No, I haven't tried every other possible diet out there, but joining the Nutrisystem Nation really was somewhat of a last-ditch effort. I might as well, I thought, even though I probably won't lose anything, how bad could it be?
Looking back at that mindset from 19 weeks ago, it's almost humorous to me how quickly I changed my tune. The food tasted good and the pounds started to disappear, which is just exactly how it should be with a program like this, right? Why did I doubt it in the first place?
For me, it's because I'm skeptical of just about anything. I love infomercials, but I think that 95% of the products are going to be junk. I see fancy beauty product claims and figure that they won't really do magic for your face and skin. And sure Nutrisystem shows Before and After photos of people who have made amazing transformations, but c'mon, those pictures must be altered... right?
This would be a great place for me to post my own Before and After pictures, but I'm not. For one, that doubt that I had at the beginning of this journey, that there-is-no-way-that-this-is-going-to-actually-work thinking means that I didn't take a Before photo. I wish I had. I also wish I had taken measurements so that I could compare them.
Secondly, I wouldn't want to post my After photo right now even if I could. Because I'm not there yet. I've come this far and, after being bummed about my losses slowing down for a while there, I'm back to being motivated again and I really hope that it will last.
Really, these guys need another friend.

It's definitely nothing huge, but it's still something. And it means that I'm going to keep on taking things day by day and trust that this journey will just keep getting better no matter how fast or slow it goes. If you want to see how you can lose weight and get healthy with me, visit Nutrisystem today or call 888-853-4689!
Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit Living on Love and Cents, "Deal"icious Mom, Our Kids Mom, Sippy Cup Mom, Mama Loves Her Bargains, Closer to Lucy, The Life of Rylie...& Bryce, too! and Shibley Smiles and cheer them on as well! I guarantee you'll be inspired!
As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.
20 lbs really is something! I hope that you're not getting discouraged because you can do it! Way to go!
You are over the 20lb mark, and that is wonderful! I remember when I was 178 and finally got to that 20lb mark and it was relief. You are do awesome girl! Congrats:)
I'm so proud of you! I admire how you just keep on with it.
Ok, so I started eating properly just today, after a ridiculously delicious weekend. I'll probably last until about 4 o'clock.
I'm always skeptical too. If it looks to good to be true, then it probably is. I didn't take Before photos or measurements, just because I didn't think to do that, but I probably should.
You have done GREAT so far! And even though Nutrisystem is a great diet plan, I think there comes a point in any diet when we kind of plateau and get discouraged. But you have the right mindset to just push through it, so good for you! And hey...you still lost a little bit last week!
Yeah Xenia! Way to go!
That is great!
Look at all you have accomplished so far! You are going to get that next bear. I just know it!!!
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