Although my kids might never know what a cassette tape is or remember life before their favorite television show could be paused to wait for them to go to the bathroom, there are aspects of my own childhood that I'll be sure to pass on to them.
For one: game night. I have memories of gathering around the table with my family and rolling dice or picking cards and spending the evening plotting and playing and laughing together... and that's something that I want my girls to enjoy as they get older as well.
And one of the most classic board games around was, and always will be, Monopoly. Who doesn't remember debating the merits of being the thimble versus the race car? So, in a few years when my kids can grasp the concept better, I have no doubt that we'll be pulling out this one for some good old-fashioned fun.
However, Monopoly is anything but old-fashioned these days now that it has joined the technology era with Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition.

But switching over the money isn't the only change that Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition has made in order to keep up with the times. With updated property values as high as $4 million and paychecks for passing Go equaling $2 million, players will become moguls faster than ever as they wheel and deal their way around the board.
When this newly-revived classic arrived, I was ready to relive my youth in an updated-for-the-21st-century type of way.

Random personal feelings aside, Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition has been a lot of fun to play. With no money to count out and all transactions done through the banking unit, setup is minimal and there is never any worry of running out of (or losing) the paper money of the past.
Instead, while players are rolling the dice, buying properties, paying rent and more, you simply pass the unit around or, alternatively, have one person be the designated banker. Gone are the days of anyone trying to slip an extra $500 bill from the bank, as the machine takes care of it all.

Plus, she just really likes seeing her bank account increase when she decides that she has "earned" more money!

Available at mass merchandise retailers nationwide (and on Amazon) for $24.99, this would be a fun addition to game night this fall and winter. Plus, for a limited time Hasbro is offering a coupon for $4 off of your Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition purchase - head over to their Facebook page to grab one today!
And, thanks to their generosity, one person will be able to wheel and deal electronically soon as well, because...
One lucky person will win Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition
from Hasbro!
from Hasbro!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry if you follow Hasbro's Family Game Night on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
I want to WIN Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition for fun for the whole family! http://bit.ly/w4CMFg @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win
1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on November 21st at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be 18 years of age or older.
A big thank you to Hasbro for providing Monopoly: Electronic Banking Edition for me to review as well as for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 782 Newer› Newest»thanks for the giveaway! Monopoly is actually my favorite. I have been collecting them for a while and I have about 8 different versions so far.
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Chutes and Ladders was my favorite game as a kid:)
mclemore102 at gmail dot com
Camp Granada was my favorite game as a child.
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My favorite game when I was a kid was CLUE. Neighborhood kids were always at out house and we played board games ALL the time. What fun memories.
Kathy Davis
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Kathy Davis
The original monopoly.
Candy Land!
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When I was a kid I loved Monopoly and Sorry! But now me and my family love Apples To Apples
My favorites as a kid were Life, Monopoly and Stratego!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
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Candyland was my fave :)
s a u c yap ple {@} hot ma il {dot} c o m
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saucyapple {at} hot mail {dot} c o m
I also entered the Magic Cabin giveaway :)
I loved LOVED board games when I was a kid, I think I got 5-7 every Christmas. Sorry was always a favorite of mine, but I think Mall Madness took the cake!
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My favorite game that I use to play with my friends and family was twistter. ArianaRose2@aol.com
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I loved playing yahtzee
I liked playing Clue.
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Life -- loved that game
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I liked the game Chutes and Ladders.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
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My favorite board game when I was a child was the game of Life.
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I used to love playing Trouble with my brother, until he would start losing and then turn over the whole game.
LIked Hasbro's Family Game Night on FB (nadine rose)
I always loved Uno as a kid
The Game of Life was my favorite!
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My favorite game from my youth was Sorry!
I loved Mousetrap!
Favorite game was Perfection
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my fave game was Clue
hockiemack at hotmail.com
Monopoly or checkers
amhengst at verizon dot net
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I loved Trouble when I was younger :) Thanks for this giveaway
elizzzzzabeth at yahoo dotcom
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elizzzzzabeth at yahoodotcom
I always loved LIFE
animasou @ comcast . net
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I used to love LIFE. Thanks!
I like Family Game Night on FB as Holly Storm-Burge
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My favorite game as a kid was PayDay.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
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My favorite game was Operation!
i loved LIFE
i follow hasbro on twitter @lyndzloo83
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com
I love Monopoly.
ighmeg at yahoo.com
My favorite game was Life.
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My favorite game as a kid was sorry or yahtzee.
I liked playing Battleship as a child.
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I was a big CLUE fan.
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Darcy Nxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I entered the Magic Cabin give away.
My favorite game as a kid was Guess Who :)
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I entered the Gumball machine giveaway
I entered he Sumo Lounge giveaway
My favorite game was Operation.
faithful1104 at gmail dot com
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My favorite game as a kid was Life, because we could play it at my grandparents.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
The Game of Life. My sister & I played it for hours.
I follow Hasbro's Family Game Night on twitter as @sablelexi
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jlynettes @ hotmail . com
My favorite game growing up was Monopoly
Monopoly has always been one of our favorite games of all time!
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Entered the Sumo Lounge Omni Beanbag Chair giveaway.
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my favorite game was 'Sorry!'
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My favorite game as a kid was always Scrabble - and it's still my favorite, though Monopoly is right up there as well!
I follow Hasbro's Family Game Night on Twitter: @guettel78
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Clue was always my favorite.
Thanks for the chance.
My favorite was Monopoly (with Clue coming in a close second...)
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My favorite game from my youth was Sorry.
My favorite game from my youth was Sorry.
I follow on GFC as Helen Keeler.
email subscriber as Helen Keeler
My favorite game as a child was Candyland :)
I always loved playing Battleship when I was a kid - still do.
toddlovessweeps at gmail.com
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I loved Candy Land!
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entered Balloon time giveaway
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entered Magic Cabin giveaway
My favorite game was Candyland when I was a child. lnb1191(at)aol(dot)com
Clue was my favorite game.
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I loved playing Scrabble & Skip-Bo with my grandma and dad as a kid :)
Like Family Game Night on Facebook - Chi Shannon
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GFC Follower - Anastasia
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Entered the Sumo Lounge beanbag chair giveaway
I was always partial to Yahtzee when I was a kid. :)
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