Monday, August 1, 2011

Nutrisystem {Week 31}

Nutrisystem BloggersI've heard from a lot of people recently that they can't believe I've been a part of the Nutrisystem Nation for this long. And you know what? I can't either.

But the thing is, it doesn't feel like it has been 31 weeks.

Nutrisystem just seems like a way of life now and although it may not be for everyone, I still love it. I'm not 100% following the plan, because after this long I'm going to have a slice of the pizza that my family is eating or enjoy some of the baked nachos that I made at my husband's request. After all, they're yummy!

But the thing is, I still incorporate Nutrisystem into my meals for more than half of the day. I always start out with my cup of coffee and one of the breakfast choices and look forward to it from the moment I get out of bed. Right now my favorite is the Apple Strudel Scone... mmmm...

...and the day just goes with the flow from there. Whether I follow the program perfectly that day or find myself eating out or snacking a little more than I should, I still incorporate what Nutrisystem has taught me into my choices. When I ate those delicious nachos with my family, I made sure to have a small portion with a big salad to fill me up!

So if you're someone who isn't happy not being able to eat anything and everything for your meals, maybe Nutrisystem really isn't for you. But if you're like me and have tried other weight loss programs but find yourself not keeping track of everything that they require or are frustrated that the numbers on the scale aren't going down, you just might find success here.

Right now there is even a Super Summer Sale going on where you can try out Nutrisystem at an amazing savings!

For me, I saw clear Nutrisystem results this weekend when I went out shopping for a dress to bring to BlogHer this week.

Finding no luck at nearly every other store I had visited, I came across a dress on sale at one of the big department stores. As it was the only one of that dress left, I loved the style and pattern but looked at the size and thought there was no way that it would fit me. We're talking Skinny Girl Size here, People.

One that I have never in my life even considered. Holding the dress out for a better look only confirmed it: this just wasn't going to happen. I left the dress on the rack and kept looking.

Only to return to the rack minutes later because I just really loved the dress. I figured since I was trying on a few other things anyway, I would give it a shot just for fun and hopefully not be too disappointed when I couldn't zip it up.

Let me just say: wow. The shock of having this dress fit just about made me pass out in the dressing room. Remember last week when I said there would be pictures from BlogHer this year? There definitely will be... and I'm hoping for lots of them in this dress.

The only thing that could top the high of seeing this dress ready to go in my suitcase?

Nutrisystem NationPrevious loss: 23.4 lbs

This week: -1.6 lbs

Total loss: 25.0 lbs

The excitement over making it to 25 pounds in time for BlogHer (and right on the nose!) shocked me this morning, as I had accepted that I probably wasn't going to make it but had been completely okay with it. I don't feel as though I did anything out of the ordinary this week (except maybe doing a better job remembering to drink more water), so it's another instance where I'm going to chalk it up to the awesomeness of Nutrisystem!

If you want to see how you can lose weight and get healthy with me (I love this program!!), visit Nutrisystem today or call 888-853-4689!

Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit The Life of Rylie...& Bryce, too!, Our Kids Mom, Mama Loves Her Bargains, Closer to Lucy, and Shibley Smiles and cheer them on as well! I guarantee you'll be inspired!

As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.


Liz Mays said... 1

I get to see you in the dress in person. Yippeeeeeeeee!!!

Jenny said... 2

WooHoo! You lost 25 pounds!!! I'm so excited for you!! You have done really well.

Anonymous said... 3

Ok don't pass out in the fitting room lol 1.6 lbs girl that is amazing. Congrats on 25 pounds down. You must feel amazing!!!

MIG said... 4

Can I do the Told You So Dance now? Lol! I knew you could do it in time for BlogHer and you did! I had complete faith in you. Now go and enjoy your beautiful dress! I'm looking forward to the photos. :)