We make choices each and every day that we believe are best for ourselves, our family, and our environment. From shopping with reusable bags to skipping the junk food to recycling, there are some that come as second nature.
Then we take things a step further and work to ensure that our kids don't have bottles or utensils made out of toxic plastic or that we don't spray down their toys with chemicals that are harmful if touched or ingested.
It feels good to know that we've made healthy choices, right?
But what if you found out that there were items in your home that you spend hours with that are filled with toxic foams, layered together with glues, covered with synthetic materials and treated with harsh chemicals? Chemicals that are emitted that you and your family then breathe in, night after night?
Would it make you look at your mattress and pillow much differently? Then it's time to visit Essentia and learn about their amazing natural memory foam products that can provide comfort and health for your entire family.

The result? The world's first and only natural memory foam mattress. An item that will deliver comfort and performance, is biodegradable, will likely last its owner for more than 25 years, and is completely and utterly healthy. Pretty amazing, right?
Along with their high quality mattresses, Essentia also has a line of Natural Pillows that provide a place to rest your head that has the same benefits of the pressure relieving natural memory foam. And when the Classic Pillow arrived, I could immediately tell that the time I spend sleeping had just been improved.

Having never tried memory foam, the Classic Pillow has made me wonder what I've been doing all these years without it. The material molds itself to your body shape to evenly distribute the weight of your head and neck, therefore meaning I don't wake up with the stiffness or pain that comes with the pressure of sleep.
Plus, with the Zebrano fabric pillowcase, feeling the unbleached certified organic cotton (made with organic dyes as well) on my face is soft and refreshing. The signature stripe design complements a variety of styles and the whole thing easily unzips for removal.

Having set out on a mission that they would not compromise on producing only the healthiest, most comfortable products possible, this is one alternative to the traditional mattress and pillow that we should all have in our homes.

However, considering just how many years of use they will provide and the fact that they are the only non-toxic, natural memory foam out there, can you really put a price tag on your family's well-being?
If you've been looking for a way to make a difference in

Thanks to the generosity of Essentia, one person will be able to bring a little extra green comfort into their home as well, because...
One lucky person will win a Classic Pillow from Essentia! ARV $199!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow Essentia on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
WIN a Classic Natural Memory Foam Pillow from Essentia (ARV $199) for comfort & health! http://bit.ly/q0DIkX @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win
2 Extra Entries (per follow method) if you follow me publicly with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
3 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on October 26th at 11:59pm CST. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to residents of the continental U.S. and Canada only.
A big thank you to Essentia for providing a Classic Pillow for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1498 Newer› Newest»I would love to own the Kingston Luxury Natural Dog Bed for my furry family members
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
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I like their crib mattress protector (Stinky Pad)
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I entered the Hellmann's gift card giveaway
I entred the Pillsbury Sweet Moments giveaway
I entred the Bialetti Trends Pasta Pot giveaway
I entred the Shout prize pack giveaway
I bet my aging kitty would love a dog bed for himself!
I have followed Essentia on twitter
I have Liked Essentia on Facebook.
would love to have FlexDrive
Adjustable Mattress
I would like the unity mattress it's Split down the middle- Half Dormeuse (for me), Half Beausommet--firm (for my husband).
I super-duper want the Dormeuse memory foam mattress! Nice!
I follow Essentia on Twitter as @HollyStormEtsy
I entered your Shout giveaway.
I entered your Tangled giveaway.
I entered your Children's Palace giveaway.
I would like to have the Kingston
Natural Dog Bed for my dog Maggie. She needs to be pampered. m Thanks.
Oops! I didn't realize you had 2 children's Place giveaways! (see previous post). I entered the one for the hat/t-shirt. Thanks!
I entered your Halloween Express giveaway.
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I really like the motion bed. So cool!
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If I could afford it (which I can't) I would buy a new Unity mattress. We need a mattress BAD!!
following Essentia on twitter as ritaasmom
like Essentia on FB as Rita Suzanne
Entered the Halloween Express giveaway
Entered $25 gift card giveaway
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I would love their flex drive adjustable mattress, looks comfy and good for my health!
calvert0 at telus dot net
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calvert0 at telus dot net
Have your button at rocketgirl00.blogspot.com
calvert0 at telus dot net
After reading about "conventional" mattresses on their website, I am pretty disgusted. I would LOVE that nice, new comfy pillow!
email subscriber
follow you on twitter @dewinner & tweeted
calvert0 at telus dot net
email subscriber #2
I would love the Flex Drive adjustable mattress.
I like the Unity mattress.
janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
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janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
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janice budgell pollard
janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
I also entered your Halo sleep sac giveaway.
janicebudgellpollard at hotmail dot com
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I learned that this company was formed when a family member was diagnosed with cancer and they realized how much toxic was in just about everything we use.
I follow Essentia on Twitter @dfral
I like them on Facebook. Debra Fraley
I'd love the Beausommet mattress!
jek9880 at gmail dot com
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GFC Follower Debra F
Entered the Bialetti Pasta Pot giveaway
jek9880 at gmail dot com
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Entered the Tangled giveaway
jek9880 at gmail dot com
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daily tweet 10-5
The Forma Spa pillow would be perfect for my husband because it's80% more breathable than a synthetic memory foam pillow, thereby reducing heat and discomfort.
I follow Essentia on Twitter - @4emsmom
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Entered Bialetti Trends Pasta Pot giveaway.
Entered $25 Visa gift card from Hellmann's
Entered Case of Final Touch giveaway
Follow via GFC - Rita M
I would like to own the pillow for side sleepers. Krau0728@gmail.com
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I would love the organic denim mattress! Sheer brilliance! A durable, yet soft, material would make for pleasant dreams indeed. May be just what I need to be able to sleep with my fibromyalgia.
I would like to own the FlexDrive
Adjustable Mattress
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
follow Essentia on Twitter (@PandaSweetSweet)
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
I have entered the HALO giveaway
sweetpadna2010 at gmail dot com
Follow you on twitter (@PandaSweetSweet) and tweeted:
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
love the pet bed and the crib matress cover(im a new gramma)
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sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
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sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
entry 2
I would love the Flexdrive Mattress!
ksceviour at hotmail dot com
I follow Essentia on Twitter(@ksceviour)
I Like them on Facebook(Karla Sceviour)
I love their Stinky Pad
Crib Mattress Protector
dorcontest at gmail dot com
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doreen riopel
dorcontest at gmail dot com
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would love to try the w FlexDrive
Adjustable Mattress
I follow Essentia on Twitter -name wildcardacehigh (louise gilbert)
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-fb name Louise gilbert
I follow you on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway -name wildcardacehigh (louise gilbert)
Motion Mattress was neat. Thanks for the chance
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
GFC follower #1. Thanks
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
GFC follower #1. Thanks
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
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dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
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dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
I would love the FlexDrive Adjustable Mattress!
I follow Essentia via twitter as @Dovescry2000
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(Deb Dorrington is FB name)
I want the motion matress :)says it reduces heart burn and hubby has that alot
jumpin.beans09 at gmail.com
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tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Dovescry2000/status/121724388218388480
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I'd like the Baby Genius mattress!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
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I entered the Shout giveaway.
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Facebook Fan..#1 Deb Dorrington
I'd like to have the Natural Dog Bed for my pup. Only $500... :)
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
Facebook Fan...#2 Deb Dorrington
I follow Essentia on Twitter (leigh_owens)
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
Essentia FB fan (Leigh Owens)
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
I'd like to have the Essentia Stinky Pad for the crib.
Entered halloween Express GC
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
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entered Glow Crazy
entered Childrens Place GC
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leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
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leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
entered Childrens Place critter hat
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
entered Tangled
leigh4thewin at gmail dot com
entered the Clean It supply Final Touch
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