After all, I sort of missed my foods while I was away.
It's not to say that there wasn't anything good to eat while in San Diego (just the opposite, actually), but standing there facing a buffet breakfast filled with eggs, hash browns, bagels, pastries, and more kind of made me just want my morning coffee and Apple Strudel Scone.
I'm a creature of habit, I guess.
I did bring along some of the pantry foods and my ever-favorite Double Chocolate Caramel Bar was perfect for a quick meal on the plane or while waiting in the airport. A delicious lunch on the go that leaves me without any guilt - I just can't beat that!
However, after returning home I instead found myself going out to eat and writing reviews for things like Snowman Truffles and finishing up Blue Bunny ice cream and... well, I just felt hungrier than usual (and with less willpower), so even though the Nutrisystem Nation has gotten me this far, it couldn't compete with the extra calories. I have zero doubts that this program truly works, it just needs my help to actually follow it!
Therefore I wasn't the least bit surprised when I got on the scale and found...
This week: -0.0 lbs
Total loss: 25.0 lbs
I actually should be very happy that I didn't gain weight this week, because that wouldn't have surprised me one bit. Along with being happy with that, I did also have a few clothing successes while out shopping this week that reminded me of how far I've come - I don't know if I'll ever get used to seeing smaller numbers or being able to wear something that is a Small, but I sure want to!
If you want to see how you can lose weight and get healthy with me (I love this program!!), visit Nutrisystem today or call 888-853-4689!
Want to hear how other awesome bloggers are doing? Head over and visit The Life of Rylie...& Bryce, too!, Our Kids Mom, Mama Loves Her Bargains, Closer to Lucy, and Shibley Smiles and cheer them on as well! I guarantee you'll be inspired!
As a member of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me to review. However, all thoughts, opinions and results expressed are completely and honestly mine; your experience or feelings may differ.
And you say I'm tiny? If you are buying clothes that are SMALL, I would say you're pretty tiny yourself. :-D
You are doing so awesome on this program! You have stuck with it all this time and you're still going strong. You might not have lost any this past week, but you didn't gain either, so that is great. Keep it up!
That is great!! I'm proud of you!
If you can eat truffles and ice cream and not gain you're AMAZING! I definitely count that as a success.
That Double Chocolate Caramel Bar sounds good! I could certainly eat that for lunch.:)
I tried Nutrisystems a few years back and could not eat the food - maybe my choices were bad.. and unfortunately, I still need to lose weight - a lot of weight... I will start on August 29 - going back on The Rotation Diet -I loved this menu when I was in college and I am hoping that I can stick to it once again to achieve my new goals.
Well down on losing 25 pounds!
I've Become My Mother
I've Become My Mother facebook
You are doing wonderful and yes you should be happy still without a loss. You should be so proud!
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