Monday, August 15, 2011

Back To School Event #1: BusyBodyBook {Review & Giveaway}

{This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Chris!}

At some point in the past five years, life kicked things up a notch and is now moving in fast gear.

Things went from being just my husband and I and our evenings filled with television and our weekends spent laying around in bed with breakfast and the newspaper... to me staying home with my easy-going, chunky baby... to today. Suddenly we're a family of four and keeping track of activities, appointments, errands, blogging, sports, trips, and more can often make my brain feel like it is running on overload.

With school starting for both girls in just a few short weeks, I knew that I needed a better way to keep track of everything or else I was risking things falling by the wayside. Fortunately, just in time for Back To School, BusyBodyBook and their collection of organizers, planners, and calendars are just the thing for busy moms (and dads) everywhere.

With a line of products designed to help every individual manage multiple activities at once, BusyBodyBook provides the clearest view of one's schedules and commitments to most reduce the hectic aspect of our lives. Who doesn't want that?

Considering that the award-winning BusyBodyBook GRID format has the ability to be customized to fit your needs perfectly while showing the agenda of the entire family in their own spacious column, I knew that the Personal and Family Calendar with the weekly GRID planner was just what I needed.

And when the stylish Cherry design arrived, I was ready and willing to get my life (and that of my family) organized.

family plannerAvailable in calendar year or academic year options, the possibilities seem endless with this calendar.

Right away I liked the bright, modern design and the durability of the sturdy pages and thick plastic front and back cover. It was easy to see that this was one tool that was made to hold up to an entire year's worth of being opened, closed, stuffed into a bag, yanked out of a pile, written on, and more.

In the inside, there seemed to be just enough of everything that the user has plenty of space to write down information without it being cluttered. I love the way that there is room for each family member or area of your life and that when writing in anything from sporting events to work meetings to household chores, it only takes one glance to see if you have booked a playdate at the same time as a check-up with the dentist.

customizable plannerI love the versatility of BusyBodyBook organizer, as the five columns can be used for family members, work deadlines, weight loss tracking, household chores, meal planning, and more. With a blank page on the left for notes and a to-do list, you can quite simply have the schedule and priorities that matter most to you right at hand.

getting organizedAs well as the GRID columns, I appreciate how much thought went into making sure that this BusyBodyBook contains just about every feature that I look for in a planner.

If you're someone like me who likes to be able to see the full month at a glance, that is offered:

monthly plannerIf you like to have a place to take notes throughout the day or make to-do lists (which are perforated for easy removal), you have plenty of space for those as well:

to-do listsOr if you're someone who likes the small things such as a movable bookmark so that you never have to flip through page after page to find the current week, then BusyBodyBook has you covered also:

family plannerThis organizer can do it all! I love being able to combine a desk calendar, a planner, and more all into one stylish place and have plenty of room for every aspect of my day. With the ability to get life in order for a single, working adult to a busy, stay-at-home-mom (to everyone in between), BusyBodyBook has the products that will work for you.

Retailing for $17.95, the Family Organizer is just the thing to help you get life's craziness under control during the busy back to school time of year. Also available from BusyBodyBook, the 7-Column Undated Weekly Grid Pad ($12.95) provides even more space and a magnetic backing so that you can always have it at hand on your refrigerator and their Wall Calendar ($14.95) makes it possible to see all of your family's information in one glance.

This school year, let BusyBodyBook help make sure that you don't miss a single appointment or deadline - or give the gift of organization to someone in your life that will surely appreciate it! You can even test out how well the innovative GRID format will work for you with BusyBodyBook's FREE downloads! And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be prepared to start their fall off on the right foot as well, because...

One lucky person will win their choice of item from BusyBodyBook!

BusyBodyBook giveawayBe sure to visit the BusyBodyBook giveaways on An Island Life, A Frugal Friend and Planes, Trains and Taxi Cabs as well for even more chances to win these amazing products!

To enter to win:
Visit BusyBodyBook and tell me which of their innovative products you would choose if you win.

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).

1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow BusyBodyBook on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!

Get organized and WIN the BusyBodyBook organizer, planner or calendar of choice! @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win

2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if your put our Back To School button up on your blog (find the code over in the sidebar). Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.

Giveaway will end on August 22nd at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

A big thank you to BusyBodyBook for providing a Cherry organizer for me for review as well as the product of choice for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 351   Newer›   Newest»
Cassie said... 1

I like the BBB in Cherry but I also like the wall calendar. It is a close race.

Cassie said... 2

I follw BBB on Twitter (CrazyCoolCrafty)

Cassie said... 3

I liked BBB on FB.

Cassie said... 4

I tweeted about this giveaway.!/CrazyCoolCrafty/status/103108248038670337

Cassie said... 5

I am an RSS feed subscriber. 1/2

Cassie said... 6

I am an RSS feed subscriber. 2/2

Cassie said... 7

I have the button on my blog.

Cory said... 8

i like the chocolate one
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said... 9

I love the blueberry one!

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said... 10

I like on twitter @lmm831

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said... 11

I tweeted and follow you!/lmm831/status/103119941896638464

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said... 12

I follow GFC Lisa McGeen

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said... 13

I follow GFC Lisa McGeen

Houses of Joy said... 14

I love the BBB in Licorice

Veronica said... 15

I would love to have their "Blueberry" 2012 Calendar Year, these look so nice. Thanks :)

Veronica said... 16

I follow BusyBodyBook on Twitter @vhenline

Veronica said... 17

I "Like" BusyBodyBook on Facebook (Veronica L)

Veronica said... 18

I am following you on Twitter @vhenline and I tweeted about this giveaway:!/Vhenline/status/103160886318989312

Veronica said... 19

I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect (Veronica) Thanks

Veronica said... 20

E-mail subscriber to your blog, thanks


Veronica said... 21

I also follow your blog on Facebook (Veronica L) Thanks

Anonymous said... 22

i would choose the blueberry personal and family organizer

Anonymous said... 23

i subscribed to you through email

Anonymous said... 24

I love the Cherry BusyBodyBook organizer where you can look at the whole month and I also love how you can make to to list and etc.

Anonymous said... 25

I liked on FB under Summer rae

Anonymous said... 26

I am email subscriber

Jen F said... 27

If I won, I'd choose the BusyBodyBook Weekly GRID planner in BlueBerry.

jenblogger7 at

Jen F said... 28

Entered your Swiss Colony giveaway.

jenblogger7 at

Jen F said... 29

Email subscriber #2.

jenblogger7 at

Jen F said... 30

Google Friend Connect #2.

mkjmc said... 31

I would get the yearly calendar in BLueberry

mkjmc said... 32

LIke Busy Body on fb

mkjmc said... 33

GFC follower kathypersons

mkjmc said... 34

LIke you on FB
kathy persons

mkjmc said... 35!/mkjmc/status/103186509439574016

Debbie said... 36

I like the Licorice family organizer
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 37

I like BusyBodyBook on FB
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 38

I follow you via GFC 1
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 39

I follow you via GFC 2
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 40

I'm an email subscriber 1
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 41

I'm an email subscriber 2
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 42

I like you on FB
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 43

I like you on FB
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 44

Your button's on my left sidebar 1
nofiltermom dot blogspot dot com
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 45

Your button's on my left sidebar 2
nofiltermom dot blogspot dot com
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 46

Your button's on my left sidebar 3
nofiltermom dot blogspot dot com
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 47

Your Back to School button's on my left sidebar 1
nofiltermom dot blogspot dot com
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Chris said... 48

I'd choose the BBB in Blueberry!

Debbie said... 49

Your Back to School button's on my left sidebar 2
nofiltermom dot blogspot dot com
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Debbie said... 50

Your Back to School button's on my left sidebar 3
nofiltermom dot blogspot dot com
dmartinock at comcast dot net

Chris said... 51

Follow - @HamptonRdsMom - and tweeted:!/HamptonRdsMom/status/103193759147229184

Chris said... 52

Follow via GFC

Chris said... 53

Follow via GFC

Chris said... 54

Button on blog:

Chris said... 55

Back to School Button on blog:

Andrea Kruse said... 56

I like the Personal & Family organizers in "Licorice"
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said... 57

I follow you on twitter (notimeMom) & tweeted!/notimeMom/status/103200435959103488
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said... 58

I follow BusyBodyBook on twitter (notimeMom)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said... 59

I like BusyBodyBook on FB (andrea potter kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said... 60

I subscribe via email
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
entry #2

Andrea Kruse said... 61

I am a fan on Facebook (andrea potter kruse)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Andrea Kruse said... 62

I have your button posted
entry #3

Andrea Kruse said... 63

I entered your Jenlin giveaway
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 64

I'd choose the Blueberry BBB Personal & Family Organizer


Kris said... 65

I like the cherry planner

Kris said... 66

I like busy body book on facebook

Kris said... 67

I entered zoe

Kris said... 68

I entered shaun the sheep

Kris said... 69

I entered roary the racing car

Kris said... 70

I entered beaducation

Kris said... 71

I entered 7th generation

Kris said... 72

I entered jenlinn

Kris said... 73

I entered clean it supply

Kris said... 74

I entered pampers

Kris said... 75

I entered red baron

Kris said... 76

I entered swiss colony

Kris said... 77

I subscribe to your feed #1

Kris said... 78

I subscribe to your feed #2

Kris said... 79

I subscribe to your emails #1

Kris said... 80

I subscribe to your emails #2

Kris said... 81

I like you on facebook #1

Kris said... 82

I like you on facebook #2

Unknown said... 83

I'm following BusyBodyBook on Twitter @buttonlove


Unknown said... 84

I like BusyBodyBook on Facebook (Amber Larkin)


Unknown said... 85

I follow you with google friend connect #1


Unknown said... 86

I follow you with google friend connect #2


Unknown said... 87

I subscribe by email #1


Unknown said... 88

I subscribe by email #2


Unknown said... 89

Your button is on my sidebar #3


Unknown said... 90

I would choose the Academic Chocolate planner

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 91

following BBB on twitter

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 92

GFC follower as Chris

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 93

GFC follower #2

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 94

RSS subscriber

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 95

RSS subscriber #2

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Jan Messali said... 96

I would choose the Aug 11 - Dec '12 Wall calendar
janmessali (at)

Jan Messali said... 97

I follow Busybody on Twitter, as janJ4C.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 98

I'm a Busybody fan on Facebook, as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 99

I entered the giveaway for the metal stamp kit.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 100

I follow you via GFC, as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com
entry 1

Jan Messali said... 101

I follow you via GFC, as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com
entry 2

Jan Messali said... 102

I subscribe via email.
janmessali (at)
entry 1

Jan Messali said... 103

I subscribe via email.
janmessali (at)
entry 2

Jan Messali said... 104

I'm your fan on Facebook, as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com
entry 1

Jan Messali said... 105

I'm your fan on Facebook, as Jan Messali.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com
entry 2

Jan Messali said... 106

I entered the giveaway for Shaun the sheep DVD.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

Jan Messali said... 107

I entered the giveaway for the Roary DVD.
janmessali (at) gmail (dot) com

April White said... 108

I like the August 11-Dec 12 wall calendar!

aprilagain73 at gmail dot com

April White said... 109

I liked them on Facebook!

aprilagain73 at gmail dot com

Aimee said... 110

I like the blueberry organizer. aimeeeldon at hotmail dot com

Aimee said... 111

I follow you via GFC #1. aimeeeldon at hotmail dot com

Aimee said... 112

I follow you via GFC #2; aimeeeldon at hotmail dot com

littleangel_mw said... 113

I would get : "Chocolate"
Aug 2011 - Aug. 2012 undated weekly grid

(littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

littleangel_mw said... 114

I am following them on TWITTER.
(littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

littleangel_mw said... 115

I follow you on twitter & TWEETED :!/DippelMichelle/status/103481290740858881
(littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

littleangel_mw said... 116

I follow you publicly on GFC.
littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com

littleangel_mw said... 117

I follow you publicly on GFC.
littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com

entry 2

littleangel_mw said... 118

I am subscribed via RSS FEED. (google)
littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com

littleangel_mw said... 119

I am subscribed via RSS FEED. (google)
littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com

entry 2

kygirl said... 120

I would choose the BBB in chocolate

kygirl said... 121

follow busybodybook on fb as charline stanley

kygirl said... 122

email subsriber

kygirl said... 123

follow gfc as stanleybilly

kygirl said... 124

follow you on fb as charline stanley

kygirl said... 125

follow you on fb as charline stanley

monica dennis said... 126

any of them would be great but i think the "blueberry" notebook is the prettiest =]

Veronica said... 127

Daily tweet on August 16th, thanks:!/Vhenline/status/103536835338313728

ColleenMarie82 said... 128

I really like the Wall Calendae

ColleenMarie82 said... 129

Following BBB on twitter as Halleelujahmom

ColleenMarie82 said... 130

LIKE BBB on facebook

ColleenMarie82 said... 131

I entered the Seventh Generation giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 132

I entered the Jen Linn giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 133

I entered the Rubbermaid Spray Mop giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 134

I entered the Pampers giveaway

ColleenMarie82 said... 135

I follow on Twitter and Tweeted!/HalleelujahMom/statuses/103570953639952384

ColleenMarie82 said... 136

LIKE U on facebook

Shell Holland said... 137

I like the "Blueberry" 2012 Calendar Year

Shell Holland said... 138

I like busybodybook on FB

Shell Holland said... 139

I follow busybodybooks on twitter @superschaley

Shell Holland said... 140

entered the swiss colony giveaway

Shell Holland said... 141

entered the red baron giveaway

Shell Holland said... 142

following and tweeted!/superschaley/status/103601914029154304

Shell Holland said... 143

following on gfc #1

Shell Holland said... 144

following on gfc #2

Shell Holland said... 145

I subscribe by email #1

Shell Holland said... 146

I like you on FB #1

Chris said... 147

Entered the Bob the Builder giveaway

Unknown said... 148

I would love the BusyBodyBook Wall Calendar.
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 149

I follow BBB on Facebook as CGruning
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 150

I follow BBB on Twitter as CGruning
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 151

I have your button on my blog:
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 152

I have your button on my blog:
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 153

I'm a google friend connect follower.
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 154

I'm an email subscriber
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Unknown said... 155

I follow you on Facebook as CGruning
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com

Georgia Mist said... 156

8/17 Tweet:!/GeorgiaMist/status/103712485391081473

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

Georgia Mist said... 157

I also entered the SWISS COLONY Giveaway!

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

Shell Holland said... 158!/superschaley/status/103787158275489792

The Studio said... 159

The busybodybook wall calendar. I have too many calendars to integrate. Help!

Veronica said... 160

Daily tweet on August 17th, thanks:!/Vhenline/status/103827143921893376

littleangel_mw said... 161

(littleangel_mw at yahoo dot com)

Anonymous said... 162

i'd choose the


Anonymous said... 163!/mom22kids05/status/103877012342587392

Tara said... 164

I love the cherry family organizer, it would be perfect for me!

Shannon Baxter said... 165

Loved the organizer...any style would be great!

Jeremy said... 166

BusyBodyBook GRID

Lady said... 167

Love the Blueberry!!! So would love one of these

Lady said... 168

Follow on you on facebook

Lady said... 169

Like and commented BBB on facebook

Lady said... 170

Also entered bob the builder giveaway!!

ninamcclain93 said... 171

I would want the blueberry busybody book

ninamcclain93 said... 172

I blogged!

Anonymous said... 173

I like the wall calendar, so everyone in the house can see it.
ad underscore freeman at rocket mail dot com

Anonymous said... 174

liked you on facebook:)
ad underscore freeman at rocket
mail dot com

Kris said... 175

I entered mabel's labels

Kris said... 176

I entered Fiber One

Georgia Mist said... 177

8/17 Tweet:!/GeorgiaMist/status/104035832939282432

outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

Andrea Kruse said... 178

andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

mkjmc said... 179!/mkjmc/status/104120725190881280

Shell Holland said... 180!/superschaley/status/104149376556998656

crystletellerday said... 181

busy body book wall calender

Anonymous said... 182

I would like the Cherry Busy Body Book. I need something to help me stay organized.

Anonymous said... 183!/mom22kids05/status/104240515641389056

Kris said... 184

I entered Bob The Builder

Diana R. said... 185

Love the Busy Body Book in Licorice!

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 186

Follow BBB on Twitter!

username: @vdr1984
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 187

Like BBB on FB!

username: Diana Russell
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 188

Like you on FB! (1)

username: Diana Russell
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 189

Like you on FB! (2)

username: Diana Russell
e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 190

RSS Subscriber! (1)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 191

RSS Subscriber! (2)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 192

E-Mail Subscriber! (1)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 193

E-Mail Subscriber! (2)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 194

GFC Follower! (1)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 195

GFC Follower! (2)

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 196

Entered your Mabel's Labels giveaway!

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Diana R. said... 197

Entered your Pampers giveaway!

e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

Shell Holland said... 198!/superschaley/status/104505955210903552

Veronica said... 199

Daily tweet on August 19th, thanks:!/Vhenline/status/104546275076222976

Anonymous said... 200!/mom22kids05/status/104594358937985024

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 351   Newer› Newest»