What happened to the comfort of the ahh-this-is-just-right 70°s?
Now that I'm packing away my sweatshirts and flannel pajamas, I've found a disturbing trend in my closet in terms of my summer clothes: nothing fits.
The tops aren't quite as much of a problem, as wearing a t-shirt or tank top that is a little loose isn't really that big of a deal. But the pants and shorts? That's a bigger issue.
A belt can do pretty amazing things, but sometimes too baggy is just too baggy. I told my husband that the test is when I can pull the pants off without unbuttoning or unzipping them, then they have to go.
It pains me to see the ever-growing pile of pants of all kinds that are on their way to be sold or donated (especially because some are pretty stylish), but as they are 2 to 3 sizes too large for me and I'm never going back to those numbers, there's no use for them here.

So I'm really trying to keep my past success in mind this week, because lately my brain has been trying to forget everything that being a part of the Nutrisystem Nation has taught me. All of the new willpower that I have gained has been waning this week and the lack of water I've had and the overall poor snacking choices that I've made just don't result in me feeling good about myself.
Not to mention it's all topped off when I get on the scale and find...
This week: +0.8 lbs
Total loss: 21.2 lbs
Boo on that.
I wish I was one of those people that didn't turn to food when they were stressed, but unfortunately I do and the upcoming two weeks probably won't be helpful in that case. We've got family coming to town, a garage sale to plan, and pretty much just a full calendar for a while that will hopefully not reflect in even more gains in the future.
I've still got complete confidence in Nutrisystem, though. This program has already made an incredible difference in my life and I know for a solid fact that I wouldn't be out shopping in the smalls and mediums without this opportunity. I wouldn't trade in this journey for anything!
If you want to see how you can lose weight and get healthy with me, visit Nutrisystem today or call 888-853-4689!
Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit Living on Love and Cents, "Deal"icious Mom, Our Kids Mom, Sippy Cup Mom, Mama Loves Her Bargains, Closer to Lucy, The Life of Rylie...& Bryce, too! and Shibley Smiles and cheer them on as well! I guarantee you'll be inspired!
As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.
Totally temporary setback, no worries! I love that you have had to buy a new wardrobe because of this. Yay!!!!
I am so a stress eater girl so I totally understand. I have had more stress in the past month then I have in the last 10 years seriously! So you go for only gaining .8 lbs!
I spent like 3 hours yesterday cleaning out my closet! (I don't even think I wrote about that, duh.) But I'm with you...it kind of pained me to know I would be filling TWO large boxes with clothes that I would be donating, and spending a bunch of money on new ones. But really, when I look in the mirror, I don't mind spending the money at all. My clothes were so ridiculously big on me that they just looked stupid.
BTW...I put all of my big clothes in the two Nutrisystem boxes. Fitting, right? ;-)
Don't stress over your little bit of weight gain. Just jump back into the plan, and no more cheating for you, young lady! :-D
Have a great week!
Don't let it get to you, it's OKAY! You have done an amazing job so a small + is nothing. I'm planning a sale too, not fun stuff with the piles of junk in the basement.
You are doing well, don't get discouraged!
I bet buying smaller clothes was so fun!
Congrats on all ur weight loss !! Woot!! @alongcamemary1 Mary =)
This is one gain for the whole time you've been on the program. So you're still ahead. New clothes sound like fun. Plus, you are getting them for a wonderful reason...your old clothes are too big. Look at you!
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