Friday, March 11, 2011

More Than Just First Aid: Mommy's Medicine Cabinet {Review & Giveaway}

Mommy's Medicine Cabinet{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, The Riebeek Family!}

Early on in being a mom, I liked to think of myself as well-prepared.

Maybe not always on time and maybe not necessarily organized (okay, certainly not organized), but well-prepared. I always had a change of clothes for my baby, an extra pacifier in case of emergency, and I even carried an infant thermometer tucked away in the diaper bag... just in case.

However, as the years have passed, I've loosened up - which has its positives and negatives. I don't spend nearly as much time worrying about every last little thing, which is nice, but, on the flip side, that also means that we have left the house without sippy cups or extra socks when we have needed them.

In fact, now that I don't carry a diaper bag as often as possible, that means that we're without all of the small things that have been stashed in there for when the time arises. Back in the day I was able to pull out a Band-Aid in seconds for one of our young friends when she skinned her knee and now? I don't know, maybe there's one at the bottom of my purse? Maybe?

Thankfully, I'm breathing easier again now that I know any accident, illness or unexpected situation with my kids is covered now that we have Mommy's Medicine Cabinet.

baby shower giftAppearing at first glance as a stylishly elegant travel bag, the "Kate" bag that all of Mommy's Medicine Cabinet's products come in is just the beginning. As I opened the crisp white box that this arrived in, I was struck right away how nice the packaging looked and how easy it would be to give one of these products as a gift.

new mom giftAfter pulling out and examining the beauty of the "Kate" bag itself, I unzipped it right across the middle to see the wonders that awaited me inside.

baby giftAs the bag measures 14.5" x 8", this isn't just a few health care products thrown together. No, the Deluxe Medicine Cabinet contains every single necessity I would have come up with for ages newborn to 6, as well as quite a few that I wouldn't have.

With the wide, roomy pockets on each side, everything from nasal saline to diaper rash ointment to cotton swabs came neatly packed and ready for us. As each side has its own durable double zipper, you have quick access to all of the over-the-counter medicines or first aid items right inside.

No matter if you're taking a day trip, an overnight or an extended vacation, it's all there for you!

children's medicationsI love the overall convenience of one of these fashionable bags and just how easy Mommy's Medicine Cabinet has made it to be prepared for something simple like trimming a fingernail to a larger instance such as a bee sting. I would never have thought to carry bee sting swabs with me, but I can only imagine what a difference they would make when needed!

And if you're looking at the large number of over-the-counter medications included and thinking that it would be a hassle to keep track of expiration dates or recalls, Mommy's Medicine Cabinet has that covered as well. Simplymedicine recalls register your bag right online and they will notify you of all of the information and reminders that pertain to your purchase. You can even quickly order refills for items so that you are always well-stocked!

With summer months approaching, that means more time spent traveling and more time spent outdoors. You never know when your preschooler is going to fall off the swing at the park or your infant will get a fever during your vacation, but having Mommy's Medicine Cabinet at your disposal would be a real timesaver and stress reliever in any number of scenarios that might arise. Mine is never going to leave the car!

Or, just keep it around at home, at the grandparents' house, accessible for a babysitter, or wrapped up for the best baby shower gift around! I always struggle infant medicinestrying to find just the right combination of practicality and cuteness for new moms and any of the three variations of Mommy's Medicine Cabinets available (Infants' for 0-2, Children's for 2-6 or Deluxe for ages 0-6 or multiple children) would be the innovative and extremely-appreciated solution.

For a go-to product to help mend any illnesses or injuries of our little ones, Mommy's Medicine Cabinet is there to take away the worry and chaos of almost any situation. The Infants' and Children's medicine cabinets retail for $59.99 and the Deluxe sells for $79.99 but be sure to enter the coupon code THANKSMAILCARRIER10 to receive a 10% discount!

And, thanks to the generosity of Mommy's Medicine Cabinet, one person will have a stylish way to be prepared for themselves or as an amazing gift, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of Infants' or Children's Medicine Cabinet from Mommy's Medicine Cabinet! ARV $59.99!

Mommy's Medicine Cabinet giveawayTo enter to win: Visit Mommy's Medicine Cabinet and tell me something that you learned or which of their great products is your favorite.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

WIN a Mommy's Medicine Cabinet stylish bag (ARV $60) filled with all the essentials! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on April 1st at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Mommy's Medicine Cabinet for providing a Deluxe Kate Bag for me to review as well as an Infants' or Children's Medicine Cabinet for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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MamaHen said... 1

I think having the thermometer with you in the bag is a great idea. This would be great to keep in the van.

MamaHen said... 2

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MamaHen said... 3

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Michelle D said... 4

sting kill is a must have in this..great idea!

michelle d said... 5

i like mommys medicine cabinet on FB

Michelle D said... 6

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Michelle D said... 7

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Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 8

I learned that Priscilla & Mike Thomas founded Mommy's Medicine Cabinet.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 9 subscriber to Thanks, Mail Carrier.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 10 subscriber to Thanks, Mail Carrier.

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 11

Guidecraft giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 12

entered Comfy Kids Sack giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 13

entered Happy Me Skin Care giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 14

entered Tanga/Target giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 15

entered Novica giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 16

entered Mega Bloks Dominoes giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 17

entered JennLinn giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 18

entered Halo Sleepsack Swaddle giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 19

Raisels Prize Pack giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 20

Angelina Ballerina DVD giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 21

Shaklee giveaway

Frugal Tumbleweed Acres said... 22

Ingrid Hoffman Cookware giveaway

Anonymous said... 23

What an awesome bag. I need a new one for my daycare, I love this. I love how on their site you can search by symptom and every product comes up for that specific symptom. I also like how you cans sign up for recall information!

Anonymous said... 24

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Bethany C. said... 35

I learned that on their site you can shop by symptom, which I think is great!


Bethany C. said... 36

follow momsmedcabinet on twitter bcardoo79


Bethany C. said... 37

like mommy's cabinet on fb bethany cardone


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Bethany C. said... 41

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Bethany C. said... 44

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Bethany C. said... 45

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Bethany C. said... 46

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Bethany C. said... 47

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Bethany C. said... 48

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Bethany C. said... 49

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Bethany C. said... 50

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Bethany C. said... 51

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cw said... 53

I like the children's medicine cabinet bag - especially the Sting Kill swabs - I use these a lot during the summer months

cw said... 54

gfc 1

cw said... 55


cw said... 56

entered tanga

cw said... 57

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cw said... 58

Entered popcorn factory

cw said... 59

entered gummy lump

cw said... 60

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cw said... 61

entered bebe dulce

Mrs. Kaminski said... 62

Infant nail care trio

Andrea Kruse said... 63

I love the infant nail kit trio... I have had bad jagged nails while out of the house and had to struggle to bite them down before my children gashed their faces unintentionally.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Belinda said... 64

Love the Children's med one. Great idea to have the sting kill in it.

mikebelindaconnor at hotmnail dot com

Belinda said... 65

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mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com

Belinda said... 66

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mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com

Belinda said... 68

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Belinda B
mikebelindaconnor at hotmail dot com

The Riebeek Family said... 69

I would never of thought to grab probe protectors!

The Riebeek Family said... 70

I follow Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on Twitter

Kimberly said... 71

Love that the items in the bag are doctor recommended!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

The Riebeek Family said... 72

I like Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on fb! Michelle Riebeek

Kimberly said... 73

Follow Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on twitter (@kcoud33)
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

The Riebeek Family said... 74

I follow you on twitter and tweeted! @michelleriebeek!/michelleriebeek/status/46262105401331712

Kimberly said... 75

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

The Riebeek Family said... 76

I follow you via GFC! Michelle Haskell

Kimberly said... 77

follow you on twitter (@kcoud33) and tweeted:!/kcoud33/status/46261373973434368
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

The Riebeek Family said... 78

I follow you via GFC! Michelle Haskell


Kimberly said... 79

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The Riebeek Family said... 84

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The Riebeek Family said... 85

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The Riebeek Family said... 87

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The Riebeek Family said... 88

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Michelle Riebeek

The Riebeek Family said... 89

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Michelle Riebeek

The Riebeek Family said... 90

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The Riebeek Family said... 91

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The Riebeek Family said... 92

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The Baldree Family said... 93

The mylacon... cant tell you how much of that we have gone through with our kids!
rachelbaldree at

The Baldree Family said... 94

I subscribe by email!
rachelbaldree at

Katie said... 95

I love that the bag is beautiful, and had everything you could need in it.

Denise said... 96

Cool! You can shop by symptom!

Their bags look great!

Katie said... 97

I like Mommy's medicine cabinet on twitter

Katie said... 98

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Denise said... 99

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Denise said... 101

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RobertandDenise Wilson

Denise said... 103

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RobertandDenise Wilson

walk9 said... 104

Great idea to keep everything in one place! email subscriber

jayedee said... 105

wow! the Children's Medicine Cabinet is wonderful too, isn't it?

jayedee said... 106

i follow mommy's medicine cabinet on twitter @ntiveheart

jayedee said... 107

i like mommy's medicine cabinet on fb - jayedee halpin dewitt

Kimberly said... 108

Follow you on GFC (Kimberly) 1
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said... 109

Entered Gummy Lump giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

jayedee said... 110


Kimberly said... 111

Entered Infantino Giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

jayedee said... 112

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Kimberly said... 113

Entered Guidecraft giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

jayedee said... 114

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jayedee said... 115

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jayedee said... 116

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jayedee said... 117

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jayedee said... 118

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jayedee said... 119

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jayedee said... 120

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jayedee said... 121

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Kimberly said... 122

Entered HappyMe giveaway
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 123

I love that the travel bag comes with every full kit purchased. So cute!

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 124

Email subscriber #1

jek9880 at gmail dot com

Jessica said... 125

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jek9880 at gmail dot com

Katie said... 126!/zanthiablack/status/46276738010976257
daily tweet,

Katie said... 127

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Katie said... 128

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wigget said... 129

my favorite is the Deluxe Medicine Cabinet

wigget said... 130


wigget said... 131

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Katie said... 132

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wigget said... 133

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wigget said... 134

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wigget said... 135

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wigget said... 136

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wigget said... 137

entered Tanga giveaway

wigget said... 138

entered The Popcorn Factory giveaway

wigget said... 139

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Katie said... 140

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Katie said... 141

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Katie said... 142

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forever&andalways said... 143

i love how the bags are so cute

Anonymous said... 144

great idea, sting kill is a must

Kirby McCauley said... 145

The deluxe medicine cabinet is amazing!

Kirby McCauley said... 146

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Kirby McCauley said... 147

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Kirby McCauley said... 149

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Kirby McCauley said... 150

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Katie said... 151

I think this is a very cool idea. Having the thermometer with you is a great idea and I have wished I had one with me more than once!

Katie said... 152

I follow Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on twitter (katerwalker)

Katie said... 153

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Katie said... 154

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A.C. Cabrera said... 159

I really like the bee sting swabs! That's one of the things that I would be really concerned with and the fact that it comes in this pack is great!

chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 160

I follow Mommy's Medicine Cabinet as @chamboriblog on Twitter!

chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 161

I follow Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on FB as A.C. Cabrera!

chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 162

I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted!!/ChamboriBlog/status/46315267772514304

chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 163

I follow on GFC as ChamboriDri!
chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 164

I follow on GFC as ChamboriDri!
chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 165

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chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 166

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chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 167

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chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 168

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chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 169

I like you on FB as A.C. Cabrera!
chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 170

I entered the Fake Bake giveaway!

chamboriluv at gmail dot com

A.C. Cabrera said... 171

I entered the Infantino Savvy Bag giveaway!

chamboriluv at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 172

I like their Sting Kit -- I need to get one of these for the summer!

Anonymous said... 173

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Anonymous said... 174

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Anonymous said... 180

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Anonymous said... 181

entered Chilis giveaway

Anonymous said... 182

entered Tanga giveaway

Anonymous said... 183

entered Thomas DVD giveaway

Anonymous said... 184

entered Jiffy Lube giveaway

cloud10277 said... 185

I love the Children's Medicine Cabinet. I love that it has Bee Sting Swabs. This would be a great bag to take when we go on vacation in the mountains.

cloud10277 said... 186

I "LIKE" Mommy's Medicine Cabinet on Facebook
Tracy P

A.C. Cabrera said... 187
This comment has been removed by the author.
A.C. Cabrera said... 188
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cloud10277 said... 189

I entered Comfy Sacks giveaway.

A.C. Cabrera said... 190
This comment has been removed by the author.
cloud10277 said... 191

I entered the Chili's GC giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 192

I entered Turbie Twist giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 193

I entered the Target GC from Tanga giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 194

I entered The Popcorn Factory giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 195

I entered the Raisels giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 196

I entered the T-Fal Paella Pan giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 197

I entered the EatSmart Luggage Scale giveaway.

cloud10277 said... 198

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cloud10277 said... 199

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Tracy P

cloud10277 said... 200

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