Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do You Give Back? Win & Give XO Laptop {Giveaway}

Win & Give{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Kimbuckjr!}

I think it's pretty darn safe to say that every parent out there hopes that their children will grow up to be kind, caring, giving human beings. As they get older we teach them everything, from sharing to washing their hands to looking both ways before crossing the street and hope that it all sinks in.

So where has that gotten us? According to the "Kids' Altruism Indicator," conducted by Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks in partnership with Parenting magazine, it has gotten us to the point where 83% of kids believe that they can help children in other countries in addition to people in their own communities. I, for one, am proud to hear that!

Kids dream big when it comes to charitable acts and they enjoy giving, so the next step for all of us adults out there? To encourage it, of course! And from now until the end of May, a wonderful way to do that is by joining Betty Crocker in making it easy for kids to give back through their Win & Give campaign.

XO LaptopThrough a partnership with One Laptop Per Child, Betty Crocker is helping this great organization in their mission to provide all children in developing countries with XO Laptop Computers. These rugged laptops are not only unique and child-friendly, but they are designed for tough conditions in remote areas.

Built with rugged plastic exteriors, 1 GB of memory and 4 GB of Flash storage, the XO was collaboratively designed by experts to combine technology with learning. By taking into account extreme environmental conditions, the need for easy repair, and local language support, the end result is durable, functional, energy-efficient, responsive, and fun.

Win One, Give OneBy providing laptops for as many children as possible, they will be able to use them at school or take them home and use the wireless broadband capabilities to access the internet for continued learning. About the size of a textbook and lighter than a lunchbox, the XO laptop can be configured in multiple ways (e.g. standard laptop, e-book, reading, and gaming), is extremely easy to use, highly durable, and doesn't even have a hard drive to crash.

What an amazing thing to provide to children across the world to help them succeed - I love this program!

children using laptopsAs well as this great cause, Betty Crocker is making things even better by giving kids in the U.S. an opportunity to instantly win an XO laptop from specially-marked packages of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks.

Not only would that be a fun surprise for your child but for each laptop won, Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks will donate a laptop to a child in Africa. It’s that simple!

Betty CrockerTo find out more about the Win & Give program and how these laptops positively impact the lives of the children, visit Win One, Give One today. And, while you're there, your kids (or you) can "be a hero" by playing a fun game launching a hero to Africa. For every 1500 heroes that land on Africa, Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks will donate an XO laptop to a child in Africa (up to 442 laptops until May 31, 2011).

Do you give back? Thanks to the generosity of Betty Crocker, one person who does will be able to bring the experience of this program home to their children, because...

One lucky winner will win an XO Laptop! ARV $199!

laptop giveawayTo enter to win: Tell me, in detail, how you give back and/or encourage it in your children.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you visit Win One, Give One and launch the hero to Africa - it's a lot of fun and a bit addicting! Let me know which launch method you used and if you were successful!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Give back! WIN an XO Laptop (ARV $200) and support Win One, Give One - a great cause! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/hfwQ2m #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook, or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on May 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to Betty Crocker for providing an XO laptop for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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moonsword said...

Our family volunteers at the local community center and donates regularly to several charities. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

We encourage our children to donate clothes/toys.

Anonymous said...

google friend #1

Anonymous said...

google friend #2

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

FB fan of TMC #1 - Becky L.M.

Anonymous said...

FB fan of TMC #2 - Becky L.M.

Anonymous said...

entered CSN stores giveaway

Anonymous said...

entered Energizer gc giveaway

Anonymous said...

entered ATG store giveaway

Anonymous said...

entered Hoover giveaway

wigget said...

my son gave a quarter to a homeless man

wigget said...


wigget said...

subscriber 2

Unknown said...

Through our church we give a tithe and also a monthly offering that goes directly to feeding those who are in need.

I also volunteer in the school and as a part of the local AYSO league in order to provide great programs for my children and others.

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I launched a super hero first with the catpult thingy and missed, then I used the rocket and he made it!

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

jmajor4870 said...

my grandkids and a few friends walk around a few blocks from the house and pick up all the garabage and we collect food from neighbors and take to our local food shelf

JM said...

We donate clothes and toys to children in need


jmajor4870 said...

email subscriber #2

jmajor4870 said...

gfc follower (jmajor4870)

jmajor4870 said...

like you on fb #2

Lindsay said...

I give back yearly through volunteerism and donating to charity.

Lindsay said...

I used the Mega-Rubberband! I was successful :-D

Lindsay said...

I entered the Luminess Air Eye Kit Giveaway!

Lindsay said...

I entered the ProFlowers $50 GC Giveaway!

Lindsay said...

I entered the Kalorik 15L Toaster Oven Giveaway!

Lindsay said...

I follow you on Twitter (@MissPearl13)

Lindsay said...


Lindsay said...

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Lindsay said...

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Hyzennthlay said...

We give back by visiting the Retirement community by our house. They love spending time with our son. We also try to encourage giving by regularly going through toys and clothes and asking our son what he would like to give away. He loves picking things out for other kids to play with.

Hyzennthlay said...

I used the mega-rubberband to launch the hero. It took me a couple of tries, but I finally got him landed!

Hyzennthlay said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted:

Hyzennthlay said...

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Hyzennthlay said...

I entered the ATG Stores Giveaway

Kelly said...

We choose food together at the store and bag it and take it together to our local food pantry and we discuss why we are doing it.

Kelly said...

I entered the Energizer/National parks giveaway.

jacque4u2c said...

This is such an awesome giveaway - if you only knew how many boxes of gushers my dd has talked me into buying!!!! Yesterday I saw my dd finally part with some old skate shoes that she had and did not have the heart to part with, because the neighbor girls had never had skates before. She came home from school and made several boxes that she labeled for us to save stuff to take to her school to help save the planet, ie: old ink cartridges, cell phones - batteries....etc.....

moonsword said...

I launched several heroes to Africa and goodgolly I finally made it! Supercool!

moonsword said...

I also entered the JC Jewelry Design $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the Hoover WindTunnel Air Bagless Upright Vacuum Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the $10 Target or Walmart Gift Card Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the Freschetta By The Slice Pizza Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the Kaitlin & Kylie's Gourmet Treats Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the ProFlowers $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the CSN Stores $75 Gift Certificate Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the The Vintage Pearl Giveaway.

moonsword said...

I also entered the ATG Stores $100 Gift Certificate Giveaway. Thank you!

Kristen said...

I volunteer with an organization that supports school garden projects.

Kristen said...

I follow on GFC (1)

Kristen said...

I follow on GFC (2)

Kristen said...

entered CSN

Kristen said...

entered Freschetta

Kristen said...

entered Vintage Pearl

Kristen said...

entered Shabby Apple

Kristen said...

entered Wind & Weather

Kristen said...

entered Kaitlyn & Kylie

Kristen said...

entered Kalorik

Julie said...

I volunteer at the elementary school and the relay for life plus the autism walks.

Julie said...

I used the rocket and I stunk at it but I will keep trying till I getit on the island eve the giraffe ducked

Julie said...

follow you via GFC

Julie said...

emails subscriber

Julie said...

emails #2

Julie said...

facebook fan

Julie said...

facebook fan #2

Julie said...

entered pearl solitare

Julie said...

entered wind and weather giveawa

Julie said...

entered vintage pearl

Julie said...

entered ZB clothing givewaway

Julie said...

entered pro flowers

Julie said...

entered hoover vacuum giveaway

Mysharona said...

I volunteer for ALA and also do work w/ our local community service groups.

Michelle said...

I encourage a giving back spirit in my children by having them choose items for Operation Shoebox and shopping for Toys for Tots items each holiday season. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Entered Kolobags giveaway
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...


Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Following with Google Friend Connect
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Following with Google Friend Connect
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

1. I like you on facebook - michelle chappell
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I buy an extra item or two (on sale or coupon) each grocery trip to donate to our neighborhood food bank. We regularly participate in food and coat drives. When I was teaching, I organized the school-wide drives to benefit the food bank and an Assistance Center that helped young families furnish their first apartments. I always included my son in these activities--as a young child, he was responsible for choosing the toys for New Toy Drives at Christmas. As a teen, he volunteered at the local blood bank and is still a regular contributor.

BethElderton said...

I launched the Rocket and missed by a mile! LOL--it asked me where I learned to fly!
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I'm an email subscriber
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

#2 email subscriber
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

David said...

We sponsor a child overseas


Lori said...

My husband, our two kids (ages 14 and 10) and I are currently in El Salvador as missionaries. We moved here in July of 2010 with plans to be here for one year. While here we are teaching Bible classes but also distributing medical equipment, clothing, toys, and various other items to those who need it. It has been wonderful for me to get to watch my children experience giving out the clothing and toys to children who have almost nothing. My children have learned a whole new concept of what "need" really is and how they can help others. These lessons of giving are ones that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
-Lori L.
monlor AT aol DOT com

Lori said...

Facebook fan here. :) #1

monlor AT aol DOT com

Lori said...

Facebook fan here. :) #2
monlor AT aol DOT com

Lori said...

monlor AT aol DOT com

Stephanie said...

volunteer time and donate goods and food to our local charities
tvollowitz at aol dot com

nickieisis3 said...

we volunteer at local food pantry.


puye said...

I volunteer with an organization that supports school garden projects


puye said...

I entered $10 Walmart/Target giftcard give away


puye said...

I follow you publicly with Google Friend Connect.

puye said...

I like Thanks, Mail Carrier on facebook


Anonymous said...

We donate toys to the local toy drive. We donate clothes and household items to Goodwill. We donate books to the library.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Follow you on Twitter; rhoneygee
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/63165933715329024

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

susan said...

We hope we are teaching our little one by example by our actions. We help our senior citizen neighbors by helping them around their home and preparing meals to share with them. We also teach our little one about donating (by monetary or material items).

susan said...

I follow you and tweeted.

susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

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susan said...

I entered your Freschetta Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Kaitlin & Kylie's Gourmet Treats Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Pure Pearls Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Doodle Roll Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered The Puzzle Pod Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your ZB's Versatile and Innovative Pants Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Creative Toyshop Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your JC Jewelry Design Hand Stamped Jewelry Giveaway.

susan said...

entered your Kids Chair World Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your other Freschetta Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Shabby Apple Fashionable Dresses Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your CSN Stores Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered The Vintage Pearl Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your ATG Stores Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your Kalorik 15L Toaster Oven Giveaway.

susan said...

I entered your ProFlowers Giveaway.


we make boxes for the troops and so much more....my fav is the kids mowing lawns for free for seniors in the summer so they stay out of heat

daivabaum said...

We donate items (food, toys, clothes and etc.) a few times a year.
poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

I follow you on twitter. @poniabaum
poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

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poniabaum at gmail dot com

daivabaum said...

I used a Toss-a-pult and I made it after a few tries :)
poniabaum at gmail dot com

lisa said...

We encourage toys/ clothes donation to others

lisa said...

follow Thanks Mail Carrier via GFC LisaMarie

lisa said...

like thanks mail carrier on facebook lisa w.

walk9 said...

I volunteer for the local fire department and an a Girl Scout Leader- my kids donate their old toys and clothes to kids in need.
email subscriber walk9@att.net

BusyWorkingMama said...

We volunteer through our local city hall and we encourage my daughter to donate her toys and clothes.
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

gfc follower 1
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

gfc follower 2
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

FB fan 1
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

Fb fan 2
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered gourmet gift baskets
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered proflowers
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered Kalorik toaster
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered $100 ATG giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered $10 target giveaway
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered ZB's clothing
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered shabby apple
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered $75 CSN stores
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered Wind & Weather
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered $50 salon gift card
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered freschetta ending 4/29
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said...

entered Easeamine skin care
aleksa91 hotmail com

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

We work with the Open Door Mission to volunteer...deliver food, etc. We also give to local charities.

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I follow you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I subscribe to you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I subscribe to you!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I like you on facebook!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I like you on facebook!
tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I have your button!

Jessica H said...

A good way to encourage giving back is to do a 6 month clean out of their closets. Have them take out clothes they don't wear any more and give them to the Ronald McDonald House.

Anonymous said...

My son and I regularly donate food, clothing and toys to the local woman's and children shelter and we donate our time and items like tables, chairs, etc to fundraiser events held at my son's elementary school.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I launched a hero to Africa! I chose the Mega-Rubberband and he made it!
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow via GFC
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on Facebook
Danetta Young
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have your button on my blog
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have your button on my blog
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Tina said...

I give back by giving money to our church

Tina said...


Sarah said...

We collect items that we can get for free or cheap by couponing and donate them to families in need

Sarah said...

I launched using the XO rocket and was successful, after a few tries :)

Sarah said...

entered gourmet gift baskets

Sarah said...

entered kolobags

Sarah said...

entered local pages

Sarah said...

entered doodle rolls

Sarah said...

entered wind and weather

Sarah said...

entered CSN

Sarah said...

entered shabby apple

Sarah said...

entered the vintage pearl

Sarah said...

entered creative toyshop

Sarah said...

entered jc jewelry

Sarah said...

entered energizer

Sarah said...

entered ATG

Sarah said...

entered kalorik

Sarah said...

entered winterthur

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