After having had children, any time someone asks me what I would like for my birthday or a holiday, I always joke that the best gift would be sleep.
It's what all parents truly want, isn't it?
As much as I love the way that Little Sister B wakes up full of energy and enthusiasm every morning, I would really love it if that would occur after the sun is up. Even though we have had endless conversations about playing with the toys in her room or reading her books, she just can't contain her excitement enough to not share it with the rest of us.
Needless to say, when that elusive gift of sleep arrived at my door courtesy of SleepBuddy, I'm not sure I could have been more thrilled to see it.

Hoping that SleepBuddy would be able to encourage Little Sister B learn to stay in her bed (or at least her room) until it was a reasonable time to come out and wake up the rest of the house, when I saw how the system arrived, I knew that she would immediately be excited about it.

Waiting until the time was right that we were prepared to start using the system, I told Little Sister B that we had something extremely special for her and, as suspected, she couldn't wait to rip into it.

Not exactly, I told her. It's a special light for your room.

While my husband read Little Sister B the included book, A Bedtime Surprise (which does a great job of telling about a child receiving their own SleepBuddy, making it easy for the new user to understand what it is about)...

Leaving her room with the soft blue glow, that was the first night of SleepBuddy... and we've never looked back.

Instead, after calling out, "My blue light's on!" she

As we've found success with the sleep system on its own, we haven't tried out the SleepBuddy Rewards Chart, but I can see how it would be a great incentive for kids. Simply add a sticker to the chart for each time that the program is followed and, when the week (or other predetermined time) is filled, they receive the reward that you've chosen.

Retailing for $34.95 directly from the SleepBuddy website (or from them on Amazon), if there are sleep issues in your house, this would be a great holiday gift idea. No more wishing for the gift of sleep when it is now available... even better, at a discount! Enter the coupon code momselect at checkout when ordering from their website and you'll receive $5 off of your SleepBuddy from now until December 31, 2011!
Thanks to their generosity, one person will be able to wake up feeling rested and refreshed soon, because...
One lucky person will win a SleepBuddy Complete Sleep
Training System!
Training System!

Extra Entries (available after the mandatory entry above is completed; please leave a separate comment for each entry in order for them to be counted).
1 Extra Entry (per method) if you follow SleepBuddy on Twitter and/or Like them on Facebook.
1 Extra Entry (per giveaway entered) - Enter any (or all) of the giveaways running on Thanks, Mail Carrier for the duration of this giveaway.
1 Extra Entry if you follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the tweet below and leaving me the link. Tweet daily for an extra entry every day!
The gift of sleep! I want to WIN a SleepBuddy Sleep Training System (ARV $35)! http://bit.ly/siY0Xg @thxmailcarrier #giveaway #win
1 Extra Entry (per follow method) if you follow me with Google Friend Connect, subscribe to my RSS feed, subscribe to Thanks, Mail Carrier by email, become a fan on Facebook or add Thanks, Mail Carrier to your blogroll.
2 Extra Entries if you put my cute button up on your blog. Please leave an address where it can be found.
3 Extra Entries if you blog about this giveaway linking back to this post. Please leave an address where it can be found.
Giveaway will end on December 21st at 11:59pm CST. By entering this sweepstakes, you are agreeing to these official rules. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law. Do me the favor of leaving an email address or making absolutely sure it is visible in your profile, I have to have a way to contact the winner. The winner will be chosen by random.org and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to contact me or respond to notification or a new winner will be chosen. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only and must be 18 years of age or older.
A big thank you to SleepBuddy for providing a SleepBuddy for me through MomSelect as well as a SleepBuddy for one lucky giveaway winner. The opinions shared are my own and honest and if you really need to see more, click here to see how I roll.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 396 Newer› Newest»I think I would give this gift to my cousin, she has two little boys that I think would benefit greatly from this! :)
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because my son never stays a whole night in his bed.
We'll be transitioning our son to a toddler bed soon. This would be a great thing to start him out with so he doesn't get up frequently. Love this concept!
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We need this!!!! The digital clock just isn't working!
I think this would be a great gift for my niece Kendall, keep her in her bed longer and out of her moms bed.
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Leah Baird
it would help us a ton. My 2 almost 3 year old currently will not stay in her bed and pretty much took over our bed. Nothing we try has worked and my husband has resorted to sleeping on our futon.
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This would be a gift for my Grand daughter Alice, she is having a hard time learning to sleep in her own bed.
Connie G
CGruning at aol(dot)com
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I hope it would help my son with bedtime and naptime! He's horrible about going to sleep and waking up in the am.
I think this would really help on holidays when the kids cannot stay in bed until a reasonable time.
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Sleep Buddy would be great for my grandson! My daughter doesn't have him on a sleeping schedule yet so it might actually help them both out. :)
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This would be great for my friend because she will be a new mother and won't know anything about sleep patterns and this could help!
ivorykeystease at yahoo dot com
This would be great for us...my three year old sometimes is up at the crack of dawn and it is hard to explain that it isn't time to wake up yet :)
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My 3 year old nephew could use this! He still doesn't sleep through the night. My poor sister is exhausted.
My 5 or 1 year old could benefit because they both will not sleep in their own rooms
good for kids or little ones that have a hard time sleeping
this would be for my 3 year old as she still does not sleep in her own room or through the night...with a newborn I need my sleep.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
This would be beneficial for my friend who has three kids 4 and under. They never seem to get enough sleep. Like to an extreme. It's kind of sad, actually.
angella13 at gmail dot com
It would benefit my son because he is transitioning to his own room.
This would be great to use with our 22 month old!
I think this would benefit my 1 year old daughter.
mlsteinfels at yahoo dot com
I think it would be good for the little one to get on a good sleep schedule!
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SleepBuddy would help my husband and I to teach our daughter good sleeping patterns
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I need this for my daughter who won't stay in her bed at night
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this would be beneficial because my daughter needs some external signal to tell her it's sleep time! (And Mommy saying so doesn't seem to be enough).
This would be great for us. I have a 3 year that likes to get into moms bed in the middle of the night. She dosent like to nap either... Hope I win!
OMGoodness!!! We need one of these! My 3 yr old is always up at the crack of dawn, and we're always telling him to go back to bed. This would work WONDERS for us! What a cool idea!
Samantha D
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Samantha D
my 2 and 3 year old share a room and i honestly feel that they never sleep. my husband works night shifts so i am the one that has to get up and put them back to bed o the sleep system would be a great gift for them and me!
reljsw at gmail dot dom
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We are about to move my daughter from her crib so this could be very helpful!
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angella13 at gmail dot com
With a child who thought it was perfectly acceptable to get up at 5:30am this morning I could definitely use the SleepBuddy system!!
12/2 tweet
i'd love to give this to one of my friends whose daughter is a horrible sleeper giveawayhound at gmail dot com
I have a son with Autism and going to sleep is hard for him for he is always stuck on high gear. I am hoping this might help calm him to make it easier for him go to sleep.
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angella13 at gmail dot com
this would be amazing for keeping my kids in bed in the morning.
12/4 tweet
my cousin has a 1 year old, and one due this month, so i think this could help her out a lot!
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I could use a sleep buddy because my daughter wakes up way too early. After she gets the whole house up she then wants to go back to bed.
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angella13 at gmail dot com
12/5 tweet
I'd give the Sleepbuddy to my friend. Her 18 month old runs around like crazy and night...she'll have a new baby in February so she needs this!!
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my son would benefit from this greatly..
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Teh Doll
This would be for my daughter, to help train my grandson.
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I think that this would be great for us because my daughter is still having issues sleeping through the night. and doesn't seem to want to stay sleeping when she finally does get to sleep.
Crystal Mexico
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