I think it's pretty darn safe to say that every parent out there hopes that their children will grow up to be kind, caring, giving human beings. As they get older we teach them everything, from sharing to washing their hands to looking both ways before crossing the street and hope that it all sinks in.
So where has that gotten us? According to the "Kids' Altruism Indicator," conducted by Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks in partnership with Parenting magazine, it has gotten us to the point where 83% of kids believe that they can help children in other countries in addition to people in their own communities. I, for one, am proud to hear that!
Kids dream big when it comes to charitable acts and they enjoy giving, so the next step for all of us adults out there? To encourage it, of course! And from now until the end of May, a wonderful way to do that is by joining Betty Crocker in making it easy for kids to give back through their Win & Give campaign.

Built with rugged plastic exteriors, 1 GB of memory and 4 GB of Flash storage, the XO was collaboratively designed by experts to combine technology with learning. By taking into account extreme environmental conditions, the need for easy repair, and local language support, the end result is durable, functional, energy-efficient, responsive, and fun.

What an amazing thing to provide to children across the world to help them succeed - I love this program!

Not only would that be a fun surprise for your child but for each laptop won, Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks will donate a laptop to a child in Africa. It’s that simple!

Do you give back? Thanks to the generosity of Betty Crocker, one person who does will be able to bring the experience of this program home to their children, because...
One lucky winner will win an XO Laptop! ARV $199!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you visit Win One, Give One and launch the hero to Africa - it's a lot of fun and a bit addicting! Let me know which launch method you used and if you were successful!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
Give back! WIN an XO Laptop (ARV $200) and support Win One, Give One - a great cause! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/hfwQ2m #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook, or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on May 17th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Betty Crocker for providing an XO laptop for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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We give back by "adopting" a child...Demetrias...our other daughter:) We send her money every month through Christian Children's Fund, and she send us updates all the time with pictures. Our 6 yr old loves knowing we are helping her and loves seeing the updates.
I used a rocket to launch my hero, but was not successful!!!
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entered the Easeamine giveaway
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entered the freschetta giveaway #1
entered the Pure Pearls giveaway
entered the Local Pages giveaway
entered the Doodle roll giveaway
entered the Kaitlin and Kylie's giveaway
entered the Puzzle Pod giveaway
entered the ZB's clothing giveaway
entered the Creative Toyshop giveaway
entered the JC jewelry giveaway
We've had many 'home school fund-raising projects'.
Once we collected to send Christmas gift boxes to Asia and another time we did school packages.
We also had a missionary family that we helped support in Africa, who taught computer and literacy classes.
entered the national parks giveaway
entered the Clean it supply giveaway
entered the Lysol giveaway
entered the Kids Chair world giveaway
entered the shabby apple giveaway
entered the vintage pearl giveaway
entered the ATG stores giveaway
entered the kalorik giveaway
entered the Pro FLowers giveaway
entered the Karmin giveaway
entered the Hoover giveaway
entered the Freschetta #2 giveaway
we donate food mverno@roadrunner.com
One saturday a month we go to the local food bank and donate our time.
Thanks for the chance.
We donate to our local Goodwill throughout the year
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entered cleanitsupply
My children help me go through their clothes and toys to donate, and my 4 year old son wants to have a lemonade stand and give the profits to the Make a Wish Foundation, like we read in a book I am reviewing for my blog. As soon as the weather levels out, I am going to ask one of our local stores if he can set up his first lemonade stand out front for donations.
A Midg RN "at" gee mail (dot) com
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
My daughter and I volunteer at a nursing home. We do everything from organizing bingo games to just sitting with the residents and just talking with them. Some of them are so lonely its nice to make them so happy.
I follow you on google friend
I follow you on google friend
We donate household items all teh time and every time we go on teh computer we go to freerice.com to donate rice by building our vocabulary at the same time.
4/27 Tweet:
We donate to charities, buy Toys for Tots during Xmas.
Entered Energizer giveaway
I am eddiem11 GFC follower-----eddiem11@ca.rr.com
I am eddiem11 GFC follower-----eddiem11@ca.rr.com
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I am a RSS Reader/feed subscriber- eddiem11@ca.rr.com
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I am an email subscriber- eddiem11@ca.rr.com
I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker ----- eddiem11@ca.rr.com
I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker ----- eddiem11@ca.rr.com
mandatory entry : When my kids were growing up "we" did from the GET GO and now it's for the grandkids: help out at the childerns community functions; help at there after school activatiy,girls scout leader;sports coach, sunday school teacher.... and now for the grandkids I" help" out as grandma nanny.
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Every three months me and my kids donate our gently used and outgrown clothes to a charity to gives them to families in need for free. Thanks.
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My children are grown but I raised them to respect their environment & to love being with nature. I began recycling when they were still young & this is a tradition they now follow as well. I spend time with my grandchildren explaining the importance of also recycling and we also attend local fund raising events. For example me & my 3 yr. old grandson raised $250.00 for our local animal shelter by participating in a walk. The day before we visited the shelter so he could understand the importance of helping something in need. We also have long talks about other people not having the things he & his brother have & I hope this teaches him compassion.
I was successful on my 2nd attempt using the XO Rocket, I landed in Grahamstown.
I tweeted about this giveaway; @CarrieDust
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I subscribe to your email; CarrieDust@yahoo.com
I follow you on FB; Carrie Phelps
I follow you on FB; Carrie Phelps
I entered the Kids Chair World giveaway.
I entered the Hoover giveaway.
Daily Bailey Tweet
My Granddaughters help me write cards to shut-ins and children in the hospital.
This summer they are planning on selling produce door to door in our cul de sac. The older wants to raise money for animal shelters, the middle for children with cancer...the little one just wants a Barbie. Small steps, small steps.
entered Little Looster giveaway
I volunteer my time at adv shelter and my grandchildren help me sort supplies etc
I gfc
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entered the Ziploc giveaway
we give back with church and community events.
i did megarubber band and missed
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JC jewelry entry
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kalorik gw
winterthur gw
proflower gw
karmin gw
hoover gw
freschetta gw
hoover gw
kids chair gw
lysol gw
cascade gw
ziploc gw
easamine sking gw
kaitlin gw
freshcetta 4/29 gw
kolobags gw
pearl solitare gw
local pages gw
csn gw
shabby apple gw
vintage pearl gw
puzzle pod gw
zb's gw
careative toyshop gw
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
My son's school is in a very low-income area and has NO money. I volunteer a lot and work hard getting donations and working fundraisers to help out. My son sees all this and gets involved helping out too!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
Daily Tweet:
I like to donate blood at local Red Cross blood drives. My son has seen me do it and I think it helps him to be less afraid of needles and gives us an opportunity to discuss how donated blood can save lives.
I used the Toss-A-Pult to launch a hero to Grahamstown!
I follow you on twitter as @cakeblast and tweeted http://twitter.com/cakeblast/status/63853802301825024
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I give back by delivering Meals-On-Wheels.
Daily Bailey Tweet
entered Ziploc Prize Pack giveaway
I entered the Guidecraft Hideaway Country Kitchen giveaway
Occasionally, I encourage my kids to go through their toys and pick some to give away to other children.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I follow you via GFC.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Ziploc Giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Freschetta Giveaway ending 4/29.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Freschetta Giveaway ending 5/16.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Doodle Roll Giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your CSN Giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Shabby Apple Giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Energizer National Parks giftcard Giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Kids Chair Giveaway.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
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mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
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daily tweet
cakeblast [ at ] gmail {dot} com
Daily Bailey Tweet
entered kitchen kraft giveaway
Today's Tweet
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
we giveaway clothes and toys. everything that is overgrown.
used catapult. not really. tried 5 times :)
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tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/BestToddlerToys/status/64589945515409408
My family volunteers at the local no kill animal shelter on weekends.
monster6236 at gmail dot com
follow and tweet http://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/64682153342009345
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the CSN giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the Shabby Apple giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the ZB's Clothing giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the ATG giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the Kalorik giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the Winterthur giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
entered the ProFlowers giveaway
monster6236 at gmail dot com
I am starting to donate blood every 2 months. I take my kids with me every time so that they will know how easy and simple it is to give back so many times a year.
mellisarock at yahoo dot com
Daily Bailey Tweet
entered Hallmark Postage-Paid Greetings giveaway
We give back by donating to Goodwill.
We give back by volunteering at our church
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
entered Doodle Roll
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
entered Puzzle Pod
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
entered ZB Children's Clothing
mearley1979 at gmail dot com
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