Saturday, July 23, 2011


As I was out of town from Friday through Sunday last weekend attending the Brands & Bloggers Summit, picking last week's winners was postponed a bit and I ended up combining them with the winners from this week. That pretty much just means there's a whole lot of winning going on around here!

First of all, the Fun in the Sun Summer Event that Jenna at A Mom's Balancing Act and I had a great time running came to an end with its final week of giveaways. As usual, I really enjoyed working with Jenna to put together this compilation of companies and prizes and we hope that you liked hearing about them!

Fun in the Sun #20: The lucky winner of Melissa & Doug sand toys is...

Congratulations, Kris!

Fun in the Sun #21: The lucky winner of a Go-Go Babyz gogo Kidz Travelmate is...

Congratulations, Carrie Phelps!

Fun in the Sun #22: The lucky winner of their choice of eco-friendly playhouse or vehicle from Build A Dream Playhouses is...

Congratulations, CarrieAnn13!

Fun in the Sun #23: The lucky winner of a DartZone Dartstorm Gatling Blaster from Prime Time Toys is...

Congratulations, Denise!

Fun in the Sun Finale: The lucky winner of a Little Tikes 2-in-1 Garden Cart & Wheelbarrow is...

Congratulations, Sarah!

The lucky winners of Bounty Paper Towels from are...

Congratulations, Lindsay S, McKim and Jennifer!

The lucky winner of two specially marked packages of Energizer batteries and the redeemable $10 Discover Prepaid Card is...

Congratulations, momznite!

The lucky winner of their choice of gorgeous item from Little-Little Black Dress Shop is...

Congratulations, mogrill!

The lucky winners of delicious WhoNu? cookies and a $25 Walmart gift card are...

Congratulations, Stacy and seaburd!

The lucky winner of a pair of Women's Fashion Sneakers from is...

Congratulations, klbs1!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered these great giveaways! Have a nice weekend!


Unknown said... 1

How exciting for the winners that was a great giveaway!

Sarah said... 2

Thank you, Xenia! I'm very happy and excited to win! Best wishes to you and thanks for hosting these giveaway! :)