Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Celebrating Mom #8: ProFlowers {Year of Seeds Review & $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway}

ProFlowers{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Jayedee!}

When it comes to Mother's Day gifts, there is something to be said for the classic and ever-appreciated option of flowers. From a small, pastel bouquet to a large, brightly-colored arrangement, receiving flowers just has that way of making a person feel special.

And the site that knows all about a large variety of beautiful flowers, gifts, and more is none other than ProFlowers.

Mother's Day giftsConnecting consumers with fresh-from-the-field flowers since 1998, ProFlowers is known for their hand-picked, high quality, beautiful bouquets that will bring a smile and brighten any lucky mom's day. But flowers are definitely not all that ProFlowers has to offer - with everything from potted plants to fruit and snacks to wine to spa products, the hardest part about ordering a Mother's Day gift is selecting between the variety of great options.

ProFlowersAs much as I enjoyed browsing the gorgeous bouquets of flowers and the delicious-looking chocolates and the beautiful jewelry (and much more) that ProFlowers offers, the Unique Mother's Day Gifts category caught my eye and, in particular the Year of Seeds.

Year of SeedsI love gifts that can be enjoyed for a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months... but the Year of Seeds tops them all! This unique starter kit comes with 12 packets of easy-to-grow seeds that will bring a mini garden right to your windowsill, whether you choose to plant them all at once, or plant a different seed every month to bring color year-round.

When the Year of Seeds arrived in the clean and classic RedEnvelope box (they are part of a family of brands), I couldn't wait to open it up to get started.

Inside, I found that the packaging was just as cute. The top layer held the 12 different seed packets, bags of soil, and an instruction card:

Lifting that off, underneath sat the 12 candy-colored earthenware pots that each feature an illustration of the corresponding flower on the side:

As I unwrapped each of the 2½" x 2½" x 3" adorable little pots, my husband walked by, peeked over my shoulder and commented, "That's cute." For someone who is never a fan of my plant/gardening attempts, that meant that he really must have thought the Year of Seeds was nice!

The various seeds included in this kit are petunias, marigolds, pansies, lobelia, alyssum, zinnias, impatiens, baby's breath, dianthus, cosmos, poppies, and sweet peas and I love the way that the image and color of the seed envelopes matches those of the pots. For someone that can't tell the difference between a petunia and a pansy, that was a big help!

Preparing my first two pots was simple, as I was easily able to get the soil hydrated and settled in with the seeds and ready to start growing.

The instructions say to continue to water according to the recommendations for the seeds and to keep them covered in plastic until they sprout. So far, so good!

I love the idea of this kit and I can't wait to see my pansies and zinnias start to grow and bloom. All that will be left to do is see my windowsill come to life and then decide which flowers to plant next!

For a gift that keeps on giving month after month, the Year of Seeds is a unique and great idea. Extremely easy for anyone to follow and enjoy, this could even be ordered ahead of time (it retails for $59.95) and you could have the first pot planted and ready to give to Mom on Mother's Day. The rest all store perfectly back in the box waiting for future months!

From flowers to treats to gifts, ProFlowers is your one-stop site for Mother's Day. They have floral options in every color and size and something to fit your recipient as well as your budget. There is even a coupon page dedicated completely to bringing you deals on free vases or free delivery, discounts off of your order, and much more.

Thanks to the generosity of ProFlowers, one person will be able to enjoy a spring bouquet or much-appreciated gift as well, because...

One lucky person will win a $50 gift certificate to ProFlowers!

ProFlowers giveawayTo enter to win: Visit ProFlowers and tell me which of their beautiful items you might spend this gift certificate on if you win.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry if you head over to A Mom's Balancing Act and enter to win a $50 gift certificate to ProFlowers over there as well!
1 Extra Entry if you Like ProFlowers on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the Celebrating Mom giveaways (Celebrating Mom giveaways ONLY) running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Celebrating Mom 8: WIN a $50 gift card to ProFlowers for Mother's Day flowers & gifts! #thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email or become a fan on Facebook.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you have our Celebrating Mom button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on May 13th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to ProFlowers for providing a Year of Seeds for me to review as well as a $50 gift certificate for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


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sohamolina said...

I am sohamolina (Soha M) FB liker -----

sohamolina said...

Entered Celebrating Mom #1: Wind & Weather Shiatsu Massage Chair {Review & Giveaway}

Cortney said...

I love the Deluxe Lilies.

Cortney said...

I entered A Mom's Balancing Act ProFlowers giveaway.

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I like ProFlowers on Facebook. Cortney S.

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Alicia said...

I think I would get the the 20 Assorted Tulips with Green Vase for my mother

Alicia said...

Entered giveaway at Mom's Balancing Act

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Jake K said...

I would buy the Cheesecake Trio & Full Half Dozen Giant Dipped Berries.

Alicia said...

Entered Shiatsu Massage Chair

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Entered Shabby Apple Giveaway

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Unknown said...

I'd get the Two Dozen Springtime Carnations. Quite beautiful!


Melissa said...

i love the deluxue succulent garden!

Melissa said...

entered momd balancing act giveaway

Melissa said...

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melissa pruitt

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sustahl said...

I would buy the Sunflower Radiance

Crazylicious85 said...

I'd like to get the Easter Bouquet!

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

Crazylicious85 said...

Entered the Proflowers giveaway over at A Mom's Balancing Act

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

Crazylicious85 said...

I Like ProFlowers on Facebook as Allison Lancaster

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

Crazylicious85 said...

Entered Celebrating Moms #1 Giveaway

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

Crazylicious85 said...

Entered Celebrating Moms #2 Giveaway

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

Crazylicious85 said...

Entered Celebrating Moms #5 Giveaway

crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

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Crazylicious85 said...

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crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

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crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

Anonymous said...

I would buy the two dozen assorted roses.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

LAURA1877 said...

Catherine said...

If I won, I would purchase the One Dozen Rainbow Roses to send to my friend in Washington!

Catherine said...

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littlelatina said...

I'd love some flowers

Unknown said...

i really like the item you reviewed...also like their tulips

Unknown said...

entered the giveaway on MBA site

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Anonymous said...

i like 12 Hand-Dipped Easter Egg Berries

Anonymous said...

entered Yala giveaway

Maude Lynn said...

I love the Spring Bloom bouquet!

Katie said...

I want to get the Dendrobium Orchids!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

walk9 said...

Hand dipped strawberries! email subscriber

AJ said...

The Gerbera Daisies for sure!

Ashley H said...

I might buy the 20 white tulips bouquet they have!

Ashley H said...

entered the giveaway @ a moms balancing act!

Ashley H said...

proflowers facebook liker

Ashley H said...

entered the Kalorik giveaway

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sohamolina said...!/sohamolina/statuses/61111313207795712

Jelli said...

I like the year of seeds gift.

jmajor4870 said...

i would choose the 30 purple tulips for my mother, she loves tulips

Cassie and Lou said...

I really like the 100 blooms of Easter. My mom's favorite flower is the daisy and this bouquet is just what she needs right now.

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Chase said...

I would spend a gc on flowers. Love the tulips!

Chase said...

like proflowers on fb

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Chase said...

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mogrill said...

MMMM Id love the chocolate covered oreos.Thanks for the chance.

Jackie said...

I might spend it on the Deluxe Pink Sapphire. Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I entered at A Mom's Balancing Act
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

5webs said...

I would get the Mrs. Fields® Cookie Basket - 100 Nibblers.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I entered on A Mom's Balancing Act
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

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Alicia Webster

Jennifer H said...

I like the spring blooms bouquet

Jennifer H said...

your fb fan Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

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Jennifer H said...


Jennifer H said...

ent @ Moms balancing

Jennifer H said...

like them on fb too (J Cochrane)

Jennifer H said...!/Lovesmytwoboys/status/61184265077010432

Jennifer H said...

ent wind & weather

Jennifer H said...

ent ATG

Jennifer H said...

ent toaster oven

Mariee said...

Tweet (4/21)!/marieimy/status/61188309711462400

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Helen Keeler said...

I would love to have the Timeless Savory Favorites from ProFlowers.

Helen Keeler said...

follow thanksmailcarrier on Twitter @helen1949 and tweeted:!/helen1949/status/61203491657498624

Helen Keeler said...

follow you on GFC as Helen Keeler

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

spring blossoms

Anonymous said...

I thinkI'm going for the Red Velvet Cake to be honest.

Anonymous said...

I entered at a Mom's Balancing Act.

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Kathy Rambousek said...

I love the flowers and colors in the Spring Blooms Bouquet

LKARambo at comcast dot net

Kathy Rambousek said...

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

Kathy Rambousek said...

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LKARambo at comcast dot net

Lauren Chan said...

I would love to get the Spring lilies. They are gorgeous!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I love the Purely Spectacular one!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

I entered at Mom's Balancing Act!

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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tonya stutzman filleman

Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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tonya stutzman filleman

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Nebraska Hockey Mom said...

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Meredith said...

I would love to the baby orchid.

Hydee said...

I would spend the gift certificate on the gardenia bonsai tree

Hydee said...

I like ProFlowers on facebook
(heidibyrd maplesden)

Hydee said...

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Hydee said...

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heidisweeps at charter dot net

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heidisweeps at charter dot net

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heidisweeps at charter dot net

Hydee said...

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Cortney said...!/ms_fleur/status/61281249758683136

Mamushi Love said...

I think I'd get the Curly Sue Tulip bouquet.

llinda29 said...

I want to buy Two Dozen Multi-Colored Roses

llinda29 said...

Like ProFlowers on Facebook.

llinda29 said...

I gfc

llinda29 said...

I gfc2

Tabathia B said...

I like the mrs. fields bites basket
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

twitter follower & tweeted!/ChelleB36/status/61290954090479616
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love the Spring Blooms. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Like ProFlowers on FB (Contest KAO). Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Like your site on FB (Contest KAO).

Anonymous said...

Like your site on FB (Contest KAO). #2. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

E-mail subsciber.

Anonymous said...

E-mail subscriber. Thanks.

katzkids by Kathy D. said...

I love the Deluxe Pink Sapphire flowers.

katzkids by Kathy D. said...

I like ProFlowers on Facebook.

katzkids by Kathy D. said...

I follow you via GFC.

LAURA1877 said...

Cortney said...!/ms_fleur/status/61428150885814272

Christi said...

I'd get the Tropical Orchid Garden

christiwins at gmail d0tc0m

Christi said...

I entered at A Mom's Balancing Act

Christi said...


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