At the time I think I was the one who was more apprehensive and worried about letting go. This is my firstborn we're talking about, how do I just sit back and let someone else take care of her? What if they're not good enough?
However, it was quickly proven that there wasn't any reason for me to fret, as Big Sister E went on to love her one-morning-a-week preschool that first year... and then even more the following year, where she attending two mornings.
There wasn't a single morning that she didn't want to go to school and, on the days that she wasn't attending, it always seemed like such a letdown for her to hear that no, there's no school today.
Having been out of school for the summer, the countdown of these last few days seems like it might never end. However, the start of this school year brings with it a momentous occasion:
My baby, my how has it happened that you've grown up this quickly? baby, is going to go as well.
Having watched her older sister love school for the past two years, Little Sister B is thrilled that she gets to attend as well this fall and it's hard to not get caught up in her enthusiasm.
she's my baby.
Of course I can't wait to see her flourish and learn and grow and hopefully develop the same adoration for school as her sister, but...
she's my baby.
Geez, if this is what preschool is like, how do parent ever survive sending their kids to college?
When it comes to back-to-school shopping, don't stop at new shoes and a backpack. Check out Tiny Prints and their great selection of lunch box notes, allergy cards, teacher appreciation cards, and much, much more. Their gorgeous and stylish products are great for kindergarten through college and beyond!

(I was provided with a Tiny Prints gift certificate in exchange for this post, however, it in no way affected my thoughts on my sweet girls going off to school or my opinion of this website and their wonderful products.)
They are so cute and they look so excited!
I love your little one's facial expression. I bet she is a hoot! How was their first day?
Oh my goodness Xenia, they are just too adorable!
My "baby" is out of my care for 4 hours in one week, I am scared:( I hate having to go through this again, Gavyn was away never looked back when he left. Zoe I have a feeling isn't going to do well...we will see.
I hope my little guy is as enthusiastic about school as your girls when it's time for him to start. Absolutely love the smiles on your girls' faces! Precious!
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