Of all of the things that Big Sister E enjoys, two that rank pretty highly are art projects and making messes. Typically I try to keep those two things separate, but once in a while I bend the rules when I know that she is going to have a blast...
Which is exactly what was bound to happen with the
Kid Concoctions Magic Bubble Art Kit from Alex Toys.

Coming complete with soap, color drops, stickers and more to make 16 bubble-themed creations, this crafty and creative kit makes it easy for kids to whip up some artistic projects in minutes. What kid isn't intrigued with bubbles? And when they're colored and make prints on paper cut-outs? Even better!
Pulling out the pieces from the box, I already had no doubt that the Magic Bubble Art Kit had Big Sister E's name written all over it.

The full list of contents included three bottles of color drops, glittery liquid soap, assorted paper, 90 stickers and punch outs, four mixing cups, six straws, six pipe cleaners, four craft sticks, string, a plastic stir stick and instructions.
Seeing that it was recommended to cover our art area, we laid out a tarp and began to set up our cups...

...filled slightly with water. However, when it came to the next steps, I found that I was scratching my head looking at the somewhat-sparse instructions.
While there were words to go along with the images, there seemed to be chunks of them missing so I wondered why they were specific on the amount of water to place in the cup and to "add a couple drops of soap" but when it came to how much color, the instruction was to simply "add color."

Deciding that we would just add a few drops and go from there, Big Sister E oohed and aahed over the immediate change in the water...

...and, after I figured out that what looked like gold glue was in fact liquid soap, she was excited to get started as we mixed the bright colors with the strange, two-pronged stir stick.

Then came the bubble fun! By using one straw or multiple, kids simply blow into them to create bubbles in the colorful liquid...

...that, when paper is placed over them, create art. It didn't take long before I realized that our very-lightly colored bubbles meant that the color didn't transfer well to the paper, so I added in more drops of the coloring. Big Sister E, however, didn't care! She just wanted to keep on blowing bubbles!

However, with all of the cute shapes, stickers and more that are included in this kit, it didn't take long before we started turning our colorful art into fun projects. We ended up with a variety of creative animals...

...a bouquet of flowers that rivals any fancy florist...

...and much more. My favorite ended up being this cheery rainbow-colored fish...

...while Big Sister E liked all of the pieces, sticker adhering...

...and final look of this hot air balloon and its happy passenger.

Although the box shows many of the projects adhered to the included craft sticks (I found it strange that this kit doesn't come with a small container of glue or a glue stick), we found that attaching them to construction paper worked out great as well. After a few hours of fun, we had a whole stack of really cool items to show for it!

Although our colors didn't turn out anywhere near as vivid as the pictures on the box (as apparently I still never added enough color), that just means that we'll know to do so next time! There was plenty of the dye and soap to pull this out a few more times, although we will just have to use our own cups due to how soggy the included paper cups were at the end of this art session.
In the future, I'll be sure to grab plastic cups - and will use more than four so that we can mix even more custom colors. We were able to talk about creating orange from our red and yellow, but I would have liked to mix up some purple and green as well!
I'll also be sure to bring back our tarp (or line the table well) as Alex Toys was right when they suggested to cover our work surface. The colors did wash off our hands and wear away in the next few days, but I'm pretty sure that our carpet wouldn't have recovered so easily!

Big Sister E's final thoughts on the Magic Bubble Art Kit were that, "It's fun because you could blow bubbles! And I liked playing with it," so I consider that two thumbs up. We did this during a time that Little Sister B wasn't around (the kit is suggested for children 6 and over and definitely not for under 3 - and I agree with that recommendation) and I do think that any art-loving child would have a blast creating their own creative and colorful projects on a rainy day or as a special afternoon.
Retailing for $15.95 from GrowingTreeToys.com, the Kid Concoctions Magic Bubble Art Kit from Alex Toys is a great way to take a child's imagination on a science and art adventure that they'll be sure to enjoy. I can foresee us having even more fun with this in the future!
(Other than the Magic Bubble Art Kit that I was provided by Growing Tree Toys and Blogtricity, I was not compensated or enticed to do this review in any way. This review is solely my honest opinion of this product.)
How fun! Rylie would LOVE this! You're right...what kid doesn't love blowing bubbles?
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