Oftentimes one of my daughters will be talking (nonstop, most likely) and I find myself getting a little bit entranced by their eyes.
There is something about the wonder and curiosity of children that comes through in the twinkle in their eyes and the excitement over the picture that they've found in a book or the bug they see crawling on the window.
For me, it has always been important to encourage that inquisitiveness and imagination, whether through a walk in nature, singing a song, playing with a sensory toy, and more. And I can't think of a company that has made that more possible than the one and only Guidecraft and, most recently, their 3-D Feel & Find World Icons.

Just from seeing the bright pictures on the box, Little Sister B was clamoring for a chance to try out the Feel & Find World Icons for herself. Although the recommended age is 3 and up, I knew that at 2½ she would have no problem manipulating the chunky pieces.

Little Sister B has improved on her time for matching up all of the shapes with the coordinating tiles and Big Sister E has gotten in on the fun in a variety of ways. Working individually or together, we have stacked the pieces into a tower and then stacked them again while talking about patterns...

Yet again Guidecraft has managed to take something classic and give

Plus, as I know that everything Guidecraft creates is safe and made of only the highest quality, this is an item that could be given as gifts for either boys or girls and last for years to come. Available directly from Guidecraft for $30 each (also found on Amazon for a little less) the Feel & Find World Icons are a classic sensory toy with a modern, fun twist.
And, thanks to the generosity of Guidecraft, one person will get to enjoy this great toy as well, because...
One lucky person will win 3-D Feel & Find World Icons from Guidecraft!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Guidecraft on Twitter, subscribe to the RSS feed of the Guidecraft blog and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN Guidecraft's Feel & Find World Icons (ARV $30) - great wooden toy for all ages! http://bit.ly/n4PCh7 @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook and/or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on September 7th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to Guidecraft for providing 3-D Feel & Find World Icons for me to review as part of my participation as a Guidecraft Mom and for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 1023 Newer› Newest»I love the Sound Box and the Weight Box.
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tamihuberty at gmail dot com
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tamihuberty at gmail dot com
I also love the fraction cups!
We would love the Magneatos.
We love the textured domino's!
Thanks for the giveaway...
Michele Jeffers
my son would love the animal train set!!!
extra entries: i follow you and guidecraft on twitter, followed them on fb, retweeted the contest, and followed you on fb
I just love GuideCraft's Harmony Table and Chairs Collection. dwelchert@yahoo.com
I follow Guidecraft on Twitter/flipper211 dwelchert@yahoo.com
We love the table top blocks!
I subscribe to Guidecraft Google RSS feed. dwelchert@yahoo.com
I follow Guidecraft on Facebook/Debbie Welchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
I love their hideaway kitchen.
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com
I entered your Case of 6 bottles of Ajax Giveaway. dwelchert@yahoo.com
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted giveaway. https://twitter.com/#!/flipper211/status/106872362112253952 dwelchert@yahoo.com
1. I follow you via GFC/dwelchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
2. I follow you via GFC/dwelchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
1. I follow you via your Google RSS feed. dwelchert@yahoo.com
2. I follow you via your Google RSS feed. dwelchert@yahoo.com
2. I subscribe via email. delchert@yahoo.com
1. I follow you on Facebook/Debbie Welchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
2. I follow you on Facebook/Debbie Welchert dwelchert@yahoo.com
My daughter would love the see and store dress up center!
I liked Guidecraft on facebook
kalaboo2581 at yahoo dot com
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jkdemeyere at yahoo dot com
I also follow you on facebook
kalaboo2581 at yahoo dot com
My kids would love building with the magneatos!
I've always wanted the Magneatos from Guidecraft.
I am a fan of guidecraft on FB.
I love the kitchen helper. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
I love Guidecraft's blocks! I can't decide which the kids would like most, the water or the beads, but I will be putting them on Christmas lists. Thanks!
Would have a lot of fun playing with these! My kiddos would be busy for a while!
Like them on FB! Thanks!
I think the Construct It kits would be a big hit around here.
I would love the fraction cups. thanks for sharing your review of these great activities. ape7grape27@gmail.com
We love Guidecraft! We have the Magneatos set and it is played with every.day. We have the Feel & Find on our amazon wish list - would love to win this!
My kiddos would love the fraction action board
drooling over the Art Cart...
drooling over the Art Cart
I think the fraction cups are cool
I liked Guidecraft on FB
We'd love to own the Center Stage Puppet Theater.
fastkat at gmail dot com
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(katrina fries)
fastkat at gmail dot com
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(Katrina Fries)
fastkat at gmail dot com
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fastkat at gmail dot com
I love the sensory stepping stones.
My little guy loves the magneatos. He builds all sorts of things!
Love the Magneatos.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I follow Guidecraft on Twitter (@MadelineMiller).
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I like Guidecraft on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter (@MadelineMiller) and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/MadelineMiller/status/106951697242390528.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC (Madeline).
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I like you on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).
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I added you to my blog roll at www.clothdiapergiveaways.com.
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madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I have your button on my blog at www.clothdiapergiveaways.com.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Love their cute art desks and play kitchens:)
I love the magneatos.
I like guidecraft on facebook.
You're on my blogroll.#1
You're on my blogroll #2.
I follow guidecraft on twitter.
Love the Magneatos!
I like the Block Mates Farm Animals!
My daughter would love the fraction cups.
I think the block mate community vehicles would be a big hit in our house. Thanks for the chance to win! suzcluz at hotmail dot com
I think my kids would love Construct-it early builder.
I love the fraction cups!
The sensory stepping stones look so fun! My barefoot children would LOVE those!
I like Guidecraft on fb
I'm following Guidecraft on twitter
I LOVE their dress-up carousel!!
tomokofive at gmail dot com
I like all of their block sets. I especially like how they have Arabian blocks, castle blocks, Oriental blocks, and Greek blocks with tons of different shapes so you can be very creative in your construction.
I like the all in one modern kitchen. aprilstilesrn@yahoo.com
I'm loving the table top greek blocks.
I love the kitchen helper by Guidecraft
My son would love the Twist N Sort set. My daughter would love the sand tray.
jslegspoet at yahoo dot com
Okay those magneatos are SO cool!!
i love the art activity cart! steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
I already like Guidecraft on FaceBook :)
jslegspoet at yahoo dot com
I love the Guidecraft Magneatos. They look neat.
lajohnson555 at yahoo dot com
I like the crystal bead blocks from Guidecraft. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. This giveaway just introduced me to your blog for the first time. :)
dksandsfamily at gmail dot com
The magneatos would be wonderful. We also like their fraction cups and a couple of their games.
i LOVE the art table with chairs and paper rolls! So great! Thanks for this opportunity!
My kids would love these 3-D tactile matchers as well as the fraction cups! reidandkim@yahoo.com
We love the Magneatos!
i love the city blocks
knockeupandnursing at gmail dot com
I like GC on FB
sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
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sarah brown
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sarah brown
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sarah brown
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sarah brown
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
Entered the Tea collection giveaway
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
Entered the ultimate green store giveaway
knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com
I like the Big Rigs Dump Truck, although pretty much anything Guidecraft makes is great.
I like Guidecraft on FB.
i like their city blocks
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email subscriber#2
I love the wooden kitchens and the pull along wood toys!
I'm following thanks, mail carrier on Facebook!
The Magentos are amazing!! Perfect for all three of my preschool children!!
entered melissa & doug
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entered my pet firefly
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entered lala loopsy
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entered ultimate green store
entered red baron pizza
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So many great products. I would have loved the classic espresso desk as a kid!!
pd6914 at gmail dot com
Following on GFC
pd6914 at gmail dot com
Following with GFC
pd6914 at gmail dot com
I like the gross motor balance beam and the fraction cups!
tomokofive at gmail dot com
I like the Safari clothes tree
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entered havainas
entered Ragu
I love the Play Lofts!!
they just look wonderful!!
The kitchen helper is so cute!
I like the puppet theatres.
i love love LOVE the play lofts!! i also i like the kitchen helper. i have two littles that fight each other to help me in the kitchen and try to shove each other off of chairs.
I love the city blocks.
I like the magmentos
I follow you via email
I like their magneatos!
aclint31 at yahoo dot com
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I entered your Sunglasses giveaway!
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I entered your LaLaLoopsy giveaway!
aclint31 at yahoo dot com
I like the rainbow blocks at Guidecraft!
I am now following you on FB. We would love these!!
There are way to many great items over at Guidecraft! I am absolutely loving the Red Sox Step Up.
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I'm new to blogging, but I added your button!
entered Gummy Lump
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Thanks, Mail Carrier is on my blog roll (entry 2)
I love the Magneatos!
I love Guidecraft furniture, but their learning toys are pretty great too! jocieperotti at msn dot com
I've always drooled over their kitchen helper!
I just subbed via Google Reader
I entered Ajax
I entered Fiber One
my other extra entry for following via google reader
Just became a fan on facebook.
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