth & Silky Epilator and Personal Groomer Set.
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I would like to own the Remington® Style Therapy: Damage Therapy 1" Flat Iron
I entered the RedEnvelope Valentine's day giveaway.
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I would love to own these hot rollers :)
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I have entered the Suede Mid Calf Boots giveaway
I would like to own the T/Studio Pearl Ceramic 1" Sleek & Curl Flat Iron.
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iwant this onefor my hubby
Remington® R-8150 featuring Pivot & Flex Technology
I am stopping by from the hop. I am your newest follower.
I would also like the hair setters :)
ashleydangit at gmail dot com
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I would love to have the
Bright Purple Hair Dryer and Straightener Styling Set, super cute and I don't own a straightener of my own! Ha using my daughters!
I am following you now from the Thursday blog hop, hope you can return the favor!
I would like to try the styler hair dryer. Thanks for the giveaway. www.mukwerto.blogspot.com
love to have the wet dry shaver for women
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I would like to have the remington get ready quick wet2straight & electric shaver set
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entered the piggyback bandz giveaway
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entered the amazon gift card from june cleaver nirvana giveaway
entered the energizer max batteries giveaway
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entered the leapfrog amazing alphabet and numbers ahoy dvds giveaway
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entered the cool care curling iron holder giveaway
New follower of yours from the Hopping Friday hop- would love if you would follow back @ Classified: Mom
Oh and the hair curler looks awesome!
classifiedmom1 at gmail dot com
I would like the smooth and silky womens shaver.
I really love Remington, especially their hair removal and epilators! I would love a Remington epilator.
chamboriluv at gmail dot com
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chamboriluv at gmail dot com
I entered the Kiki's Maternity Fashions giveaway!
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I would like to have the T|STUDIO Pearl Curling Wand and Dryer Set.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I like the Smooth & Silky Epilator and Personal Groomer Set.
1agordon at live.com
I would like to have the Remington® Mini Pink Giraffe Print 1" Curling Iron.
I'd like to try the The Remington® Smooth & Silky Battery Operated Shaver!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I entered the Red Envelope giveaway.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
Remington® Mini Pink Giraffe Print 1" Curling Iron is so cute
I would like to try the Studio Pearl Ceramic Professional Styling Wand since I always kink the ends of my hair when I'm curling it.
tweeted today http://twitter.com/#!/bkxanon/status/33635741758132224
Remington make the best products, these irons get hot, and that is the way I like it to be.
I would love the styling wand!! kimbarsness at yahoo dot com
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I'd like to try the Remington Style Ionic Air System Hair Dryer. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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I would like to own the Remington® Style Therapy: Damage Therapy 1" Flat Iron
I'm a GFC follower.+1
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I like the Smooth & Silky® Cordless Shaver. It seems pretty practical and convenient!
entered jenlinn boots giveaway
I'd love to try their hot rollers....I've always wanted to use those things!
I'd like to try the Remington Style Ionic Air System Hair Dryer
I'd love to have the T|Studio Pearl Ceramic Professional AC Hair Dryer
Like Remington Hair Care & Grooming on fb (Cynthia Conley)
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tweeted today http://twitter.com/bkxanon/status/33939230438723584
Love that!
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tonya stutzman filleman
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tonya stutzman filleman
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I have your button!
I'd like to try the Remington® Style Heated Clip Hair Setter.
sparkledazey at gmail dot com
I would like The Richard Marin Professional Styling Set
mmclean13 at gmail dot com
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I would love to own the Remington® Style Heat Styler Hair Dryer.
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I entered your Sterling Silver Jewelry Gallery Giveaway.
I entered your 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Valentine's Day Bouquets Giveaway.
I like the Cool Style Black Paisley Print Hair Dryer, which is out of stock on their site.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Entered the Red Envelope giveaway.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Entered the ProFlowers giveaway.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Entered the June Cleaver Nirvana giveaway.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
Entered the JennLinn giveaway.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
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cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I would love to have the Smooth & Silky Epilator!
Is what My hubby might want to try
I liked them
1-800-FLOWERS.COM Valentine's Day Bouquets {Giveaway} | Thanks, Mail Carrier
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win a $100 gift certificate to ProFlowers
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One lucky person will win a pair of DATA-55 Women's Suede Mid Calf Boots from Jenlinn.com! ARV usually $39.99 but on sale now for $23.99!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
win a Gnomeo & Juliet prize pack
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
One person will win their choice of Cool Care Curling Iron Holder in the Counter Top or Wall Mount Model
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
R-7130HXLP 360° Pivot & Flex Cord/Cordless Rotary Shaver with Charging Stand is what I would get for my husband
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