Lately I feel like I've had multiple conversations with moms about a certain television show that their son watches or a cast of characters that their daughter is a fan of... and, more often than not, there are other moms who have never heard of them. Is that a new one? Have they been around long? Wait, who?
Then there are those shows that are classic and have entertained children for decades with their imaginative tales and adventures - they just can't seem to go wrong! And one name that definitely comes to mind as being universally-loved by boys and girls of all ages is surely Thomas & Friends.

But by inviting children into his world of imagination, Thomas and his friends are able to teach timeless life lessons of discovery, friendship and cooperation right in with their entertaining stories. And, available today, May 17, on DVD, Thomas & Friends: The Birthday Express is no exception!

Including four fun episodes in this special Thomas & Friends collection, there's no doubt that birthdays always come with surprises when your engine friends are part of the celebration. Tales such as Percy safely delivering a beautifully wrapped present and Thomas encountering a mystery as he takes Sir Topham

With a running time of 46 minutes, everything from the episodes to the bonus features to the wooden whistle (especially the wooden whistle) make this a fun DVD to add to your collection. Kids love birthday parties and kids love Thomas, so by combining the two, it's a winning combination.
Available now in stores or online at Amazon, Thomas & Friends: The Birthday Express retails for around $16.98 and will continue to teach timeless life lessons for years to come. Which is exactly what one person will discover as well, because...
One lucky person will win a copy of Thomas & Friends:
The Birthday Express on DVD!
The Birthday Express on DVD!

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1 Extra Entry (per method) if you Like Thomas & Friends on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
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Choo choo! I want to WIN a copy of Thomas & Friends: The Birthday Express on DVD! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/jPL31l #giveaway #win
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3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on June 7th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment for providing a copy of Thomas & Friends: The Birthday Express for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 376 Newer› Newest»Right now, my son enjoys getting older most about birthday parties...his birthday was in April, and already he's asking if he gets to be 5 on his next birthday :)
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We were in Sacramento and on New Years Eve when Our 10 week old son felt warm with a fever and coughing and difficult breathing. We were on vacation from SoCal. We took him to the ER at USC Davis. My son had to stay there for a week. Our 2 week vacation ended up being 3 weeks. We decided it was so close to Our oldest son's Birthday 1 week away that we would throw a Birthday party for him at Chuckee Cheese. He liked Hulk and We gave the green light to do a Superheroe party, Our Friend went Wild, Superhero Everything, All the kids from the other birthday parties wanted to come to our table. We had a hefty bag of just party goodie bags that he continued to open on our drive back to Socal. Lsriley1@yahoo.com
I wish this had come out a week ago...we just did a THOMAS THE TRAIN birthday party for my 3 year old, he was so excited to have Thomas, James, Percy and Gordon deck the walls and on the party favors!
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My son is only two so as of yet has no real concept about birthdays but he loves attention and is very social so adores being doted on by everyone (even though its an everyday occurrence anyways!)
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Getting presents mostly of course but also having his friends together and having fun.
Thomas the train
Toy story
themes of his BD parties
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My son, Ryan, will be turning 4 the end of June and <3's Thomas. This would be perfect as a gift for him. He is so excited about the fact that a bunch of his friends are going to get together to play with him and celebrate his birthday
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as with any kid, he enjoys receiving gifts
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Besides the obvious presents, I think my children really love the balloons.
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My boys love opening presents at their b-day parties!
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My daughter's upcoming birthday theme is going to be luau-her choice
I like Thomas and Friends on FB as Elaine Lund
That would be my 2 year old granddaughter Elizabeth. She would adore this set wish I could start getting dvds for reviewing I've tried everything.
We just had a Toy Story party for my oldest son.
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I'm planning my son's 4th birthday party. The theme will be John Deere tractors, and I will be attempting to make a tractor cake.
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RobertandDenise Wilson
My son had Thomas the Train for his last birthday party!
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My son loves playing with friends at birthday parties. I think that is his favorite part.
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The theme for my grandson's next birday will be Dinosaurs. He loves everything Dinos!
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Thomas will be the theme of my son's 3rd birthday party!
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The cake!!! its all about the cake!!!
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Our favorite theme has been star wars!!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
My daughter's 2nd birthday will be farm-themed
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My 3 yr old son... who has chosen his upcoming 4th birthday as a Space theme, which should be super fun
surveymom1470 at yahoo dot com
Cake! My 4 year old loves to eat and talk about cake, cupcakes and chocolate. Yes, he takes after his Mom!
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My grandson last birthday was fire truck theme with a cake I made shaped as a fire truck and he enjoyed eating the cake and homemade ice cream.
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My sons name is Major...he says, "Mater"...so we did a "Mater" from cars birthday party this year!
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My son is only going to turn two, so he doesn't know much about birthdays yet. But he sure does love Thomas and we plan on having a Thomas themed party.
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Of course right now my boys love presents and cake!! Their favorite party theme was Pirates!!! They love Disney and Capt Jack Sparrow!!!
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I entered the Hayneedle giveaway.
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For one birthday party we had a Hello Kitty theme.
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
One of my favorites with my late daughter was the spa day party. We did hair, nails, some makeup, tiaras.
So many wonderful memories.
MANDATORY ENTRY: My daughter LOVES "cake" the most at birthday parties! She's my little PORKY-PIG, but who can blame her, who doesn't LOVE birthday cake, right?
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
We are getting ready to host a Toy Story 3 birthday party next weekend.
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Actually my sons birthday is coming up in June and we're having a THomas b-day party for him! Thanks!
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My daughter's last theme was Fancy Nancy!
My sons favorite thing about his birthday party is the special cakes I make him.
they love the cake best.
My favorite birthday party was a jungle themed one my mom did for my brother's 7th birthday! It was so fun!
alaskawildrose at gmail dot com
my kids loved mrs.mommyyatgmail
my daughter of course loves presents and cake the most!
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
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