Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party 2011! We're Partying Once Again!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Hold the phone, did someone say party? Ultimate Blog Party?

Oh, we're so there. We've been excited for this big ol' bloggy bash to roll around since... well, since last year. The excitement over it finally being time is pretty hard to contain and we're quite literally jumping for joy that it is time once again.

But I have had a special request this year to ask you if you've brought cake. Because we loved all of our visitors in 2010 and the chance to get to know you all... but, really, we needed some cake.

Cake makes every party better, doesn't it?

If you aren't here for the Ultimate Blog Party and just happen to be reading this post wondering if I've lost my mind, please rest assured that I haven't (at least not completely). 5 Minutes for Mom throws an annual bash that takes the vast hugeness of the blogosphere and somehow makes it seem... personal.

The whole concept is to form new online friendships and have the chance to meet and visit with bloggers from all ends of the spectrum. As I mentioned, we jumped in headfirst last year for the first time and... wow. Just, wow. There are some pretty amazing blogs out there that I didn't know about and some pretty cool bloggers that came by and brightened our week with their comments. So...

If you are here for the Ultimate Blog Party, welcome to Thanks, Mail Carrier! Those crazy girls up there and I are glad that you stopped by and we hope that you're having a great time at this unique event. If you feel like entering a giveaway or two or two dozen while you're here, please feel free! We do like to give stuff away around here, there's something so satisfying about telling someone that they're a winner. Who doesn't like to hear that?

But even if you don't enter, please do leave a comment! We're actually on vacation right now and I will be slowly but surely making my way around to every single visitor's party as soon as I can and I want to know that you stopped by! Also, if you follow or subscribe, let me know so that I can return the favor!

What's up with calling your blog Thanks, Mail Carrier?

What can I say? We love the mail! My daughters might have a slightly skewed view as to what is "normal" for a mail carrier to deliver on any given day, but that's okay. As soon as we hear the vrooom of a vehicle coming down our block, you can find the girls and I peering out the window to try to catch a first glimpse at what the USPS, UPS, or FedEx truck might be bringing.

Tell me more about your kids.

Well, certainly. I don't think you have to ask too many moms more than once to do that.

My 4-year-old, Big Sister E, is caring, creative, inventive, beautiful, stubborn, and acts completely shy when meeting new people (she won't even make eye contact) even though she talks nonstop when we're at home. She loves books, games, arts & crafts, being adored by her sister, preschool, swim lessons, and trying to charm her mother into giving her sweets "because I was good. Right? I was good? I have something special now, Mama? Huh? Can I?"

Then there's my 2-year-old, Little Sister B. She's a crazy one, that girl. She is sweet, happy, independent, loud, bull-headed, and my funny little comedienne. She likes giving her sister big hugs, pretending with play food, singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat, and jumping. Lots of jumping.

Together, the three of us (and Daddy too, every now and again) have been reviewing products and sites from all across the spectrum since 2009. From apparel to jewelry to food to household items to music to shoes to toys to gear to technology... to everything in between - we've worked hard but have also enjoyed doing it more than I ever would have guessed.

Blogging has opened my eyes to an entire world that I didn't know existed and has brought me opportunities that I never would have thought possible when I first started writing. I've been flown across the country more than once, attended amazing events, actually succeeded at a weight loss program, and opened my door to find pretty incredible products on the other side. Do I consider myself lucky? Absolutely.

However, none of it compares to the people I've met and the friendships that I've made through blogging. This community may be bigger than I can imagine and growing by the day, but I am so grateful and glad to be a part of it with all of you. I just hope that the friends that I talk to that help keep me going know just how important they are.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Don't be a stranger, come back and visit anytime, we're always happy to have people stop over. Now, go enjoy the rest of the party! We'd really like to give you a big hug before you go, but since that's not possible, we'll just have to stick with the little lovefest that we're having here instead.

Now, really. When is someone going to pass the cake?


  1. Let's parrrrrr-tay!

    The Lazy Mom

  2. Man how did I miss the party, boohoo! Oh well I'll have to go stalk to linky and go say hi. And you are all going to love it here. Ye Xenia and her girls rock:) Hope you have a great vacation girl, travel safe, and have fun.

  3. I totally forgot about this party!

  4. Lovely pictures, but you had amazing models to start with ;-) I'm your newest follower. Have a lucky weekend!


  5. So glad to see you're at the party! Your girls are too cute, I love the photos, and of course it's cute imagining them getting excited about the mail carrier's arrival each day.

    Hope you're enjoying vacation!

  6. Stopping by from UPB11.

    I could definitely use some cake!

    There are so many fun blogs to visit! If you have time, I hope you’ll stop by:

    You can enter to win a $25 Gift cert to my eBay store to spruce up your spring/summer wardrobe (details on post)

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!
    Love your pics! My boys are spoiled with the mail and packages too - they think though every box contains a car or truck for them!

    Hope you’ll visit my party:

  8. I am your newest fan from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. I would really appreciate it if you follow me back through Google Connect Friend. I have a lot of contest going on Madame Deals. $25 amazon gift card, Vera Bradley purse, $100 in jewelry, 200 cut coupons, bare minerals gift pack, $30 for an organic outfit, $75 P&G products, and the chance to win $1000. Thank you Amee

  9. HOW FUN! Not sure how it all works but I have been seeing it on many blogs & love the posts today getting to know everyone better!


  10. Love your pics.. can't wait to read more! I have 2 kiddos, I'm a homeschooling mom, a pro athlete that hates to workout LOL.. I also write a fitness blog, but I LOVE fried fatty foods. You can read more about us in my party post

  11. Here from the ultimate party good luck to us all. I'm already a gfc fan but I'll be adding your blog to my blogroll page after today! barb g. directorylanesuperstore(at)

  12. I am already a follower, just stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party!!!


  13. Great post Xenia! I love to see a personal post over here every now and then. ;-)

    Have fun on your vacation! I hope you'll be checking your email because I'm sending you one now...

  14. Oh, my! Your girls are growing so fast. They are beautiful. Last year was my first UBP also and I fell in love.

    Already following and subscribe. Always happy for an excuse to stop by... and I brought cake to share. :)

  15. Stopping by to say hi from UBP11! And I'm a new follower! Your little "jumper" is adorable!

    Make sure you stop by to win a $15 iTunes gift card! :)

  16. Happy UBP11! Very cute kiddos too - Have a great vacation!

  17. In from the Party!!
    Nice to meet you and I ma looking forward to following

  18. Stopping by from UBP11. Following you on GFC and looking forward to reading more from you in the future.

    Hope you'll stop by my blog when you have a chance.

  19. Hi! I see you feature Reviews and/or Giveaways. I would like to invite you to add your blog to my “Review and Giveaway Blog Directory” if you haven’t already . Hope you’re having a Sweet Week!

    A Mommy’s Sweet Blog Design
    Custom Blog Design, Free Blog Tutorials, Buttons, & Template

  20. Long time reader and enter-er of all your giveaways :) LOVE your blog

  21. Christina - - You have a beautiful site and your children are lovely. You succeeded at a weight loss program? I did once, but then slid back when I was ill and had to stay in bed for a length of time. Keep up the wonderful site!

  22. Hi! I'm stopping by from UBP, but I've been here before. I love your giveaways! I follow you on GFC and subscribe to your emails.

    Could your girls be any cuter! I love the jumping picture so much. Hope you all have a fabulous vacation...just think - you get to come home to more partying!


  23. I was thinking today about how many opportunities blogging has opened up for me too that 2 years ago I would have never known existed - not that they have been BIG opportunities in my case - but cool things nonetheless!

    Party on!

  24. Stopping by from UBP11, your little girls are very pretty! I hope you are having a great vacation! Looking forward to coming back to visit :)

  25. I love your comment on your kids' view on the mailman! Haha! I wish I had things coming to me (other than bills of course!) so often!

    Have fun partying it up this year at the UBP 2011! I know I am!

  26. she is such a little doll how adorable I am all ready following you but wanted to stop in and say "Party On"

  27. I've been around here a time or two or three.. and PITM :)

    Cake was a great idea. This is our first UBP and I forgot cake!

    I actually think of your blog title when I see the mailwoman coming up the walk :D

    Darcy @ Tales From the Nursery

  28. Nice to get to know you better! I LOVE your blog title! I get all excited when I see the UPS or Fed Ex truck coming near out house. :-)

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  29. Hi Xenia,

    I've been a fan and follower for quite awhile and I'm glad to see you're at UBP once again. This is my 2nd year as well! You have two really cute girls and this is such a cute post showing them off to full advantage! I agree, we need some cake, I think I'll go rustle some up right now! Have a great week!

  30. Mmmm, my Grandmother's German Chocolate Cake now sounds pret-ty good right about now. Your girls are precious. Glad to be a part of UBP11!

  31. Those little girls are so adorable! The boys and I love hearing the sound of the delivery men! I get calls when I'm at work asking if they can open the packages and I have to ask them to tell me who it's from so they don't open a surprise! LOL

    I follow you all over the place already. *grin*


  32. Stopping from the UBP'11! I love your post. It is so much fun! I have a food charmer too. JDaniel loves cake.

  33. I have a 5 year old who does the same thing when meeting strangers, only she sucks her thumb to make it through. LOL. In fact, I sent the fam off to church and she wanted to go (in a new country without a home church and still looking). I reminded her if someone asks her name to answer without sucking her thumb. Then asked if she knew what grade she was in, just in case anyone asked. LOL

  34. Nice to meet you as part of Blog Party 2011. I hope you'll join me at where moms get paid to give feedback and bloggers connect with companies to do reviews. Be sure to post your badge on by completing a Power profile. Thanks and happy blogging! ~Shelley

  35. Well, I have been a fan of your blog and am already a follower, but wanted to stop by and say hi from the UBP. Your daughters as always, are adorable.


  36. UBP11 partying with you!! Party is complete now that I have visited :) I do have a yummy banana cake at my house right now, and the best Oatmeal Raisin cookies I hope that will suffice. Happy Partying!!

  37. Stopping by from the UBP11! I'm having a blast "meeting" everyone! Hope you will stop by to visit and say hello :)

  38. I'm already a follower of your blog. Just stopping by to say hi. Your girls are adorable.

  39. I love your blog! I'm new to UBP and LOVE it! I'm somewhat new to blogging as well. Please stop by and give me a visit. When I reach 100 followers, I will be giving away a Lavender Essential Oil to 1 lucky winner.

  40. What beautiful girls you have! Love the blog!

  41. Hi we're new fans from the UBP11. your girls are adorable!

  42. Stopping by to say ‘Hi’ from my 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party 2011 link-up! What a great blog you have and I will be following! Stop by and say ‘Hi’ back! I have blog parties on Tuesday and Wednesday’s that may interest you. Tuesday is Tutorial & Thrifty Treasures Tuesday. Wednesday is What’s Cookin’ Wednesday. I am also looking for guest posts on home décor and crafts if you are interested.

    Extreme Personal Measures

  43. Not a new follower (been here a while) but still visiting from #UBP11. Would love to have you join me over at Mama Bee Does. I have cake ;)

  44. Ok so i was an email subscriber for a while, now I really am a GFC follower. Sorry about that.

  45. Hi! Heading over from the UBP. It's nice to meet you! I'm a new follower : )
    I have two blogs I'd love for you to visit when you have the time: (Daily Giveaways) (Family Blog)

  46. Hey! Just stoppin' by for the UBP11. We are your Newest followers. My sister and I just started our blog so this is our FIRST BLOG PARTY! We would love for you to come for a visit and let us know what you think;) blog)

  47. Visiting from UBP11, it's great to meet you! You have a beautiful family! I'm a new follower.

    I'd love to have you come on over for a visit if you have a min.

  48. Thanks for joining the UBP. We're late getting to all the sites, but we really appreciate you partying with us.
