I have never denied that I have aspirations to do a better job around our house when it comes to the cooking and cleaning, but it seems that they always stay just that: aspirations.
With cooking, I find myself making the same handful of meals each week that we always eat because they're easy and I know that they are guaranteed to make everyone happy. With cleaning, well, that's another story.
I know there are some people that don't mind scrubbing the counters, shining the mirrors, and washing the floors, but I'm just not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love it when my house is spotless and sparkling clean, I just don't want to put in the time and effort to get it that way... particularly when it seems like the kids will have it dirty again by the time I turn around.
When it comes to our hardwood floor, we banished the traditional mop and bucket a long time ago. Who wants to deal with it being all slimy while having to ring out in dirty water and have it drip all over? No, thanks. We also tried one of those cleaning systems where you attach a disposable pad each time, but I wasn't a big fan of that either. How many of those pads do I actually end up using each time? And do they have to cost that much?
Thanks to CleanItSupply.com and the Rubbermaid Spray Mop, our floors have never been more efficiently, eco-friendly or easily cleaned.

And if they begin offering that service, your house is going to have to wait in line behind mine.
When the Rubbermaid Professional Spray Mop and Wet Mopping Microfiber Pads arrived, the first thing I noticed was that there was nearly no assembly required before my floors could be on their way to sparkling.

The removable, refillable 15 oz refill cartridge pops in and out of its holster with ease and can be filled with whatever solution you prefer. From plain water to a store-bought liquid or one that you create yourself, just pour it right in and pop the bottle back into place. Located right on the handle of the Spray Mop is the ergonomic thumb activated trigger that conveniently dispenses liquid in two spray streams behind the mop to cut down on your overall cleaning time.

But as well as being designed to remove dirt and grime, the 18" size of these pads (as well as the base of the Spray Mop) is pretty amazing. Instead of feeling like I have to go over each section of the floor time and time again, I can simply attach and detach the pads to the Velcro on the bottom and be ready to wash 1.5 times the amount of footage in the same amount of time.

Retailing for $47.88 for the Rubbermaid Spray Mop and $55.60 for 12 Microfiber Pads, CleanItSupply.com has made it possible to make clean-ups easier and quicker without any concerns over potentially harmful chemicals on your floors that might not be safe for your children or pets. Simply use whatever cleaner you prefer in this high quality product!
And, thanks to the generosity of CleanItSupply.com, one person will be able to eliminate the dirt any time they please as well, because...
One lucky person will win a Rubbermaid Spray Mop and Microfiber Pads
(total ARV $104) from CleanItSupply!
(total ARV $104) from CleanItSupply!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
2 Extra Entries (per method) if you follow CleanItSupply.com on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook. 1 more Extra Entry if you update your Facebook status to the following: Have you shopped at CleanItSupply.com yet? They have all the cleaning supplies you need at discount prices: http://bit.ly/aLUQ2! I also just entered to win a Rubbermaid Spray Mop and Microfiber Pads (ARV $104) from Thanks, Mail Carrier: http://bit.ly/nPOLp3!
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
CleanItSupply.com has it all http://bit.ly/aLUQ2! I entered the #giveaway to #win a Rubbermaid Spray Mop (ARV $104): http://bit.ly/nPOLp3!
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, follow me on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
5 Extra Entries if you blog about CleanItSupply.com and link it to CleanItSupply.com and this giveaway. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on August 23rd at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to continental U.S. residents only.
A big thank you to CleanItSupply.com for providing a Rubbermaid Spray Mop and Microfiber Pads for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I like this product: http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-9065-hoover-floormate-spinscrub-hard-surface-cleaner-hoofh40010b.aspx
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entered the Coca-Cola's 125 Years of Summer Fun Initiative {Review & Giveaway}
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this window washer would make it so much easier for me to do my windows!
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i would like the cobweb duster, seen here:
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Any one product without me is valuless
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I'd like the Sanitaire DuraLite Commercial Upright Vacuum Cleaner (EURSC9050)
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I'd like this storage shed
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I have a new puppy....http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-400-i-70-carpet-spotter-1-quart-bottle-i-70-1qmn.aspx need I say more...haha
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8/15 tweet
I'd like the Brute 44 gal. trash can. My old cans are worn out. seaburd at comcast.net
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I entered the Pampers giveaway
I'd also like to own the Acid-Resistant Industrial Sprayer, 2-Gallon Capacity (RLF1992A). I've been in need of a sprayer this size for my garden area.
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http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-4285-slim-jim-recycling-container-with-venting-channels-blue-rcp354007blu.aspx is the recycling bin I would love to try out!
Merceury Storm WEt/Dry Vac
8/16 tweet
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would most like to own this steam cleaner: http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-1751-hoover-commercial-steam-vac-blackgray-hooc3820.aspx
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id love to win!!
item description-Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap System - Green Tea & Ginger, 4 Kits (REC00067)-Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap System - Green Tea & Ginger, 4 Kits per Case
SKU: REC 00067
item link- https://www.cleanitsupply.com/ShoppingCart.aspx?add=true&ReturnUrl=%2fp-9218-lysol-healthy-touch-hand-soap-system-green-tea-ginger-4-kits-rec00067.aspx
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I would get this: http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-203-elements-organic-acid-restroom-cleaner-1-gallon-bottle-e03-01mn.aspx
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8/17 tweet
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
id love to have this pro window cleaning kit! http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-3736-pro-window-kit-ungpwk0.aspx
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Allibird1 at aol dot com
entered the metal stamping starter kit, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the seventh generation diaper giveaway, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the jennlin.com giveaway,
steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the busybodybook giveaway,
steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the mabels labels back to school combo giveaway, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the red baron pizza night prize pack giveaway, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the coca-cola beach kit giveaway, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
entered the swiss colony truffle giveaway, steph at steffiessweetsinsations@gmail.com
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I would like the Hoover SpinSweep Pro Outdoor Sweeper. Looks like just the thing to clean the driveway, patio and sidewalks. http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-4363-spinsweep-pro-outdoor-sweeper-hool1405.aspx
8/17 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I entered the Ajax Laundry Detergent giveaway!
I entered mabel's labels
I entered Fiber One
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I would love this beast. http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-8973-sanitaire-quiet-clean-upright-vacuum-cleaner-sealed-hepa-filtration-eursc9150b.aspx
Powerful enough to suck up my carpet
I would most like to win the beige garbage can with the foot pedal
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8/18 tweet
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My boyfriend would love to have this hed: http://www.cleanitsupply.com/p-4274-slide-lid-storage-shed-sandstoneolive-rhp-3752.aspx
Posted "Have you shopped at CleanItSupply.com yet? They have all the cleaning supplies you need at discount prices: http://bit.ly/aLUQ2! I also just entered to win a Rubbermaid Spray Mop and Microfiber Pads (ARV $104) from Thanks, Mail Carrier: http://bit.ly/nPOLp3!" on Facebook
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8/19 tweet
I entered your IHOP giveaway.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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Who wouldn't love to have a professional carpet cleaner! Thanks for the giveaway!
tgrattan4 at hotmail dot com
I'd love to hang this in my kitchen to free up counter space:
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
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