I do my part, right? I don't spill things on it, I don't let the kids bang on the keyboard or push on the screen (at least not too much. Little Sister B does get pretty excited when she sees pictures or videos of babies), and I don't even jostle it around much. It simply sits on the table and needs to be available for me whenever I'm ready.
But what is it about computers? I'm no expert, but I don't think it's too much to ask that my screen doesn't freeze up or it doesn't take five minutes to load a single page, right? I find myself constantly cringing or angrily tapping my fingers while muttering, "Do something. Just DO something, already!" far too many times during the day.
Not thinking that there was a way to easily fix your slow computer, I assumed that the option I would turn to would be digging into my wallet to buy a new laptop. Instead, however, I was introduced to Auslogics and their innovative BoostSpeed 5 software and realized that I had the opportunity to give my laptop a second chance at life.

Considering I don't know what phrases like, "new drive map display style" and "improved disk defragmentation algorithm" actually mean, my main question was whether or not BoostSpeed truly could take a slow PC and make it run faster and more smoothly.
Downloading the program and getting it started took only a matter of minutes and in a few quick clicks it was running a system scan to find out just what sort of situation my laptop was in. Using a five-point scale with levels such as Serious, Dangerous, and Critical, it wasn't long before I had the results.
With numbers like 984 registry errors, 1962 junk files, and 14,583 fragmented disks, it appeared that my laptop had been needing BoostSpeed much more than I had realized. Giving it some time (around 20 minutes), it came to the final conclusion that "Attention: 17,530 problems are slowing down your computer." 17,530!
Clicking on the "Repair Now" button was my clear next step and it did take around two hours or so for BoostSpeed to work through all of them. But in the end?

BoostSpeed 5 really is a one-stop maintenance and optimization tool, because cleaning up, speeding up, and repairing your computer is something that just about anyone who uses a PC or laptop would want. The long list of features that this software provides are ones that casual computer users to gamers to tech-savvy professionals can appreciate.
As well as getting rid of potentially harmful problems, I'm happy to have this on hand for any time it seems like I need an effective, user-friendly way to free up disk space, recover an accidentally deleted file or just speed up my internet connection. My laptop hasn't been transformed to being brand new, but using BoostSpeed definitely has extended the amount of time and use that I've gotten out of it.

(Other than the copy of BoostSpeed 5 that I was provided by Auslogics, I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and this product.)
If it also comes with a "U" key, I'm sold!
This is something we really need for our laptop. We don't use it that much because it's slow. We could sure use a boost as well!
My laptop as you know has seen better days. But wow girl you had major errors, that's crazy. I would say you needed some help lol!
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