Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mom Spark Media: A Social Media Company For Bloggers, Brands & PR

A few short months from now will mark the second birthday of Thanks, Mail Carrier, something that equally amazes and bewilders me. It has been two years already? Really?

And, in exactly the same way that I look at my daughters and realize that there are so many things that I know now that I wish I had known back then, I can evaluate the differences in where I am at this point in blogging compared to 2009. As with just about everything in life, I can see where I made some good choices... and those that maybe weren't quite as good.

But one of the things that I have learned and that I would definitely do again is finding blogging forums, communities, and groups to join. There's no doubt about it, as well as building friendships, having a place where you can network with new and veteran bloggers, have your questions answered, and find opportunities to help grow your blog is something that has proven valuable time and time again.

And one of the memberships that I'm happy to have? Mom Spark Media.

Mom Spark MediaEvery blogger network is going to have its pros and cons and aspects that you feel work better for you than others. However, Mom Spark Media is different in that they aren't simply a social media group only.

As well as offering brand ambassador programs, online campaigns, review and giveaway opportunities, and promotional and sponsored posts, they really focus on the bloggers and the knowledge that will help us. No one goes into blogging with all the answers and, no matter how many years anyone has been doing it, they still won't have them.

That's why MSM is there to help. Their online blogging/social networking courses, one-on-one consulting, monthly chats, and active community of helpful members all work together to ensure that you're getting all of the assistance you need in facilitating the growth of your blog.

Whether you've been blogging for five years, five months, or are still thinking of a name to get your blog off the ground, you'll like what you'll find at MSM. With the ability to tailor what you take away to your needs (want to be a part of a survey or focus group? It's up to you. Need blog and web design consultation? Just ask. Looking for blogging and monetization tips? Who isn't?) you'll find the sense of community a consistent theme.

I have been a member of various blogging forums over the past two years (some that still exist and some that have faded away) and my main regret when it comes to Mom Spark Media is not having joined sooner. They make it well known that they care about their bloggers and, while the opportunities that are presented are wonderful, that the information that they provide is also top-notch.

Best of all, the amazing women who run MSM are mom bloggers themselves. They know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to connecting with brands and they are continually reevaluating how they can make their community a better place. The question, "What would you like to see here?" isn't uncommon and they really do want to know what their members are most interested in and how things can continually improve.

A subscription to Mom Spark Media costs $5/month or $40/year and gives you full access to the in-depth blogging advice, product review opportunities, and paid online campaigns as well as a forum membership to collaborate, ask questions, brainstorm, and learn from their experts... as well as make lasting friendships throughout the blogging community.

Mom Spark MediaIt is quick and easy to sign up for a membership at Mom Spark Media and I would love if you entered THANKSMAILCARRIER as your promo code to let them know that I referred you. If you are a MSM member, tell me your experience! If you're not, sign up today and try it to see what you think!

I was compensated by Mom Spark Media for writing this promotional post, however, every single word is my own personal opinion.


Amanda said... 1

I'm a new member there as of a few days ago and I"m loving it :) Just not like other communities and for that I'm grateful


Cher said... 2

Wow only 2 years!

I have been meaning to join MSM, one of these days I will have time to join and read around the site!

jacque4u2c said... 3

Thanks for sharing this - I had no idea about them. I am so happy that two years ago you made a leap of faith and started this blog - we all love it!

Barb said... 4

I haven't signed up yet because I just can't sign up for another subscription/payment thing right now. I wish they'd offer a free trial sometime or something.

Unknown said... 5

I've been considering trying it out, and I think now is the time! I've used your promo code as well.