Whereas the term "Mommy Blogger" is offensive to some, it is equally as flattering to others. Every day I wake up and find new blogs that I didn't know existed and that are engaging and interesting to read. With so many niches within blogging, as far as I'm concerned there is room for everyone to find one, two, or two hundred of their favorites.
But with the number of blogs out there increasing by the minute, will there ever be too many? Companies and PR agencies have to decide who to work with and which sites are going to reach their target marketing in the best possible way, so that leads to an entirely different way of looking at what you write.
Are you writing for you and your family? To keep your loved ones up to date on your latest adventures or highlights or health issues? Or maybe you're writing to share your love of something, whether cooking or homeschooling or your ability to make people laugh.
Review blogging is its own hybrid category, as there is the aspect of sharing the you've-got-to-hear-about-this-awesome-product combined with having to keep up with statistics and numbers to tell you who is interested and how often they are reading.
It would be nice to not have to worry about the analytical side to blogging, but I realize that it is built in to this particular niche (as well as quite a few others). After all, if no one is reading your blog, then why would a company think that it would be helpful to have you review their product?
In the end, I think it all comes down to what blogging means to you. If it makes you happy and you find your voice, then it doesn't matter if you're writing for 10,000 visitors or 10, now does it? If your readers continue to return to see more of what you have written about parenthood, coupons, your Etsy shop, cars or non-fiction books, then you've made a connection that is unique and meaningful.

Why do you blog? Or, if you don't, are you considering starting a blog?

I blog as part of my business however over the years I have had topical blogs as well which were more of a hobby. I don't think there will ever be too many. I have been blogging for over five years and in this time I have seen hundreds of blog disappear and hundreds reappear. I think it is constantly changing and those without passion will drop by the wayside.
I just started blogging back in Nov. I started as a wy to find my voice again in writing. i use to enjoy writing alot and thought I would try this venue as away to grow as well as travel the world. So many reasons and so happy I did. Im learning so much and growing as well. I may not have found my boice yet. But...the jounrey is great!
im from I love my Online Friends Monday Hop i followed you please follow me back http://therecoveringworkaholic.blogspot.com/
I blog to keep track of our homeschooling stuff. It's a great way to have it all organized.
I just started blogging - style and miscellaneous other stuff that interests me. I blog because I enjoy it, the writing, the pictures and the community are great. It is just fun.
I blog because I feel I am sharing helpful information. I search for hours at a time to find even one green/organic item that I feel safe using. If I can narrow the time down that someone else has to search for a particular eco-friendly item I feel good.
I also blog to connect with others as well. I'm amazed at what great friendships I've developed with others through blogging.
I'm not one that is offended by the term "Mommy Blogger". That's because I've learned how to balance blogging with my family life. I may not post as much as other bloggers (because I'm such a slow writer), but I'm okay with that. I blog at a pace that makes me happy. And if companies/PR reps want to work with me that's a bonus!
No answer for your question, but I just wanted to say I enjoy your blog and I'm so glad YOU enjoy writing it! Good job on being two years in the biz, and here's to many more!
I blog for the community. I used to belong to several bulletin board communities ant then was part of a game community...I found that I really missed that and was just looking for something to replace it. It turned out to be more fun and lots more work than I expected. It is going ok so far though.
blogging is such a creative outlet-- and outlet that I didn't even know I needed. I blog for my own amusement and the amusement of others. And the community is so warm and friendly-- so many lovely bloggy friends and I've even met one in real life! I'm rural with no visible neighbors-- blogging keeps me connected to the world.
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