As is typical, I've had any number of relationships that have had their ups and downs over the years. Whether a significant other from my younger days that I parted ways with (thank goodness) or a friendship that faded away because of distance or our lives moving in different directions, I think we all have those people that are now just a part of our past.
However, one relationship that has started to outlast many of the rest? The one that we have with our cars.
Yes, our cars.
And what better expert in knowing everything that there is to know about our vehicles and how much we put into them than Jiffy Lube? As well as their 2,000+ service centers in North America and 24 million customers served each year, Jiffy Lube even has a community on Facebook, Keeping My Ride Alive, devoted to drivers who are passionate about their ride and the stories, photos, and more that go along with them.

In fact, Jiffy Lube even found that drivers are increasingly admitting to displays of affection for their vehicles... something that I have done at least a time or two...

- 39% Verbally encourage it
- 30% Begging or pleading with it
- 21% Rubbing the dashboard, steering wheel or another part
- 17% Bribing it with something like premium gas, a car wash, etc

Drivers have grown even more attached to their vehicles as well, as Jiffy Lube compared their findings to a similar study from 2007 and discovered that people are 30% more likely to encourage their vehicles to perform by using either physical or verbal gestures. Yep, guilty of this one, too.
But I mentioned that some of us have relationships with our cars longer than with other people sometimes, right? That's because Jiffy Lube found that 13% of drivers have been with their current vehicle through a break-up with a significant other or spouse and still held strong!

Our cars are beginning to become members of the family! I think it's great that people are putting more time and care and, okay, love, into their vehicle. Just think of all that it does for you! Is it time for you to return the favor? Thanks to the generosity of Jiffy Lube, one person will be able to do just that, because...
One lucky person will win a $35 gift card redeemable towards goods and services at the Jiffy Lube near you*!

To enter to win: Tell me about the relationship that you have with your vehicle. For instance, is it long-term? A new romance? One where you talk and encourage it when needed?
Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a $35 Jiffy Lube gift card and get your car an oil change or tune-up today! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/gS6KCf #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on April 1st at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Jiffy Lube for providing information as well as a $35 gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 831 Newer› Newest»we're in a long term relationship. i hated having car payments, so i take my car in for regular maintenance all the time. i am going to be driving this baby for awhile.
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i follow via GFC
entered bebe dulce giveaway
After doing the whole lease thing and paying way too much I am now in a long term with a 2004 Honda CRV. The affection is mutual and I think we are both in it for the long haul ;)
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entered luggage scale giveaway
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Oh I could really use this prize!
I LOVE my vehicle! I am not sure there are many other vehicles out there that can fit my whole family,and the only way I'm getting a new vehicle is if I can get a newer one! :)
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Your blog is on my page at http://raisingmy5sons.com
We've built a good relation with our car(it is the "younger member of our family") and Jiffy Lube, indeed offers a professional service for your car...
We are in a long term relationship.
I'm in a long-term relationship with my Jetta. I love that car!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
I entered the Turbie Twist giveaway.
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
My relationship with my car has been a smooth one so far! it's a Honda so I'm in it for the long run :)
I entered the happy me giveaway
I entered the fake bake giveaway
I entered the turbie twist giveaway
I entered the target/tanga giveaway
I entered the popcorn factory giveaway
I entered the lilla rose giveaway
I entered the novica giveaway
I entered the jen linn boots giveaway
I entered the shaklee giveaway
I entered the luggage scale giveaway
follow you on twitter @bkxanon and tweeted http://twitter.com/bkxanon/status/45298705229824000
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I call her Godzilla because she is just about as easy to drive! In truth, she's a mini-van, payed-off, very reliable--so we are good friends.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
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bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
email #2
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
It is long term with me. I have a four year old car that will be with me for a long time.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/45304123918254080
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I have had my Jeep for 12 years and I do thank it every time I get in it and it starts!
apoalillo AT HotMail (dot) Com
long term and loved
Hello there! New follower via blog hop Tuesday. Really diggn' your blog with all the fabulous giveaways. My blog wants to be your blog when it grows up LOL!!!
Hope you'll stop by soon and say Hi http://shallowocity.blogspot.com
My vehicle and I are in a long term relationship
Short term. It's the parents. We are gratefully borrowing it and trying not to kill it until we can find a car. :)
we have a long term affair, i love my volvo.
We've just met not too long ago but I hope it turns out to be long term!
I follow you and tweeted.
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I'm an email subscriber 2.
I entered your Guidecraft Nesting Sort & Stack Cubes and Cylinders Giveaway.
I entered your Comfy Sacks Giveaway.
I entered your Infantino Savvy Bag Baby Changing Clutch Giveaway.
I entered your Peter Rabbit Organics Giveaway.
I entered your NOVICA Giveaway.
I entered your Simply Delicioso Giveaway.
I entered your Shaklee Corporation Giveaway.
I entered your Pop Goes Thomas DVD Giveaway.
I entered your Bebe Dulce Giveaway.
We're in it for the long haul. 8+ years together & still going strong. I love my Prius.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
GFC follower
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
We have a 1994 Chevrolet Van. It was great when we had all 6 of our kids at home, but now that we only have 1, I wish that I could afford to get a new car. But the van is paid for and still runs just fine to get me back and forth to work. I hope that it can make it two more years until my daughter is out of high school, then I will for sure be looking for something else.
I have a 2002 and do not want car payments! I try to take care of my vehicle so it lasts for years to come!! Thanks!
schaefer7382 at aol dot com
GFC follower! #1
schaefer7382 at aol dot com
GFC follower! #2
schaefer7382 at aol dot com
1. My car and I have been married for 3 and a half years. So far it has been smooth sailing. Occasionally, I have a wondering eye, but I always come home to him ;)
2. I tweeted. http://twitter.com/#!/pinkbonanza/status/45500182980329473
I follow you through GFC.
I also entered your luggage scale giveaway.
I also entered your Jenlinn boot giveaway.
We are in a long term relationship. He has been very good to me and I take care of him. lol
We're in a long term relationship. I love my VW and do regular maintenance.
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RSS feed subscriber
email subscriber
fb fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
fb fan@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
entered chilis giveaway
entered target gift card giveaway
I tweeter!
My relationship with my car is ome of trust. It is a old van and I trust and pray that it will continue to get me where I need to to. helenkeeler@comcast.net
I follow on twitter - Helen Keeler
Being a hockey mom, i'm always traveling from rink to rink so my car needs to stay in tip top condition to transport the kids and all their gear. email subscriber walk9@att.net
ours is strictly professional
subscriber 2
My relationship is long-term... and hoping to keep it that way!
google friend #1
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FB fan of TMC #1 - Becky L.M.
FB fan of TMC #2 - Becky L.M.
entered Chilis giveaway
entered Tanga giveaway
entered Thomas and Friends giveaway
We're in a long term relationship. She was new (to me) in 2000 after she'd had a less meaningful (so she tells me) 4 year relationship with a family that kicked her to the curb b/c she was a pain trying to squeeze car seats in a 2 door car. She had told them she didn't want kids. Now, she's my baby, and we've logged about 150000 miles together. Sometimes she has to be coaxed a long, but I love not having a car payment and so we're in it for the long haul.
following you on twitter and tweeted!
entered your tanga giveaway
get your emails!
get your emails
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GFC follower
i drive a 10 year old van, that i bought new. i'd say i'm in it for the long term!
i entered the yoplait giveaway!
i follow you on twitter and tweeted!
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1 i'm your fb fan - jayedee halpin dewitt
2 i'm your facebook fan - jayedee halpin dewitt
Have a long term relationship with my car, in fact its my first and only car. Had it since 2002, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered happy me skincare, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered chili's, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered turbie twist, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered $100 taget tanga giveaway, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered lilla rose, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered novica giveaway, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
entered jenlinn suede boots, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
twitter follower, @carafferty and tweet http://twitter.com/#!/carafferty/status/45553563191099392
I follow this blog publicly GFC CindyWindy2003, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
facebook like, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
#1 blogged at http://cindywindylovesblogsnfrogs.blogspot.com/2011/03/jiffy-lube-gift-card.html
#2 blogged at http://cindywindylovesblogsnfrogs.blogspot.com/2011/03/jiffy-lube-gift-card.html
#3 blogged at http://cindywindylovesblogsnfrogs.blogspot.com/2011/03/jiffy-lube-gift-card.html
i will drive my car until it can no longer be driven, I am in it for the long haul
gfc following (stigay) 1
gfc following (stigay) 2
2 posted your giveaway on my blog
3 posted your giveaway on my blog
ive only known my car for about a month crystletellerday@yahoo.com
We're in a long-term relationship. I know its ex and she regrets the decision to dump it for a young thing. Now I have to hear about it and answer questions whenever I see her.
I love my car. It was a splurge but I intend to keep her for a while. Every time I walk up to my car after work I think to muself, now that is one fine piece of A! And it purrs so nicely when I hit the gas!
aleksa91 hotmail com
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aleksa91 hotmail com
gfc follower 2
aleksa91 hotmail com
i like you on Fb
aleksa91 hotmail com
i like you on Fb
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered comfy sacks giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered guidecraft nesting
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered happy me skincare
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered chili's gift card
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered gummy lump giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered fake bake giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered $100 target giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered timmy time DVD giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered popcorn factory giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered $50 novica giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered peter rabbit organics
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered thomas and friends giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered soft suede upper calf boots
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered angelina DVD giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered shaklee giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered t-fal pan giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
entered $30 bebe dulce giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com
We have a hybrid that we're in a love/hate relationship with. It definitely cost more for special oil, etc. That I don't like. We bought the car when gas prices were incredibly bad. The car was great then. But now it doesn't get as good of mileage. My husband is ready to kiss it goodbye! Lol!
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Email subscriber - mommyisgreen at gmail dot com
Email subscriber - mommyisgreen at gmail dot com
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I have your button on my blog- www.mommyisgreen.net #3
I entered the Tanga Target Card Giveaway!
daily tweet:
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I have an 03 Toyota 4runner and would luv to upgrade. I am always calling it a piece of crap! LOL
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
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jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
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jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
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jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
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jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
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jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
I am in a LONG term relationship with my Grand Caravan! I love my van so much, and it was given to me by my aunt and uncle for me and my 6 kids as we were without a vehicle. I'm inlove with it and plan to use it for years to come.
I follow you through GFC. #1
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Almost 1 year new romance. Still love him!
gfc follower
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