You know when you're growing up and your mom asks what your favorite meal is so that she can make it for your birthday?
I always had a hard time with that one, there are just so many tasty foods out there!
Now, as a grown up, I'm still not sure what I would select as my one favorite... so when Chili's wanted to know my three favorites? And how much I would enjoy it if they were all on one plate? My mind (and taste buds) started to race thinking about putting things like fettucini alfredo with cream cheese wontons and gooey fudge brownies...
So, following the thought that why just have one favorite food when you could have three, Chili's came up with their delicious new Triple Dipper of tasty appetizers!

The Triple Dipper is three appetizers and three dipping sauces and now also has the addition of two types of potato skins and the all-new honey chipotle shrimp! By giving diners the chance to mix and match their favorites, The Triple Dipper adds up to a pretty perfect meal.
Thinking this sounded like a great way to be able to customize our menu to exactly what we wanted, my husband and I called the kids to the car and off we went to Chili's to check out just how much our bellies would enjoy this for ourselves.

In fact, I think I looked away for only a minute or two and suddenly that full plate had been reduced down quite a bit.

All in all, we really enjoyed the Triple Dipper. Due to the various food palates that are in my family (vegetarian or just picky), being able to choose precisely what will show up on our plates makes the meal even better!
Do you have Chili's fans in your family as well? As well as entering to win a gift certificate below, you can also enter their great "Shout Out to Eat Out Triple Dipper" sweepstakes! To enter, visit the Shout Out to Eat Out website and create your own terrific trio by uploading a photo of your face into one of the provided images.
Every day from May 1, 2011 until June 30, 2011 one winner will be randomly drawn to receive a $20 Chili's gift card. There will also be three grand prize winners of a $333 Chili's gift card on June 30, 2011!

One lucky person will win a $20 gift certificate to Chili's!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you tell me your three favorite foods (any foods!) that you would like to have all on one plate.
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow ShoutOutToEatOut on Twitter, follow Chilis on Twitter, Like them on Facebook, and/or opt in to Chili's email club.
1 Extra Entry if you create your terrific trio on ShoutOutToEatOut and leave me the URL to it.
1 Extra Entry (1 total) if you send this tweet and leave me the link: At @Chilis Good Things Come In 3's! Check out @2Wired2Tired http://bit.ly/linkyrave for 200 chances to win in the #tripledipper linky rave!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a $20 gift card to Chili's in honor of their delicious Triple Dipper! Yum! #thxmailcarrier http://bit.ly/lX2VxV #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about the three foods you would most like to have one one plate and mention the Shoutout2eatout.com promotion and this giveaway. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Want even more chances to win this awesome giveaway? Just click on the cute little button below and see the rest of the blogs participating in this event!

A big thank you to Chili's for providing a $20 gift card for me to use for review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 978 Newer› Newest»I posted that Thanks, Mail Carrier referred me
three favorite foods on one plate..
bacon potato skins
cheese stix
following ShoutOutToEatOut on Twitter
following Chilis twitter
entered the BK giveaway
entered $200 amex/veggie party kit giveaway
I let Chillis know you sent me & about this contest.. Mary =)
I follow Shout out to eat out on twittter @alongcamemary1 Mary =)
I follow Thanks,Mail carrier on twitter as @alongcamemary1.. Mary =)
I follow @Chillis on twitter @alongcamemary1 Mary =)
I love Chillis baby back ribs,,love Chillis bacon potato skins,,love Chillis cheese stix with yummy 3 dippins sauces,,(its so hard to pick just three!! lol )
@alongcamemary1 Mary =)
I "like" thanks mail carrier on facebook "Mary Rodowicz"
Mary =)
posted & shared on Facebook about Thanks Mail Carrier Chilis contest on ..also shared with others,, "Mary Rodowicz"
ty for the chance to win this great contest !! Mary =)
Entered your blog name on the form.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow shoutouttoeatout on Twitter; rhoneygee
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Like Chili's on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/77637878238298112
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow you on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow you on Facebook: Rebecca Honey Graham
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I clicked and linked to your blog.
My three favorites are Loaded Potato Skins • Fried Cheese • Hot Spinach & Artichoke Dip!
Tweeted ~ https://twitter.com/#!/susanlanai/status/77637495851974656
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I'd like grilled halibut, roasted potatoes and tomato salad on my plate.
follow ShoutOutToEatOut on Twitter (clc408)
follow Chilis on Twitter (clc408)
Like Chili's on fb (Cynthia Conley)
I have filled out the form.
3 foods on 1 plate
Loaded Potato Skins
Memphis BBQ Skins
Honey-Chipotle Shrimp
Tweet #2
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Following on gfc (clc408) #2
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entry #2
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entry #2
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kg4rmt at arrl dot net
My 3 favorite foods would be a fajita quesadilla, breaded pork chop and fried chicken thigh.
kg4rmt at arrl dot net
I Like Chili's on Facebook as Selene Montgomery
I've opted in to Chili's email club.
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I follow you on Google Friend Connect as smdrm
I'm subscribed via Google Reader.
I'm a fan on Facebook as Selene Montgomery
I filled out the form, thanks!
I entered Thanks,Mail Carrier in the box
Three favorite foods....
Chili's sliders
Chili's fries
stuffed mushrooms!
jenfur427 at hotmail.com
My three favorite things to have on one plate would be ribs, chicken tenders and hamburger.
I liked Chili's on FB under Jennifer Dixon.
I opted in for the Chili's email club!
I follow you on GFC(LInda G)
Follow you thru GFC, entry one
GFC follower, entry two.
Your button is on my blog on the right side. Right now it's under bloggy besties, but it'll be under I heart free stuff whenever my hubby finishes my blog redesign.
entry one.
Your button is on my blog on the right side. Right now it's under bloggy besties, but it'll be under I heart free stuff whenever my hubby finishes my blog redesign.
entry 2.
Your button is on my blog on the right side. Right now it's under bloggy besties, but it'll be under I heart free stuff whenever my hubby finishes my blog redesign.
entry 3.
fb fan, entry one.
fb fan, entry two!
I filled out the form. Thanks for the chance!
aleksa91 hotmail com
Three favorite foods I’d like on a plate: ahi poke tuna, seared sea scallops & salted edamame.
aleksa91 hotmail com
busyworkingmama follows chili’s on twitter
aleksa91 hotmail com
busyworkingmama follows shout on twitter
aleksa91 hotmail com
I like Chili's on FB - aleksandra n.
aleksa91 hotmail com
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aleksa91 hotmail com
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aleksa91 hotmail com
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aleksa91 hotmail com
FB fan of yours!
aleksa91 hotmail com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
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abfantom at yahoo dot com
I entered the Country Crock giveaway
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I filled out the form!
I posted that Thanks, Mail Carrier referred me
Email address is in blogger profile
I'd pick hot dogs, pizza, and Ruffles potato chips
Email address is in blogger profile
I follow ShoutOutToEatOut on Twitter - bsw529
Email address is in blogger profile
I follow Chilis on Twitter - bsw529
Email address is in blogger profile
i filled out the form crystletellerday@yahoo.com
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Email address is in blogger profile
I follow you with google friends connect - barbara wright
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Email address is in blogger profile
I subscribe with google reader
Email address is in blogger profile
I did the mandatory entry!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
3 favorite foods on one plate- Chips & salsa, cheese enchiladas and rice & beans!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
I also entered your Burger King giveaway!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
I also entered your Jenlinn giveaway!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
I follow via GFC- entry 2
CrystalW07 at aol.com
I like you on Facebook- Crystal Ward
CrystalW07 at aol.com
I follow on GFC- entry 2
CrystalW07 at aol.com
Filled out form
Boiled Lobster, Steamed Clams and Clam Chowder
I follow ShoutOutToEatOut on Twitter (@eyzofblu63)
I follow Chilis on Twitter (@eyzofblu63)
I like Chili's on Facebook (Nadine E Larsen)
linky rave tweet http://twitter.com/#!/eyzofblu63/status/77766777160998913
I follow on Twitter (@eyzofblu63) and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/eyzofblu63/status/77770994395258881
I follow through GFC (Peace Love and Pets)
I filled out the form.
am a fan on Facebook (Nadine E Larsen)
cheese-steak and spinach
follow shoutouttoeat twitter
follow chilis twitter
clicked on the link
3 of my fav foods are... Reese's peanut butter cups, lasagna and chocolate donuts!
follow SOTEO on twitter -mijalphoto
I clicked on the link.
follow Chilis on twitter -mijalphoto
google friend #1
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FB fan of TMC #1 - Becky L.M.
FB fan of TMC #2 - Becky L.M.
entered Thomas & Friends giveaway
entered Country Crock giveaway
entered Bambo Nature giveaway
entered Magic Cabin giveaway
entered Booster Seat giveaway
entered Burger King giveaway
entered Jenlinn.com giveaway
Submitted your blog name to the form!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Favorite foods: spaghetti, french fries, and tart frozen yogurt with fruit!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Email subscriber #1
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Email subscriber #2
jek9880 at gmail dot com
GFC follower #1
jek9880 at gmail dot com
GFC follower #2
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Entered the 39DollarGlasses giveaway
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Entered the FeelFitWear giveaway
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Entered the Hamilton Beach CoffeeMaker giveaway
jek9880 at gmail dot com
Entered the JenLinn giveaway
jek9880 at gmail dot com
i filled out form! steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
my 3 fave foods, are scallops, steak and meat loaf!! yum! steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
im a fan of chilis on facebook, stephanie rowe miller, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
im a follower via gfc, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
im a follower via gfc, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com #2
email subscriber steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
email subscriber steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com #2
im a fan on facebook, stephanie rowe miller, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
facebook fan, stephanie rowe miller, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
ok this is weird but i'd totally want to have a bahn mi sandwich, pad thai, and pork tacos... guac on the side!!
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com
i follow chilis on twitter
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com
3 favorite foods..
chicken crispers
southwestern egg rolls
classic nachos
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
i follow shoutout2eatout on twitter.
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
i follow chilis on twitter.
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
i like chilis on fb
leslie m
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
chilis email club sub.
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
i created a trio but i forgot to grab the url!
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail
i follow you on twitter [lllwithleslie] + tweeted.
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
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leslie m
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
fb fan of yours. 2
leslie m
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
button. 3
livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com
mozz sticks, enchilada, nachos
follow shoutouttoeatout on twitter
follow chilis on twitter
entered amex giveaway
entered burger king
thanks for the awesome giveaway! i completed your mandatory entry...good luck with whatever it is! lol
my three favorites i like to have on one plate are hummus, falafel and tzaziki sauce! yum!
i follow chilis on twitter @ntiveheart
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