So how to do you take a toy that is already near-perfect and make it better? By having Guidecraft, already known for their quality and innovation, turn the traditional tan wooden blocks into something colorful and amazing with their Crystal Bead Blocks and Shimmering Water Blocks.

But one look and the unique aspect of these wooden blocks is blatantly apparent: the acrylic centers are filled with either plastic beads or a mix of water and metal flakes. The result? A very cool set of blocks that makes a fun clinking sound as the beads roll back and forth or have a shimmering, wave-like look when the sparkly water drifts around.
Who wouldn't want to stack and balance things that are just so darn pretty to look at?

By turning the blocks on their sides, Big Sister E has declared the Bead Blocks to be gardens for animals to eat from and the Water Blocks to be swimming pools. Not only does she build a house, but then the inhabitants are able to eat and swim - even better!

Big Sister E has declared the Bead Blocks as her favorite while Little Sister B voted for the Water Blocks, but the consensus has definitely been positive for them both. I have no doubt that we will be adding the beauty of color to our building blocks for years to come!
Retailing for $32 each, the Crystal Bead Blocks and the Shimmering Water Blocks are available directly from Guidecraft on their website, through the shopping link of the Guidecraft Facebook page, or on Amazon for around 20% less (the Crystal Bead Blocks are found here and the Shimmering Water Blocks are found here).
Plus, being that this is an awesome Guidecraft Moms review, that means there is a giveaway for these great toys as well! This month it is being held at Homeschool Creations, but only until July 25th, so head over right away and enter to win!

(I was provided with Crystal Bead Blocks and Shimmering Water Blocks to help facilitate this review as part of my participation as a Guidecraft Mom. I was not compensated or enticed or to do this review in any way and this post is solely my honest opinion of this website, the products and how much we love them.)
These are really neat!
Wow, these are awesome! Hayden would LOVE these!
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