Monday, March 7, 2011

Eliminate Airline Baggage Fees with the EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale {Review & Giveaway}

EatSmart Products{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Candy!}

How many times have you seen those people in the airport with their suitcases opened and laid out across the floor as they attempt to shift things from one to the next to make them under the weight limit?

Do you just shake your head sadly and give them a knowing look? Or do you walk on, thankful that your step-on-the-scale-and-then-step-on-the-scale-while-holding-the-suitcase method worked out for you this time?

For me, I've been there. My husband and I did some great traveling before we had children and, unfortunately, had times when we were those people.

It's not fun.

However, the stress of wondering if that is going to happen to us for any of our future travels has now been completely eliminated thanks to EatSmart Products and their EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale.

luggage scaleDesigned so that you never have to worry about paying unexpected baggage fees again, EatSmart designed this luggage scale to be portable, versatile, lightweight and easy for travelers with any level of experience. There is nothing technical or difficult about it at all!

No matter if you're heading to the airport with your kids to hit the theme parks, preparing to take a relaxing vacation to the beach with your significant other, or a business traveler packing up to go to your next meeting, the Precision Voyager Luggage Scale can be there for you the entire time.

With an airplane ride coming up for Big Sister E and I at the end of this month, this scale couldn't have arrived at a better time. As I pulled it out of the box, I was impressed by the sleek look and the overall simplicity that it had.

suitcase scaleTotal setup and prep for using this scale took about 10 seconds as I popped open the battery compartment and removed the plastic tab to activate it. That's it! All that was left to do was open the buckle on the strap and I was ready to weigh my suitcase.

baggage scaleClipping the buckle so that the strap was securely around the handle of our luggage, I handed the Precision Voyager to my husband and pressed the on/off button.

airline baggage feesAs it instantly displayed a 0.0, there was no wait and all that my husband had to do was lift the bag. The two-handed SmartGrip makes it so that the scale has a molded shape to it that is easy to grab (and makes it possible to lift up to 110 pounds!) and we found that the weight displayed immediately on the screen.

airline suitcase feesThat was all there was to it! The scale beeped to let us know that it was done and the weight stayed on the screen for around 20 seconds - which would be plenty of time for you to put down the suitcase and check the screen yourself if you were using this scale on your own.

I love the convenience! We have since tested out this luggage scale multiple times and always received reliable results. There's no question in my mind that the EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale is faster and easier than using the bathroom scale method, not to mention much more accurate.

Plus, this is so lightweight and portable that it fits in the palm portable scaleof my hand and can be stowed so easily right in your suitcase or another bag or purse to come along on your trip. You're not going to pack your bathroom scale and bring it on vacation, now are you? Because otherwise how would you know how much your baggage weighs after you've shopped for souvenirs and t-shirts?

I am looking forward to using this luggage scale on every trip I take from now on - there's just no reason not to! The compact design, durable construction, ease of use, and the fact that I won't ever have to hold my breath when my suitcase is taken by the airlines to get officially weighed has made me a big fan. Available for $19.95 from EatSmart or on Amazon, that price almost seems cheap for the amount of relief and possible airline fees it will save me for years to come.

Thanks to the generosity of EatSmart Products, one person is going to have an amazing product for themselves or a great gift for either casual or business travelers, because...

One lucky person will win an EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale!

EatSmart giveawayTo enter to win: Visit EatSmart Products and tell me which of their bathroom or kitchen scales you would most like to own.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow EatSmart Products on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN an EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale and never pay extra airline fees again! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on April 1st at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to EatSmart for providing a Precision Voyager Luggage Scale for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Krista said... 1

I love the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale. It looks so cool!

cloud10277 said... 2

I'd like to have the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

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Alicia said... 16

I would like to have the Eat Smart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

pinklady705 said... 17

I would most like to own the EatSmart™ Precision GoFit Digital Body Fat Scale

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

Katie said... 18

I'd <3 this: EatSmart™ Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale

Katie said... 19

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pinklady705 said... 20

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pinklady705 said... 22

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com


pinklady705 said... 28

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com


Linda W. said... 29

I would love the body fat scale. email subscriber

Michelle D said... 30

would love the precision pro kitchen scale

Michelle Danielson said... 31

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Crazylicious85 said... 32

EatSmart™ Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator

crazylicious85 AT suddenlink DOT net

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Crazylicious85 said... 48

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crazylicious85 AT suddenlink DOT net

BethElderton said... 49

I follow you on twitter and tweeted:!/mbm218/status/44857544891572224
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Mariee said... 50

The EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale looks awesome.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Mariee said... 51

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Mariee said... 52

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Mariee said... 53

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Mariee said... 54

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marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Mariee said... 55

Also entered Turbie Twist giveaway

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Mariee said... 56

Also entered Peter Rabbit Organics giveaway

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Mariee said... 57

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Mariee said... 58

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Unknown said... 59

I would most like the EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale

Unknown said... 60

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Unknown said... 61

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hendy said... 77

I would love to have the EatSmart Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator
hendymartin1 AT yahoo DOT com

hendy said... 78

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hendy said... 79

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hendy said... 85

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hendy said... 86

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Jenn S. said... 87

I would love to own the EatSmart Precision Retro Mechanical Kitchen Scale™ in red.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said... 88

follow EatSmart Products on Twitter : jashelep

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said... 89

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jas8929 at gmail dot com

Jenn S. said... 90

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jas8929 at gmail dot com


EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

pinklady705 said... 92

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 93

entered Guidecraft Nesting...

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 94

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 95

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 96

entered Infantino bag

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pinklady705 said... 97

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 98

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 99

entered Mars Needs Moms

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 100

entered Turbie Twist

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 101

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 102

entered Timmy Time

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 103

entered The Popcorn Factory

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 104

entered Lilla Rose

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 105

entered Snazzy Baby 3 in 1 carrier

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 106

entered $50 Novica gc

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 107

entered Fair Ivy strawberry earrings

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 108

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 109

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 110

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pinklady705 said... 111

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pinklady705 said... 112

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 113

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2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said... 114

entered T-Fal paella pan

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

susan said... 115

We could definitely use the EatSmart™ Precision Digital Bathroom Scale at our home.

susan said... 116

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susan said... 117

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susan said... 123

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susan said... 124

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susan said... 125

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susan said... 126

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susan said... 127

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susan said... 128

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susan said... 129

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susan said... 130

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susan said... 131

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susan said... 132

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Anonymous said... 133

I like the EatSmart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 134

Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

sweepmom said... 135

I would like the EatSmart™ Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale.

clenna said... 136

I would love to have the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said... 137

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clenna at aol dot com

clenna said... 138

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clenna said... 145

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clenna said... 146

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clenna said... 147

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clenna said... 148

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clenna at aol dot com

clenna said... 149

I entered Fake Bake tanning giveaway

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said... 150

I entered Target GC giveaway

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said... 151

I entered the Fake Bake products giveaway.

clenna at aol dot com

john said... 152

Eat Smart Digital Kitchen Scale is neat

delaney's mom said... 153

i would LOVE this luggage scale. everytime we travel we put our luggage on our crappy bathroom scale and it's always off. i like the gofit digital body fat scale.

delaney's mom said... 154

i follow via GFC

delaney's mom said... 155

entered jiffy lube giveaway

delaney's mom said... 156

entered bebe dulce giveaway

Unknown said... 157

tweeted today

The Riebeek Family said... 158

I would use the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

susan said... 159

daily tweet ~!/susanlanai/status/45458535135444992

Krista said... 160

I also entered your Jiffy Lube giveaway.

Mariee said... 161

Tweet (3/9)!/marieimy/status/45539051574525953

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

mrsshukra said... 162

I like the eatsmart precision digital kitchen scale!


mrsshukra said... 163

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mrsshukra said... 164

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mrsshukra said... 165

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mrsshukra said... 166

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mrsshukra said... 167

entered happy me skincare giveaway


mrsshukra said... 168

entered chili's giveaway


mrsshukra said... 169

entered target giveaway


Karen said... 170

Would LOVE to have the EatSmart™ Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale.

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 171

Entered Yoplait Kids Yogurt Giveaway :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 172

Entered Jiffy Lube and Car Giveaway :)

ktgonyea at

Karen said... 173

Entered Bebe Dulce Online Fashion for Kids Giveaway :)

ktgonyea at

Unknown said... 174

tweeted today

cloud10277 said... 175


Mariee said... 176

Tweet (3/10)!/marieimy/status/45928818959065088

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

mamabunny13 said... 177

I like the EatSmart™ Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said... 178

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mamabunny13 said... 179

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mamabunny13 said... 180

I entered jiffy lube
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said... 181
This comment has been removed by the author.
mamabunny13 said... 182

I entered popcorn factory
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said... 183
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mamabunny13 said... 184

#1 I follow via gfc
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said... 185

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mamabunny13 said... 186

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mamabunny13 said... 187

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mamabunny13 said... 188

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mamabunny13 said... 189

I entered the chilis gc giveaway
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

mamabunny13 said... 190

I entered the target gc giveaway
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said... 191

I am looking for a kitchen scale, so would choose the EatSmart™ Nutrition Pro Scale - Digital Food and Nutrient Calculator. I am in desparate need of the luggage scale. This is a great giveaway!
cspmom at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said... 192

I like EatSmart Products on facebook.
cspmom at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said... 193

I like EatSmart Products on facebook.
cspmom at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said... 194

I entered the Tanga-Target giveaway.
cspmom at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said... 195

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cspmom at gmail dot com

Jennifer Pellicone said... 196

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Jennifer Pellicone said... 199

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Jennifer Pellicone said... 200

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