Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to stop eating candy? Try Raisels! {Review & Giveaway}

Raisels{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, susanlanai!}

Are there people who don't have a sweet tooth? If so, do they crave something else? Because I'm not really understanding how you could not just really want something sweet and yummy during the day to give your taste buds a little treat.

However, even though my kids would gladly eat cookies, candy or chocolate all day every day, that's clearly not an option that I'm okay with for them... or me (seeing as I would take part in it myself). On the other hand, I'm not going to eliminate sweets completely from our lives, so that means finding snacks that are a healthier alternative.

And the new favorite around here? Without a doubt, it has to be Raisels.

healthy snackCreated by the National Raisin Company, Raisels are fruity flavored raisins that are the first 100% real fruit snack that actually tastes like candy. Not only are they rich in antioxidants, fat free and cholesterol free, but Raisels contain the 100% recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C.

Currently available in four different flavors (Lemon, Apple, Orange and Peach), when a variety of boxes arrived, my kids were immediately curious about the brightly colored packaging and humorous illustrated characters adorning it.

Right away I liked that these come in six packs of 1.25 ounce boxes, both for the portion control and the portability. If these came in a large bag, I would have to continuously tell my kids that they would have to wait until next time for another serving... and would end up guessing at the size of a serving anyway.

Instead, these convenient little boxes are great for packing in a lunch, taking on a picnic, having a quick snack in the car or just tossing into the diaper bag or a purse to have handy for any situation on the go.

As for the taste?

I had warned Big Sister E and Little Sister B that the Raisels were going to be a little sour, but clearly there was no need as they LOVED them! They're reminiscent of sour candies that have that initial "pucker up" when you put them in your mouth but then turn sweet a second or two later... and the combination is extremely yummy!

Although really, what fun are sour treats if you can't show off your "sour face" to go with them?

As Raisels don't contain any sodium, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners, there is a light dusting of sugar on them to give them their distinct (and tasty) flavor. And although that is more than is on traditional raisins, it is still much, much less than the number of grams that are in actual candy.

With the main ingredient being real fruit and the fact that Raisels include vitamins and nutrients that sugary candy does not, I would much rather give these to my kids as a treat than something out of a vending machine. Considering the fact that they love them just as much, there's no reason not to!

Found in your grocer's dried fruit section or online on Amazon, Raisels are just the combination of sweet flavor and healthy snack to make parents and kids happy. Now I just need to talk mine into sharing a little bit more, because the Sour Peach is calling out to me!

Thanks to the generosity of Raisels, one person will get to try this delicious new alternative to candy as well, because...

One lucky person will win a Raisels variety prize pack! ARV $46!

Want a second chance to win? Visit KiddiesCorner Deals!

To enter to win:
Visit Raisels and tell me which flavor you would most like to try.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Raisels on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

They're a hit! WIN a Raisels prize pack and try this tasty alternative to candy! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on March 25th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Raisels and Team Mom for providing a selection of Raisels for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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Helene said... 1

I would like ot try the sour watermelon raisels. What a neat product!

Helene said... 2

I follow rasiels on twitter

Helene said... 3

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Helene said... 4

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Helene said... 10

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Alicia said... 11

I would try the Sour Orange Blast flavor first

Marissa said... 12

Mmmm sour apple TKO sounds YUMMY :)

Marissa said... 13

I follow :)

jayedee said... 14

yum! sour watermelon shock for me!

jayedee said... 15

i follow raisels on FB - jayedee halpin dewitt

jayedee said... 16

i follow raisels on twitter @ntiveheart

jayedee said... 17

i follow you on twitter and tweeted!

jayedee said... 18

i follow you on FB - jayedee halpin dewitt

jayedee said... 19

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jayedee said... 20

i have your cute lil button on my blog

jayedee said... 21

2 i have your cute lil button on my blog

wigget said... 22

i most want to try the sour apple tko

wigget said... 23


wigget said... 24

entered The Bag Holder giveaway

wigget said... 25

entered The Popcorn Factory giveaway

wigget said... 26

entered Dinosaur Train Make A Match giveaway

wigget said... 27

entered Hallmark's Recordable Storybook giveaway

wigget said... 28

entered Big G and Hot Wheels giveaway

wigget said... 29

entered Happy Me Skincare giveaway

wigget said... 30

entered Comfy Sacks giveaway

wigget said... 31

entered Gummy Lump's 300 Crafts for Kids giveaway

wigget said... 32

entered Chili's giveaway

wigget said... 33

entered Tanga giveaway

wigget said... 34

entered NOVICA giveaway

wigget said... 35

entered giveaway

wigget said... 36

entered Thomas & Friends:
Pop Goes Thomas DVD giveaway

BethElderton said... 37

I'd like the Sour Orange Burst
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 38

I joined Raisels on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 39

I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:!/mbm218/status/43021078183936002
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said... 40

gfc #2
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Linda W. said... 41

sour watermelon? yum! i subscribe to your email.

BethElderton said... 42

email #2
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Denise said... 43

Sour Lemon!

Denise said... 44

Email subscriber #2

Denise said... 45


RobertandDenise Wilson

Denise said... 46


RobertandDenise Wilson

Denise said... 47

GFC Follower

Denise said... 48

GFC Follower #2

carolwegs said... 49

would love to try sour lemon blast
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 50

i subscribe via email #1
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 51

i subscribe via email #2
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 52

i entered turbie twist giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 53

i entered blushing dove boutique giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 54

I entered Liai Rose Flex clip giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 55

i entered timmy time dvd giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 56

i entered popcorn factory giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com

carolwegs said... 57

i entered pop goes thomas dvd giveaway
carolwegs at gmail dot com

AmyJRockstar said... 58

I would love to try the sour peach pucker. :0)
XO ~ Amy Jo
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

Jennifer said... 59

sour watermelon sounds awesome!

Jennifer said... 60

google reader subscriber (1)

Jennifer said... 61

google reader subscriber (2)

Jennifer said... 62

GFC follower (1)

Jennifer said... 63

GFC follower (2)

Jennifer said... 64

Entered Bag Holder

Colette S said... 65

I love the sour watermelon shock

Colette S said... 66


Colette S said... 67

have ur button

Jennifer said... 68

Entered Dinosaur Train Make a Match

Jennifer said... 69

The Popcorn Factory Super Bowl XLV Commemorative Tin

Jennifer said... 70

Entered Big G & Hot Wheels Super-Fan Family Prize Pack

Jennifer said... 71

Entered Hallmark Recordable Storybooks

Jennifer said... 72

Entered Pear Tree Greetings Save the Date Cards {$20 Gift Certificate Giveaway}

cloud10277 said... 73

I'd like to try the Sour Watermelon Shock.

cloud10277 said... 74

I "LIKE" Raisels on Facebook
Tracy P

cloud10277 said... 75

I entered the 3/4 Popcorn Factory giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 76

I entered the Chili's giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 77

I entered the Tanga $100 Target GC giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 78

I entered the Turbie Twist giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 79

I entered the 3/18 Popcorn factory giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 80

I follow you on Twitter

cloud10277 said... 81

Entry #2
I follow with GFC
Tracy P

cloud10277 said... 82

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Tracy P

cloud10277 said... 83

Entry #2
I'm a fan on Facebook
Tracy P

cloud10277 said... 84

Entry #2
Email subscriber

Tami said... 85

I would most like to try the Sour Peach Pucker

cloud10277 said... 86

I entered the Simply Delicioso with Ingrid Hoffmann by T-fal Cookware giveaway.

Anonymous said... 87


Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 88

I'd like to try the Sour Lemon Blast.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 89

1. email subscriber

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 90

2. email subscriber

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 91

Dinosaur Make a Match giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 92

Popcorn Factory Giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 93

PJ Greetings giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 94

Pear Tree giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 95

Guidecraft Giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 96

Comfy Kids Sack GiveawaY

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 97

Happy Me Skin Care

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 98

Gummy Lump Giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 99

Tanga Target Giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 100

Novica Giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 101

Mega Bloks Dominoes

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 102

JennLinn giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 103

Halo Sleepsack Swaddle Giveaway

cloud10277 said... 104


Terra Heck said... 105

I'd most like to try Sour Orange Burst. Thanks.

Terra Heck said... 106

follow your blog #1

Terra Heck said... 107

follow your blog #2

Terra Heck said... 108

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Terra Heck said... 109

email subscriber #2

Terra Heck said... 110

have your button up on the left hand side of my blog #2

Terra Heck said... 111

have your button up on the left hand side of my blog #3

ababe28 said... 112

I'd like to try the Sour Apple

ababe28 (at)hotmail dot com

Stuff Parents Need said... 113

i'm thinking peach. YUM!

ababe28 said... 114

I follow Raisels on Twitter

ababe28 (at)hotmail dot com

Stuff Parents Need said... 115

follow raisels on twitter

ababe28 said... 116

I like Raisels on FB
Name Ann Babenco
ababe28 (at)hotmail dot com

Stuff Parents Need said... 117

rss subscriber 1

Stuff Parents Need said... 118

rss subscriber 2

ababe28 said... 119

I entered the Simply Delicioso Giveaway

ababe28 (at)hotmail dot com

ababe28 said... 120

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Tweeted here!/ababe28/status/44209416718917632

ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

ababe28 said... 121

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ababe28(at)hotmail dot com


ababe28 said... 122

I subscribe to you by email

ababe28(at)hotmail dot com


ababe28 said... 123

I entered the Chili's Giveaway too

ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

mommadillard said... 124

I want to try the Sour Watermelon Shock, but they all look good. I love this snack idea. I can't wait to try them!!!

Anonymous said... 125

Like Raisels on Facebook (gala ya)

jayedee said... 126

1 i posted your giveaway on my blog!

jayedee said... 127

2 i posted your giveaway on my blog!

jayedee said... 128

3 i posted your giveaway on my blog!

eclairre said... 129

I want to try sour orange.

Meghan said... 130

Id love to try Sour Peach Pucker!!!

Meghan said... 131

I like Raisels on Twitter...mkw70

Meghan said... 132

I follow u on twitter...mkw70 & here is my tweet:!/mkw70/status/44590263523487744

Meghan said... 133

I follow u thru GFC

Meghan said... 134

Im on your email list.

cloud10277 said... 135

I entered the EatSmart luggage scale giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 136


ababe28 said... 137

I entered the Jenlinn Giveaway

ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

ababe28 said... 138

I entered the Snazzy Baby Giveaway

ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

ababe28 said... 139

I entered the Infantino Giveaway

ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

Miss Sarah said... 140

I'd like to try the sour lemon. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net

pinklady705 said... 141

I would love to try the Sour Lemon Blast Raisels

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com



susan said... 143

We'd love to try the Sour Lemon.

susan said... 144

I follow Raisels on Twitter.

susan said... 145

I follow you and tweeted.!/susanlanai/status/45028294051102720

susan said... 146

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susan said... 147

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susan said... 148

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susan said... 149

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susan said... 150

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susan said... 151

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susan said... 152

I entered your Guidecraft Nesting Sort & Stack Cubes and Cylinders Giveaway.

susan said... 153

I entered your Comfy Sacks Giveaway.

susan said... 154

I entered your Infantino Savvy Bag Baby Changing Clutch Giveaway.

susan said... 155

I entered your Tanga Daily Deals Giveaway.

susan said... 156

I entered your NOVICA Giveaway.

susan said... 157

I entered your Peter Rabbit Organics Giveaway.

susan said... 158

I entered your Simply Delicioso Giveaway.

susan said... 159

I entered your Shaklee Corporation Giveaway.

susan said... 160

I entered your Pop Goes Thomas DVD Giveaway.

susan said... 161

I entered your EatSmart Precision Voyager Luggage Scale Giveaway.

crystletellerday said... 162

watermelon shock

Tamara B. said... 163

I would like to try their Sour Lemon Burst flavor.

Tamara B. said... 164

I entered your Tanga giveaway.

Tamara B. said... 165

I entered your Pppcorn Factory giveaway.

Tamara B. said... 166

I follow publicly with Google Friend Connect

Tamara B. said... 167

RSS subscriber.

Tamara B. said... 168

#2, I follow publicly with Google Friend Connect

Tamara B. said... 169

#2, Email subscriber.

Tamara B. said... 170

#1, Like you on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

Tamara B. said... 171

#2, Like you on Facebook
(Tamara Bennington)

ranya112 said... 172

My favorite, I think, would be the Sour Peach Pucker.
iridia718 at gmail dot com

puye said... 173

I'd like to try the Sour Orange Burst

puye said... 174

I like Raisels on Facebook

puye said... 175

I entered the popcorn factory $25 giftcard giveaway

puye said... 176

I follow you publicly with Google Friend Connect

puye said... 177

I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on facebook

The Riebeek Family said... 178

I think my daughter would like to try sour apple!

Anonymous said... 179

I'll like the sour apple TKO

Denise S. said... 180

I want to try the Sour Peach.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 181

I follow Raisels on Twitter: @lazybones344

Denise S. said... 182

GFC follower #1
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 183

GFC follower #2
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 184

I entered the Chili's giveaway.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 185

I entered the Novica giveaway.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 186

I entered the T-Fal giveaway.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 187

I entered the Target giveaway.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Denise S. said... 188

I entered the Thomas the Tank Engine giveaway.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 189

email subscriber #1

dawn said... 190

I'd like to try these!

Unknown said... 191

sour peach pucker
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 192

Entered “chilis” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 193

Entered “fake bake” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 194

Entered “guidecraft” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 195

Entered “gummy lump” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 196

Entered “happy me” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 197

Entered “happy sacks” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 198

Entered “infantino” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 199

Entered “mars needs moms” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

Unknown said... 200

Entered “blushing dove” Giveaway
janicecrespo AT gmail dot com

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