Although my own mother has told me on many occasions that the years will continue to pass faster and faster, it has only been since I became a mom that I've come to understand what she meant... and completely agree. Am I going to blink and my girls will be in high school? Or have children of their own?
No one can predict what the future holds, so all that we can do is make the best decisions possible for ourselves and our families in hopes that they will result in a good life that is filled with happiness and opportunities.
One such decision? Protecting our family and their future with life insurance, something that the LIFE Foundation knows all about.

According to industry research, there are 11 million U.S. households with children under age 18 that have no life insurance and the problem is growing. As these families are just one illness or accident away from a financial crisis, LIFE has created the "Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic" to help show how much insurance truly matters.

This large collection of photos encourages people to upload up to 20 of their own to show that their loved ones' financial future has been safeguarded by a smart decision to purchase life insurance.

Considering how difficult it already is to pay the costs of a

To find out much more about the Life Foundation and the impressive work that they do, visit their website. Then be sure to check out their Facebook page and upload your own photos to the "Insure Your Love Picture Mosaic." No one wants to think about the unexpected instances or disasters that could happen in life, but there is no reason to leave your family unprepared. Don't let another day go by without insuring your love!
I received a gift card as part of a promotional program with the LIFE Foundation and MomSelect. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are honest and my own, as always.
Thanks again for spotlighting us last week! I posted a "thank you" to you if you want to check it out! :)
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