I may have just forgotten (repressed?) the more difficult aspects, but potty training with Big Sister E wasn't all that hard of a process.
I remember just knowing that she was ready, talking to her about how the store was no longer going to let us buy diapers for her because she was a big girl, and finishing with my pièce de résistance: a No More Diapers Party.
Of course we weren't completely accident-free after that, but mainly we moved forward and never looked back. So... here we are two years later with Little Sister B and why does the situation seem so much more bleak?
She understands the concept, she has used the potty before, but somehow we're just not there yet. We haven't had the Party, so all hope isn't lost, but for now I think we just need a little more incentive to let her know that ditching the diapers is the cool thing to do.
Fortunately, Target and Pull-Ups have teamed up to surprise kids with the coolest of rewards when they successfully use the potty: Disney Character Calls. Who wouldn't want to continue being a big kid when a Disney Princess or a Disney/Pixar Cars character calls to say congratulations on their accomplishment?!

Simply visit BigKidCalls.com (or BigKids.mobi on your mobile phone) and sign up to have your choice of character send a congratulatory call to your child for successfully using the potty. After choosing between Cars or Princesses, you have the option of listening to the messages directly from the site immediately or scheduling them to call you for a more realistic experience.
We got started by heading to Target and checking out the great varieties of Pull-Ups for my big kid.

But of course a little encouragement doesn't hurt, right? Waiting until we had a successful trip to the potty, it only took me a minute or two to quickly schedule a call to my cell phone (you have to reply to their text to confirm, so a landline won't work for these calls) and tell Little Sister B that someone special wanted to tell her what a good job she had done.
When the phone rang, I handed it over and she was pretty excited to hear the sound of a princess on the other end...

And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be able to head to Target and pick up Pull-Ups to help with their potty training progress as well, because...
One lucky person will win a $25 Target gift card from Huggies
to purchase your own Pull-Ups!
to purchase your own Pull-Ups!

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Giveaway will end on June 28th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Target and Huggies for providing a Target gift card for me as well as a $25 Target gift card for one lucky giveaway winner. This review was made possible by Mom Spark Media. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 702 Newer› Newest»I wouldn't call it a tip, but being consistent has helped. Keeping tabs on the last time they went & asking/reminding them to go later.
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I like to wait until I'm ure my kid is ready, even if that means that they're not fully potty trained by 2 (who is?)
Put them in underwear for 3 days straight, yes there will be lots of accidents, but stay positive! By the end of the day 3, they will get the hang of it and will be going on the potty! Jenprincess88 at aol dot com
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Having an older sibling or cousin show them helped my son learn to potty train easily in one weekend. He wanted to be a big boy like his cousins and wear big boy underwear.
donnyandshelly at yahoo dot com
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Lots of praise and constantly reminding them
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My best tip is to use reward charts and praise your child as often as possible
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Stickers reward works very well for us.
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you have to have patience.
I haven't yet potty trained a child, but I am being told that literally waiting until they ask to go makes all the difference in the world.
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A star chart! I am not a big fan of rewards but it is the only thing that works for us. She loves getting those stars!
rachelbaldree at hotmail.com
For boys a cheerio in the toilet gives them something to aim at.
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Simple tip...get your kid a potty watch. They are great and it has an alarm to remind them to go.
it potty trained my niece in no time at all. She forgot her watch once and she kept running to look at the clock. She learned to tell time quickly too.
We haven't gotten that far yet. But everyone says get a super cool potty chair, so that she wants to use it!
Using cheerios as targets worked for my older son.
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bribe them! That's what I've learned from others! :)
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I have two boys and they say boys are harder to potty train... my boys potty trained by the age of three, and the advice I got was to start potty training them when they're ready,
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Take them to the bathroom everytime you go and let them go to
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patience, patience, patience
Potty Train in the winter so they can wear sweats and if they have an accident it is contained for the most part!
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The best thing I did to help my potty train my son was let him pee on bugs or weeds when we were outside and he had to go. He wanted to go all the time and pee on the ants. It made him realize when he had to go.
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give them a book to read it helps mverno@roadrunner.com
I gave my son an M&M when he told me he had to go and was still dry.
We also threw a Cheerio in the toilet for him to aim at, which made learning fun!
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RobertandDenise Wilson
give them an m&m if they use the potty right!
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Cool underwear!
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My best tip is to wait and see signs of interest from the child. This worked perfect with my daughter and she was trained in no time. My son seemed to show interest for a couple of weeks and then backed off. I backed off, too. It wasn't long after that that he was back at it and everything went smoothly. Trying to push them seems to make them resist more.
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My tip is to have patience.
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i was always told to put thrm iin regular underpants that is if they are hard to train. the regular panties are much more uncomfortable wet.
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What worked for our little on is giving an M&M each time she went potty, we eventually changed to just went she #2 but it worked.
Best tip: set a timer! Alison F alijdjam@aol.com
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My best tip is to let them go at their own pace, don't force the issue.
katiekarr at gmail dot com
My best tip is to never pressure the child.
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the best tip I got is don;t rush the kid.
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My best tip is to get rid of the diapers completely when starting potty training.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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be supportive and never chastise. it will happen in time.
hmcnaron at gmail
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