It's the sound of birds chirping outside my window and a gentle breeze blowing through the trees and the occasional car driving by.
Nothing else.
No whining or complaining or "it's mine!" or "I had it first!" or "She took it away from me!" or any other wonderfully loving phrases that seemed to be thrown around an awful lot this week.
Saturday mornings have turned into Daddy-Daughters days around here and I relish the time that the house is completely mine. I move the assortment of dining room items off of the table and sit back to relax, just me and my laptop.
Productive? Maybe. Usually I get distracted reading blogs or finding out what's being talked about on Twitter or window shopping online (I've already wasted plenty of time looking at toys and dining room sets and shoes to match a dress for BlogHer that I have yet to buy, among other things) but the point is that the time is all mine.
It's already only a matter of minutes before they're back, as I'm sure they'll be here within the next hour, but until then, there is peace. As a stay at home mom, I know that I'm not the only one who gets to the end of the week and just needs a little break from taking care of everyone else's needs and whims, right?
So, even if it's just a few hours to myself once in a while, my Saturday mornings give my mind the chance to feel something like this:

you sound like me....just sitting at the kitchen table...surfing the net with a cool drink near by.
Daddy-daughter days sounds like such a great idea! My me-time is eating candy (I'm a candy-a-holic, lol), a cappuccino, and watching my favorite show or browsing on my phone. I love the peace but I also like missing my daughter every now and again :).
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