TRIA Beauty has launched a giveaway just in time for summer! Are you tired of constant shaving to get smooth skin? Sick of spending tons of money on pricey acne prevention products? Get one of TRIA Beauty’s FDA approved light-based products today! Make your skin smooth, healthy, and perfect for this summer season without emptying your wallet.
So what products does TRIA Beauty have to offer? TRIA Beauty has two specialized tools – one for hair removal and one for acne treatment. Both use light to safely and gradually help you get the smooth skin you are looking for.
The process used in TRIA Beauty's hair removal laser is called selective photothermolysis. The light from the laser is absorbed by the dark colored hairs, creating heat which disables the hair follicle from working. Treatments only take about twenty minutes, and it is recommended that you do a treatment just once every two weeks! After six months, your hair will virtually be gone!
The acne treatment product works similarly. It uses blue light to kill acne-causing bacteria before you breakout. You are guaranteed to see improvement in just two weeks!

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