Sunday, May 8, 2011

High School Graduation is Just the Beginning

With only a few weeks of school left this year, Big Sister E is already talking about how much fun she is going to have this summer and how very excited she is to go back to preschool again in the fall. Everything from the teachers to her friends to every activity that they do - this is one girl that adores school!

Anxiously awaiting the start of her school's recent "Spring Sing."

Considering how many more years she has to go and just how much can change due to teachers or friends or, the one that worries me the most, bullies, I can only hope that each year continues to bring her as much joy as she has had so far. Although everyone that I talk to with older children continually tells me how fast the years will go by, I still find it hard to fathom the idea of my little girl heading off to elementary school not as my baby but as an actual kid.

After that? Well, she'll just turn into a big kid. One of those middle schoolers that is sure that the world hinges on whether or not they are wearing the right brand of jeans and that they have the coolest cell phone (or whatever gadget will be hip 10 years from now). To be honest, the idea of middle school scares me on multiple levels... for both Big Sister E and I.

I'm pretty sure that by high school the term kid will no longer apply. Considering that she is already nearly up to my shoulder, I have no doubt that Big Sister E will tower over me by the time she is practicing driving and shopping for prom. I don't expect her to have her life all figured out by high school graduation, but I hope that she will have already discovered a few passions and interests that she would like to pursue in college.

Whether that ends up at a nearby University or a distant campus, the thought of having to pack up her belongings and move her out of the house makes my heart skip a few beats. Really? The day will come where she won't live here anymore? I won't wake up and find her grinning at me and ready to start talking nonstop over breakfast?

No parent knows what the future will hold for their children but, like all moms, I look forward to seeing the journey that both of my girls end up taking with their lives. Will they become firefighters or scientists or actresses? They both certainly have the strength or the curiosity or the flair for dramatics for those. Will they get married and have children of their own? From what I can tell, the grandma thing doesn't seem like too bad of a gig.

Big Sister E currently says that she wants to become a teacher when she grows up and I, for one, think that she would be great at it. She's caring and nurturing and loves helping, so maybe one day she will end up ensuring future little girls and boys love school just as much as she does. Whatever career path she ends up choosing, I of course hope it brings her happiness and fulfillment and in her life.

It is beyond difficult to imagine my little girl growing up and heading off into the big world out there, but I guess we just take things one day at a time. We'll start with conquering zipping up our own jacket before we move on to the idea of graduation, shall we?

As with every season, when graduation rolls around this year, Tiny Prints will have you and your child covered for all aspects. I've mentioned their cards before and I'm sure I'll mention them again - simply because they are my favorite! They are stylish, modern, unique and make it possible commemorate every holiday and occasion!

(I was provided with a Tiny Prints gift certificate in exchange for this post, however, it in no way affected my opinion of this website and their wonderful products.)


Amethystmoon said... 1

great post! Mine graduates in less than a month, and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she'll be living at college in the fall!
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