And she is thrilled about it!
Yes, she wants to do tee ball and yes, she wants to do swimming and yes, she wants to attend her preschool's summer camp... the list just seems to keep growing and growing.
So what does that mean for me? As well as having to keep track of where and when she needs to be somewhere, I'm going to need to stay well-organized so that she shows up with her glove to tee ball and not to Art in the Park. Because as much as I'm sure she could turn said glove into an art project... it's probably not the best idea.
For me, one of the best ways to keep away the stress and anxiety of not only packing but of my obsession with not losing things, is to have each and every item well-labeled. I want her name on every single thing so that the chances of swim goggles, a hat or even a dirty sock getting returned to its rightful place are increased tremendously.
That's where I.D. Me Labels steps in and takes over, making the entire process quick, easy, and fun.

The variety of fun, bright kids' labels that they offer come in various sizes, shapes, and colors to make identifying the rightful owners of just about anything quick and easy. Whether for the child to recognize their own name (and the colors and icon that they have chosen) or for a teacher or counselor to be able to reunite lost items later on, these labels end up being nearly indispensable.
Having been introduced to I.D. Me Labels back in 2009 and instantly loving the way that the high quality, durable, waterproof labels came in handy for Little Sister B's belongings, I knew that the Camp Labels would be perfect for Big Sister E and her summer adventures.

No matter if Big Sister E is grabbing her lunchbox, her raincoat or her tennis shoes, I know that her belongings will always make it back to us!

I keep the entire pack in our kitchen drawer so that any time a new pair of shoes or sunglasses is brought out, I can grab and attach two of the Shoe Labels or one of the Streamline Labels in only a moment or two.

However, after immediately deciding that the labels would be dark blue (her favorite color), it actually didn't take long before she pointed directly at the stars icon and declared it the one.

The Camp Labels pack comes with everything you need to prepare for the upcoming summer months and retails for $43. With their amazingly fast turnaround times (orders are processed within 48 hours - you'll be shocked at how quickly these labels show up at your door!) now is a great time to ensure that you and your child are ready for everything that the summer months will entail.
You can find much more information and ordering options for I.D. Me Labels on their website as well as connecting with them Facebook and Twitter. Also, be sure to head over to A Mom's Balancing Act to see what Jenna thinks of these high quality Camp Labels... and then keep your eyes out for even more products perfect for summer in an upcoming blog event!
(Other than the Camp Labels pack that I received from I.D. Me Labels to facilitate my review, I was not provided with anything or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my opinion of this company and their products.)
Thanks for your kind words Xenia! We had fun creating the labels for you.
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