Even with ramping up the hand-washing, my kids' noses are still running and their coughing is still deep and raspy. Although there are medicines that are designated as being for children, I have a hard time bringing myself to use them, as the dosing instructions always seem complicated and the list of unpronounceable ingredients makes my eyes cross.
Fortunately, we have had past positive experience with Zarbee's Cough Syrup and I knew that this was one company that would be there to help us through the upcoming winter months that are sure to be filled with even more coughing and congestion.

Developed by Dr. Zak Zarbock, one of the country’s top pediatricians, Zarbee’s Nighttime Cough and Sleep Drink is an all-natural, drug-free, honey-based, over-the-counter cough remedy that

Instead of containing things that are under FDA review for safety - like Dextromethorphan, one of the most common ingredients in over-the-counter cough medicines (and can't be used by kids under the age of four) - Zarbee's new product is made from antioxidant-rich buckwheat honey. Not only is buckwheat honey safe for children, but clinical studies have shown that it is more effective at relieving coughs associated with colds and upper respiratory illnesses.
In addition to buckwheat honey, Zarbee’s Nighttime Cough and Sleep Drink contains immune-boosting Vitamin C, zinc and elderberry and a small amount of melatonin, which research shows safely and naturally helps kids fall asleep. The bottle is gluten free, contains no alcohol, drugs or dyes, has no side effects and carries no risk of overdose. What more could I ask for when it comes to bedtime and wanting us all to get some rest?

"So, it's good?" I asked.
"It's yummy!" She enthusiastically responded, drinking more.
I managed to get one small taste and I agreed with her. Although I'm typically not a fan of anything that is grape-flavored, I felt that the elderberry and honey in this drink gave it more of a sweet, berry taste that was pretty tasty.
As for the results? Definitely less coughing! Although she was still coughing the following day (it was one of those persistent coughs that never seem to go away), Big Sister E was able to fall asleep and stay asleep easier than she had the night before. I was happy knowing that this was a safe, gentle and effective remedy that could really help but had no risks of being harmful.
According to Dr. Zak, cough is the number one symptom driving visits

Available at Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kmart, Kroger, Winn Dixie, and Meijer stores nationwide for a suggested retail price of $8.99 for six doses, more information about Zarbee's Nighttime Cough and Sleep Drink (and Zarbee's other great products) can be found on the Zarbee's website. You can also connect with this innovative company on Facebook and Twitter.
(Other than the Zarbee's Nighttime Cough and Sleep Drink that I was provided, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this company and their products.)
Awwwww, I feel bad that she's been sick, but I'm really glad it's helping make a difference for her!
Poor girl! We have used Zarbee's night time cough and sleep a few times already. We love it! Chloe calls it her tea.
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